» Family & Relationships » Blured lines by Chalen D. (first color ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «Blured lines by Chalen D. (first color ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Chalen D.

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wreck he doesn't need to see me like this.
"hey do we have a camera? i have this school project, in my photography class. i was think of taking pictures of the lake out back."
"good choice." edward said, handing me a camera.
once at the lake i took off my bag, and set it on the ground. i took pictures, at different angles, for the project.
"hey, missed you in the lot today." preston said, coming to my side.
i looked at him then went back to work.
"busy busy girl."
"trying to avoid anyone?"
"like who?"
"like me?"
"no. not you."
i sat down and looked at the lake. he sat beside me.
"this place is amazing." he said.
"yeah i really like it here, it would be the perfect place for lunch."
"or a perfect place for a first kiss."
"what?" i asked, looking at him.
he pressed his lips to mine, and i melted.
"miss tress?" Jacob called.
"whoa." i said, pulling away.
"i have to go." i said.
"ryan wait!" preston called.
i grabbed my bag and ran to jacob taking the phone.
"hello?" i asked.
"i am so upset right now it's not even funny. we have to find out who did this do you know who did?" tara said.
"i'm new here."
it wasn't a lie really.
"your right, get ready we're going snooping tomorrow. oh and ask preston out bye." she said, hanging up.
i exhaled.
i ran out the front door. preston was by his car.
"preston!" i called.
he looked over at me, i ran down the steps to him. he caught me in his arms and we kissed. "sorry." i said.
"i really like you."
"i like you too."
"see you at the game girlfriend." he said, kissing me and then getting into his car.
"bye boyfriend." i said.
as he drove away i thought i might faint right there in the drive way.
"i look retarded!" i told rosalynn when i called her.
i looked at myself in the mirror, and pulled on my cheer outfit.
"you'll be fine, see you at school." she said.

you can do this your going to go into that school and your not going to fold under tara's blue eyed stare do you understand me? i told myself. there was a knock on my car door making me jump. preston pulled it open.
"arguing with yourself?" he asked.
"is it weird?" i asked, grabbing my bag and getting out. he shut my door.
"no it's cute." he said, kissing me.
"i was giving myself a pep talk." i said.
"here let me help." he said, kissing me again.
"i like kissing you."
"your dork." i laughed.
he smiled and took my hand.
"about freaking time!" rosalynn yelled when she saw us.
"picture time!" she sang taking a pic with her phone.
"hey where's tara?" i asked.
"she's tearing the news room apart." she said.
"what?" me and preston yelled taking off, still hand in hand.
"where ya goin'?" rosalynn called. "this picture is going on facebook!"
"tara what are you doing?" i asked.
she looked at me defeated and then started to cry.
i looked at preston, and he nodded, and left.
i pulled tara into my arms.
"do you know what this paper will do to my rep. i have to find out who did it." she said. "tara. honey your a nervous reck. why don't you go home and sleep, leave this to me and the girls, to find out. besides the name won't be in here."
she nodded and left.
"see you at the game!" i called.
"what'd you do to her?" luke asked.
"shut up dork, i didn't do anything." i said.
"so i saw you with preston, you guys together?" he asked.
he hugged me and took took off.
"what happened?" preston asked.
i hugged him.
"i gotta tell her." i said.
"tara?" he asked.
"no rosalynn." i said.
i felt bad keeping it from rosalynn she was my partner in crime. i kissed him and found rosalynn.
"ok look, i didn't tell you cause i didn't want you to have to lie to tara."
"but you wrote the piece. i know. i won't tell anyone."
"your the best." i said, pulling her in for a hug.
"well i am pretty awesome."
the guys won 30 to 15.
"so i was thinking we could go out for pizza." preston said.
he got close and looked down at me.
"you okay?" he asked.
i reached up and kissed him. he rapped his arms around me, and kissed me back. he pulled away and smiled.
"what?" i asked.
"maybe we should skip dinner and go strait to bed."
"haha. pizza sounds good."
"your killing me."
"i'm a virgin." i blurted.
"oh." he said.
"you want out?" i asked.
"i want in. i'm not going to dump you cause your not sleeping with me."
"good. keep this up and i just might."
i gave him a quick kiss and started to his car.
After pizza, and a make out session he dropped me off.
"hey honey, i know your dating preston, so i got you something. it's in your night stand." lunett said.
"thanks, mom." i said.
how did she even know about.... rosalynn and her damn picture. i put preston's jacket on the chair and opened the night stand.
"condoms?" i asked, taking the box out.
"don't tell your father, goodnight." she said, closing the door.
what since i have a double life everyone thinks i have a secret sex life or something? gawd what's wrong with the people here. not everyone is just a big horn dog. yeesh. i took a shower and went to bed.
"guess what my mom gave me?" i asked, rosalynn when i called her in the morning.
"a box of f-ing condoms!"
"dude, that's the okay, to get it on."
"look that might be how things go down here but not where i'm from. i don't believe in sex before marriage."
it's kinda hard to believe in sex before marriage when you don't believe in marriage itself, but, she doesn't need to know that.
"trust me. when you hang with horn dogs, you become one. you know what they say you are who your friends are."
"oh gwad rosalynn, i gotta go i'll see you soon."
i put on my seat belt.
"k. i love you."
"and i love you, even if you are a horn dog."
"bye you dork." she said, laughing.
"bye." i laughed.
"okay i swear luke has a pencil dick." tara said, as i walked into her room, for the sleep over.
"more like an eraser tip." darrian said, dumping a hand full of skittles into her mouth. "whoa." i said.
they all laughed, and i took the skittle bag from darrian.
"so how's preston?" cammi asked.
"what?" i asked, choking on a skittle.
"you know in bed." darrian said.
"they haven't slept together yet. although her mom gave her condoms last night." rosalynn said.
"rosalynn!" i said, tossing a pillow at her.
"wait a minute. ryan, your a virgin!" tara said.
"yeah yeah, so what." i said.
"you so have to boink preston!" cammi said.
i choked again.
"i gotta do what now?" i asked.
"screw him." rosalynn said.
"you don't want to be the only virgin in high school do you?" tara asked.
"look ry, having sex is the easy part. it's giving your heart to someone, that's the hard part." darrian said, making me think that there was more to her than following tara around like a lost puppy.
she offered me a sweet sad smile, just for me to see. yep, darrian reed defiantly got her heat broken once.
"well shouldn't love be there? isn't that why they call it making love?" i asked.
"no, the high life chicks came up with that cause fuck was a dirty word." rosalynn said, with a shrug.
"come on ryan, just screw him and get it over with. i think your the only person i know who hasn't done it." cammi said.
"maybe i don't want to be a horn dog." i said.
rosalynn choked on her soda, and laughed.
"why it's fun. don't knock it till ya try it babe. at the end of this month i expect you to have slept with preston and gave us the full details. okay. homecoming." tara said. "hey why don't we go get our dresses now?" cammi said.
"godd idea." tara said.
they all ran from tara's room.
"ryan come on!" rosalynn called.
"yeah, we can get you somethings that's easy to slip off." cammi said.
"hey." i said.
"hi." preston said.
he kissed me.
"what was that?" i asked, to the peck he gave me.
he smiled and kissed me.
"better." i said, my legs feeling weak.
"sorry, i was up last night doing a paper."
"you should of called, i would have stayed up with you or something."
"no way, you where with the girls. besides one of us has to have a working brain, against tara."
"i think she's cooled down about that." i said.
"good." he said.
"i know one of you wrote that paper and i intend to find out. until i do your all considered losers as of tomorrow." tara said, at cheer practice.
"whoa, no need to yell they didn't do it." i said.
"what?" she asked turning on me.
cammi and darrian grabbed my arms.
"i said don't yell at them. they didn't do it."
"your out of line ryan fall back."
"you know what no, i'm tired of your bitch ass trying to tell me what to do. and another thing i hate cheer leading, i quit." i said, throwing down my pompoms.
"who's with me?" i asked. without hesitation, rosalynn tossed hers to the ground.
"that's it. alright then. oh, and i wrote the paper. make sure to spread it around school."
everyone gasped.
"your so done at this school, ryannen price!" she yelled, stomping her foot.
i smiled, "oh yeah? can't wait to see whatcha got."
i grabbed rosalynn's hand, turned on my heal and pushed the large door open wide.
"Marryann told me what happened." lunett said.
"yeah, well that's who i am. if you don't except that, i can't help that. you got a new one coming along soon anyway."
"i don't think it was very nice of you to talk to tara like that."
"you have never cared about me, all you care about is you. tara's a raging bitch that needs to be over thrown, but you don't see that cause you don't give me the time of day. so right now LUNETT i could give two shit's about what you think."
"show me some respect please this is my house."
"show me some respect and leave me the fuck alone." i said, slamming the door in her face. i raked my hands threw my hair and took a deep breath.
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