» Family & Relationships » Blured lines by Chalen D. (first color ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «Blured lines by Chalen D. (first color ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Chalen D.

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"we need to talk." my mom said.
"what's up?" i asked.
"we have some not so good news." my dad said.
"what?" i asked.
"you know how your adopted right?" my dad asked.
"yeah." i said.
"well, when we adopted you, you where kid napped." she said.
"so?" i asked, getting suspicious.
"so you're real parents want you back." my dad said.
i jumped to my feet.
"they can't do that. you guys raised me i can't just leave you can they do that?" i asked.
"sit down." my mom said.
"we tried to fight it but they won." my dad said.
"but. but, your all i know." i said.
i could feel it; tears coming. i tried to swallow the pain.
"we tried to tell them that." my mom said.
"okay. i have one year left, and i'm 18. it will be like me going off to a long summer camp or to collage for a year, and then i can come home right?" i said.
"of course you can, sweety, you know we love you." my mom said.
i could hear the pain in her voice.
"you know your our daughter and you'll always have a place in our hearts." he said.
my mom stroked my hair.
"when do i go?" i asked.
"after school." my dad said.
"do you want us to help you pack?" my mom asked.
"no. packing is a way of saying goodbye. i'm not ready to say goodbye. i never will.
i-i'll do it myself." i said.
i hugged them both and hurried away, letting the first of the tears spill. i packed my things, picked at my dinner and went to bed. the next day after school, i stood in the parking lot with my best friend and my parents.
"so this is it." natalie said.
i could tell she was trying not to cry, she always cried on our firday night movies. "yeah. this is it." i said.
slowly letting it sink in. this was real, not a bad dream.
"how could someone just take you away from everything you know?"
"they're thinking of themselves not me."
the first tear spilled.
"no natalie be strong." i said, pulling her in for a hug.
"look at it this way. i'm going away for a private school and then i'll be back to go to college with you."
"we're still doing that?"
"does milk come outta your noes if you laugh to hard?"
she gave a laugh-cry, and pulled me in to a hug.
"oh, i'm gonna miss you so much, girl."
"i know me too."
she pulled away and we did our hand shake. we laughed and hugged once more. i hugged my parents.
"college." i said.
"see you when you get back kid." my dad said.
i smile and nodded. i hugged them again.
"ready?" the lawyer asked.
"no...but i have to be."
i hugged everyone one last time and got into the car. the lawyer shut the back door. as we pulled out i couldn't bring myself to turn around and wave. it was already hard enough to not cry.
we boarded a private plane and flew to my new house. when we arrived a man in a suit led us to Lunett, and edward hemmington. edward was talking on his phone flipping his arm pissed. lunett was sitting at a cafe table, fixing her lip stick, coffee in front of her.
"any problems?" she asked, not looking at us.
"none." the lawyer said.
"good." lunett said, getting off her stool.
"welcome home." she told me with a fake tight smile.
"edward, i'm getting cranky." she said, walking past me to the door.
"fix it." edward said, into his phone.
at least i got a fake smile from lunett edward walked past me as if he never knew me, and i silently began thanking my kid napper. we walked through double glass doors to a limo where a man in a suit was putting my bags away. i slid in after lunett. edward called someone and jane answered her phone.
"yes i saw marryanne that is so botox!" lunett said.
i rested my head on the door, and wondered what i ever did to deserve this. i followed lunett and edward into a large house juggling my bags. edward slammed a door shut and lunett laughed all the way up the stairs.
"let me help you miss." a man said.
"jeesh thanks."
"my names jacob, i'm your buttler i understand that things are a little crazy. how about a bowl of ice cream?"
"oh man, i wish i could solve all my problems with a bowl of ice cream now a days."
he smiled.
"i'd love a bowl of ice cream."
"right this way then."
my things where taken to my room and i followed jacob into the kitchen. i sat at the island blow in front of me jacob across from me.
"now, i'm not a gossip, so don't think bad of me but i think you should know a little about lunett and edward. hmmm?"
i nodded.
"whatever they say or buy you do not get close to them. they're in it for the money, edward gets 5 thousand dollars for taking you. more money means more parties for lunett. she's a gossip, becareful around her."
i nodded.
"don't tell them i told you this, cause i'll get fired."
"no way i need someone on my side." i said.
lunett came in still on her phone.
"what are you doing? get back to work." she said, to jacob.
"i'm tellin' you martha butlers aren't as good as they where when i was young."
"oh there you are." she said.
she said you as if she where discussed.
"daddy and i are throwing a party."
"i'm sure it will be a big hit."
this got her attention.
"oh. do you hear that martha my daughter is already up to speed. you're too sweet you. my designer cam, will be here in 10 minuets to fit you for a dress. he knows my expectations. disobey him and you're grounded for a month."
fake smile.
"don't eat to much of that, you'll get fat."
she pushed through the swinging door talking about lisa's big lips.ten minuets later i was in my closet with ten racks of dresses, tones of high heels, and of course cam, and his bag of tricks.
"do you know what you have in mind?"
"no. this is my first party."
his smile became warm.
"ah,"-he put his arm around me- "i remember my first party. don't worry i'll help you darling."
cam taught me how to walk in high heels first. then he picked out my dress and shoes. he helped me into my dress and then went at my hair. he curled it and put it up. he topped it of with spray and a silver diamond crown. he did my makeup and put on the shoes. he helped me out of the chair and to a mirror. i touched my cheek.
"is that really me?"
"of course it is silly. you just needed a little help. now if you'll excuse me i have to change. go down and find lunett.”
as i walked down stairs i looked for lunett. the party was in full swing.
“you must be edwards daughter.” a woman said.
she shook my had.
“i work with your father."
“right. is everything as you expected can i get you anything?"
“oh bless you’re heart no. your parents never cease to amaze me.”
“i’ll tell them that. coming from a woman such as yourself i’m sure they’ll be overly pleased.”
“oh jenni there you are. excuse me dear.” she said, walking off.
i walked over to lunett.
“Honey over here!” she waved, wrists glimmering in the light.
“there you are dear.”
we kissed cheeks.
“this is martha, lisa, maryanne, and karrie-may.”
“ever so lovely to meet you ladies.”
“oh well aren’t you beautiful.”
"thank you. i get it from my mother.”
“oh stop.” lunett said, fluffing her hair.
“enjoy the party will you?”
i nodded and walked off. the back door was open and people came in and out of the back door.
“ mistress?” jacob asked.
he was in a white suit, gloves included. he lowered a silver tray to me, on it where glasses with a yellow-orange liquid . i took one and took a drink.
“ew, that’s gross, jacob, why would you give that to me?”
he chuckled.
“you’ll need it to survive the night.”
i took my glass out back where edward was talking to a group of men.
“ there she is.” he said.
he hugged me when i came over.
“these are some of the guys i work with.”
“the pleasure is mine.”
they jumped into a conversation and i slipped away. for the rest of the night i did a lot of flattering on edward and jane’s part. after the party i took a shower and crawled into bed. the soft cotton and feather blanket felt nice and comforting.
the next morning i called my parents and then natalie. i told her everything that’s happened so far.
“it’s like lunett’s cell phone is glued to her ear, she has to have the attention of the world, she has all these parties, and shops all the time. you could say she’s a bit of a socialite. edward doesn't even notice me.”
“you know maybe you should try to play their game. you never know they might be nice to you.”
“natalie.” i said, in a get-real-way.
“i’m going shopping with martha in 20. she’s bringing her daughter do you want to go?” “yes. i love to go shopping.”
“hmm. maybe we’re more alike then i really thought.”
“you where right. i owe you.”
“yeah you do. go get ready and buy me something nice.”
“will do girl. i love you.”
“i love you too.”
i got ready and we drove to the plaza. martha and lunett estranged kisses leaving me and marthas kid dragging behind.
“i’m rosalynn. don’t trust lisa karrie-may or marryannes daughters. they gossip like no tomorrow they even give gossip points. i know what your thinking, when why trust you? trust me is you wanna get out of this rich kids boot camp your gonna want me to be your bets f-ing friend. if you want to survive high school you’ll stay with them. they call themselves the glam gals. it’s better to be on their side, in one second on their command they can have the whole school against you. Tara, marryannes daughter is the clan leader. cammi and darrian are Tara’s wanna be’s. i just follow along, cause i don’t want to be a screw up for my mom, and i don’t want to be eaten alive by high schoolers, i’m just tryin’ to get out so i can go live with my dad and go to college with my best friend.”
“girls, you have to keep up.” martha said.

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