» Fantasy » mlp my dream world by joe bresina (bill gates books recommendations txt) 📕

Book online «mlp my dream world by joe bresina (bill gates books recommendations txt) 📕». Author joe bresina

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the portal

it started like any other day I started up my Minecraft Xbox 360 and I found enough obsidian after 5 days in real life ( FYI very good seed I can't remember) and when I started the portal the screen went black and I thought "da wat" and after a few seconds I blacked out and when I woke I thought "ok still in normal form so nothing out of the ordinary.....YET" I walked around and I thought omg I am lost and then I heard some rustling in the bush and I thought "Oh god I better hide." so I hide in a nearby bush and when I saw what was there I thought '" I pretended I just woke up and walked out and said "ugh what happened and where am i.......HOLY MUTHER OF GOD RUNNNNN!" I ran back in the bush and curled up in a ball and waited. one of them walked over and asked "umm hello?" I looked at them and asked "who and what are you?" they looked at each other and I took note of there being 6 of them "I could ask the same about you but I think I know what you are." I said "yeah I think I know what you are and I think you are a pony of Equestria right." they just looked at me and asked, " did you know?" "well if I am correct this is Equestria and in my world we have pictures and episodes of your heroism and the parasprites....." they looked at each other with a little guilt "ok you know us but who are you sugarcube?" the cowgirl looking one said it was at that moment I fell in love but I stayed calm " um my name is Joseph Bresina but you can call me Joe." they looked at the purple one and asked "ok so what do you think of it twilight?" I knew it was no dream " well if I am correct with the study I think it is a homo erectus aka human." "Wow, a human?" Applejack said, "wow I think I should get ready for a party for him an extra special party I'll get everybody ready in the mean time show him around and i." "it's ok Pinkie I think I know ponyville." all them looked at me "you know all of our names, you know where and what everything in ponyville is and you are a human...any other surprises you have for us Joe?" rainbow dash asked me "....not really anything else is not important at this moment or I don't need to tell you yet." "ok well let's get out of this forest it really gives me the creeps." Twilight said, "let me guess you know what the everfree forest is too?" "yes i know about the everfree forest and these things are very normal in my world unless the animals are in a zoo." so we walked into  ponyville and I was introduced to everybody-i mean every pony and we then sat down in the library were i was introduced to Fluttershy "what is the...that thing?" she asked Twilight explained how I got here and what I am and Fluttershy understood and we all went to bed but not before asking me "wait where am I sleeping tonight?" "well y'all could sleep in the barn if ya don't mind." I simply replied "you know what I don't mind at all." so we went to bed and I slept in the barn.........I AM IN LOVE

troubles in the apple family

 the next morning applejack decided to introduce me to the apple family i hoped she didn't notice my nervousness " don't be nervouse." too late "the apple family is a nice family and we don't hurt anypony unless we get hurt by them got it?" "yeah trust me if i tried to hurt someone i would lose badly i am kinda weak....." "oh shucks don't worry if you get hurt i'l help ya." jackpot i just gained her trust making her my friend.She introduced me to the apple family which took not long at all and i didn't mind. "hey can y'all buck apples?" "buck apples? i can pick them with my hands." she looked at me "what ya mean?' i walked over to an apple tree and showed her how tall lto tree was compared to me "well a'll be darned with you we could collect apples twice as fast......I MEAN if ya want to...." i looked at her "you know what with you i could pick AND buck apples all day." "yeah well talk is cheap lets get bucking and pickin." we picked and bucked for a good 3 hours and after the day ended we were heading into the house and big mac stood at the entrance to the door and said "applejack head inside." "big bro don't start anything now." "go." she went inside and mac said "listen i know whats going on ypu are trying to get my sis to be with you well i won't allow it!" he turned around and i was about to run when all the sudden BAM i blacked out....the last thing i heard was applejack telling me to wake up i woke up and big mac was sitting behind her and she asked "are you ok joe big mac bucked you and you got knocked out." she looked at him with a glare " i'm fine and big mac...." he couldn't even look at me "i won't press charges i am nicer than that but please let her make the decisions." "she looked at him "what did you....were you lookin after me again?" "...eyup..." she looked at him with a 'do you think i'l allow this?' face "look i just think that he'll break your heart like all the other ponies did.....and he ain't a pony." "what are you talking about i don't love him." well there goes that idea "i mean it's just that..." "just?" he looked at her with a serious face "i need more time to decide on that with him....." oh my god i think she does she just can't admit it YES. "now lets just lie you down and get some rest.From that day to the next i was happy

big mac is overprotective

 New day new life aside from yesterday WHICH i won't talk about.Now then lets see what applejack is doing.I went to talk with her and she was getting ready for a party with pinkie and she asks me "hey listen the party fer you is comin up you if i had ta ask?" "well yeah i'm goin isn't it for me?" "well yeah but the thing is......" i looked at her "what?" "do you 'mumble'?" "i am sorry what was that?" "do you want to go to the party as 'mumble mumble?" "can you speak up please?" "I SAID DO YOU WANT TO GO TO THE PARTY AS MY DATE?" i looked for a second....."really?" "well yeah i thought you seem ta be a nice man/pony so i thought.....why not?" "well sure but i need a tux first." "thats fine no one will care just go." "ok i will." we walked to the door and when we reached the door i opened it and guess who BIG MAC BUCKED ME FOR A SECOND TIME WHY.




"ugh what i in the hospital?" i looked around and seen the ponies of ponyville and big mac in handcuffs "listen joseph ah'm very sorry fer the way i treated yah and i didn't mean it i just wanted to be sure aplejack was insafe hands and-" i stopped him "it's fine big mac let him go i am not pressing charges." "but he-" "let him go." i said before they uncuffed him "i am ok i just need a few days to recover did the docter say anything" yeah 4 months ago." "ok four-FOUR MONTHS AGO!?" "yeah you were knocked out a long time some thought you were dead." "y...yeah we were almost ready to give up on you." a few days passed and everything was peaceful and a few months passed after i got let out and then i was about to be drafted

the beginning of the end

 one day i was sitting in the home of the apple family playing a video game that button masher gave me and i heard a whistle outside "that sounds like.....!? HIT THE DECK!" everyone hit the ground as half of the house got destroyed "get everyone in ponyville to canterlot NOW." they hustled to get the word out as i inspected it with apple jack " what is it joe?" "hmm it smells like....oh no,no,no,no NO." she looked at me "what is it evil?" "you could say that...THATS IT i know how to get help you get everyone to canterlot GO." i started making the sos out of mechanics and everyone was at canterlot when i arrived i seen twilight. "JOSEPH!" "yeah what is happening?" "in one of my games a enemy called.....the covanant are one heck of an alien race and it looks like...." we all heard a giant WHOOOSE sound and a covanant carrier showed up "they are here by blind jump." " and applejack said you sent an sos to someone.....or thing?" "yes they are human as i am but they have-" i was interupted by the royal fanfare yes i said ROYAL and followed by PRINCESS celestia "you who are you?" "princess this is the one i told

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