» Fantasy » Midnight Love by Heather Reed (i am reading a book TXT) 📕

Book online «Midnight Love by Heather Reed (i am reading a book TXT) 📕». Author Heather Reed

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holding both of them. Then I spoke.

“Why tho with Haley and how do you know that he found you. Have you seen him?”

“No, not him but my step-sister. She looks a lot like her.” he was pointing to Haley.

“Me. I didn't do anything. How. I mean. Why.” Haley was saying still breathing heavy. “Why, hurt me.” she was trying to get up.

“Zach, help her up.” Edward said.

He nodded and helped her. Alex walked over to Haley to help her too. “Don't touch me Alex.” Haley said.

“At least let me help you to tell you I'm sorry.”

When they helped her up, she fell back down. “Emmett help them.” Edward said. Emmett walked over and picked her up. Emmett put her on the couch and when he did that, we all heard a crack. Then we heard her yell.

“Ahhh!” Haley scream. 'Damn, she's got some lungs on her.' I thought.

I was feeling her pain and so was Zach, he fell to the ground. “Zach.” I flew to him. What ever was hurting her was hurting him.

“Carlisle, she's bleeding.” Alice said. Carlisle flew to Alice and Haley. Then he turn around to all of us.

“Everyone outside. Now!” Carlisle told us.
~ Carlisle's P.O.V ~

“Carlisle, she's bleeding.” Alice said.

I flew to Alice and Haley. I turn to everyone and said. “Everyone outside. Now!”

“Emmett, Jasper help Zach up. Jacob help Carlisle carry Haley upstairs.” Esme said.

Jacob came over to me and picked Haley up and we ran to my office. Bella was right behind us. When we got to my office. She was right there when Jacob put Haley on the cot.

“Haley, how are you feeling.” Bella asks.

“I'm okay, a little. My side just hurts.”

“Haley, I'm gonna give you something for the pain.” I told Haley.

“Jacob, go get me a wet rag for her.” Bella told him.

Jacob ran out of the room. I was getting the medication ready for her while I was doing that Alex came in the room. Bella pushed Alex to the wall.

“Why are you in here. You think you should be in here huh, what you just did to my sister.” Bella hissed.

I put the medication down on the table. I flew over to Bella and put my hand on her shoulder. “Bella, clam down. Before I get Jasper.” I said.

“Carlisle, he shouldn't be in here, for what he did to Haley.” Bella try to explain to me. “He hurt my sister.”

Before I could say anything here comes Emmett and Jasper. Edward must had heard me, and sent in help. He know he couldn't clam down Bella like Jasper could nor wasn't that strong to hold Bella down like Emmett could.

Emmett was as strong as Bella but Bella was a little stronger then him. But Jasper is the only one that can clam her down. Jacob came in the room and went over to Haley and whipped her face.

“Bella, calm down.” Jasper said. He tried pulling her arm off of Alex but she yanked back her arm.

That's when Emmett came in and grabbed both her arms and picked her up over his shoulder and flew downstairs to outside.
~ Emmett's P.O.V ~

Me and the rest of us were outside, while I watched Alex go in the house then like 3 minutes later Edward told me and Jasper to go get Bella.

“Em, Jazz, go get Bella. Try calming her down.” Edward said.

Jasper and I flew into Carlisle's office. When we walked in Bella had Alex pinned against the wall and Carlisle was trying to calm her down. Jacob came in the room and went over to Haley and whipped her face.

Jasper walked over to Bella. “Bella, calm down.” Jasper said. He tried pulling her arm off of Alex but she yanked back her arm.

That's when I came in and grabbed both her arms and picked her up over my shoulders. Jasper and I flew downstairs and went outside. When I got outside with her, still on my shoulder, everyone was looking at us.

Bella was kicking me in the back (like a little kid when wanting down or someone just kidnapped someone) the whole time and kept saying 'put me down' over and over. I did put her down when we got outside. When I did, she tried going back into the house.

When she did that I grabbed her again. When I grabbed her arm, she looked at me. Her eyes were black and I mean a dark black as they could. Jasper came over to us and put his hands on her face.

“Bella, calm down. Bella, if you don't calm down right this second, I'll let Alex do whatever he did to Haley to you. Now, calm the hell down.” Jasper told her.

I had her arms behind her back, so she wouldn't do anything. Renesmee started coming over to us and Rosalie called for her.

“Nessie.” but before she could say anymore. Nessie touched her then walked over to us.

“Mommy, please calm down for uncle Jasper. Please, I don't want Alex to hurt you.” she said. “I don't like you like this. It's not you, please mommy. Please for me mommy.” she started to cry.

Like whatever Renesmee said it worked on Bella. Bella calm down and looked at Renesmee then looked at Jasper. “I'm sorry Jasper. Emmett let me got please.”

“I don't think so. I don't trust you. What if the second I let you go, you will run back in the house to go kill Alex.” I said.

She turn her head to Edward and I know what she was doing. She open her shield so Edward could hear her thoughts. Then Edward looked at me and shook his head.

“Emmett, let her go.” Edward said.

I signed and let her go. I was not happy about it, but I did it anyway. When I let go of her arms, she fell down on the ground to Renesmee and hugged her close.
~ Haley's P.O.V ~

I was laying on the cot that Jacob put me on. I was still in pain but not much. Carlisle put some pain medication in me while he worked on me. Jake was holding my hand, thru the whole thing.

Carlisle stitched me up and said there wasn't no crack or break, but he thought that I popped something out of place when Emmett put me on the couch. But he said that I had to take it easy a little bit. And he didn't want me moving a lot either. So I wasn't going to school any time soon.

'Oh boy' I thought about that, but Jacob, Renesmee, and Zach had to go to school without me. Zach didn't want to but I told him to so he could get my work and tell all my teachers.

After Carlisle was done, he told Jacob to carry me to my room. Alex was right behind us. He open the door for Jake and Jake put me in my bed slowly. I was home for 3 days now, just being stuck in my room. One day Zach came home during lunch to check on me.

“Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I'm good. Why are you here. Shouldn't you be at school.”

“Yes, but it's lunch time. I told Jake and Nessie I was coming here to see you. I'll be back before lunch is over.” he told me.

“Zachary, I'm fine. Go back to school. I'll see you when you get home. I love you.”

“I love you.” he said.

He kissed me goodbye before leaving. When he left, I got up slowly. I was so tight from laying in bed all the time. So I went to the bathroom washed my face and got on the computer. I had 2 messages on facebook from my mom and Jessica.

Jessica wrote me yesterday. 'Hey, Alex told me what happen. Are you okay? He told me that you were doing some flips and landed wrong and broke a rib. I hope you feel better. Love Jess.'

I wrote her back. 'Jess, I'm okay. And yes I did break a rib, but now what he told you. I did a move from what Alex showed me and when I did it I landed wrong. But it wasn't my fault. Jake got in the way and I didn't see him until the last second. Tell Coach I'm fine. I'll be in school next Monday. Love Haley.'

My mother wrote and said. 'Hey, how are you feeling. Bella told me what you did. You are just like her I swear. Be careful doing flips okay sweetie. I don't want to lose you. Love mom.'

I rolled my eyes and wrote back. 'Mom, I'm fine okay. God. Carlisle fixed me up good. Don't worry to too much. Love Haley.'

when I got done, I turn the computer on 'sleep' and walk to the windows and looked out. I seen Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie coming home from hunting. Emmett was being funny, he walk (well ran) thru the river and was getting Rose all wet. I started giggling. Emmett looked up and smiled at me. I waved at him and turned around.

“God, I am not staying in here all day again. Ugh!” I said out loud.

I walked to the door and Emmett was there. “Damn, Emmett. Scare the hell out of someone, will yea.”

“Sorry, I see your out of bed. Not listening doctors orders are we, Haley.” Emmett said.

“I'm sick and tried of being up here all day. I want to go downstairs and get some fresh air. And plus I'm hungry.”

“Well, come on. But if Bella sees you out of bed you know she'll bitch me out.”

“Well fuck her. Are you scared of her. What she going to do bit your head off.”

“No, I won't do that to him and I won't bitch you out either Emmett.” be said coming up the stairs. “If she is sick and tried of being in bed all day long for 2 days straight then what. I would have done the same.”

“You did Bella. When we were in the hospital when James broke you leg. So now what.”

Bella hissed at him and he laughed. “Come on Haley.”

She walked down the stairs before me and Emmett. Emmett has been helping me while Zach was at school. When I got off the last step, I was happy. Edward was in the chair watching the news. Alice and Jasper was on the couch talking to themselves. Alice smiled at me when I came down the steps.

“Well, good afternoon Haley. I see you finally got out of bed.” she winked at me.

I nodded my head and went into the kitchen where Bella was. “Where's Rose?” I asked.

“In the garage!” she yelled.

“Why is she in the garage?”

“She's fixing the jeep. One of the big springs broke in the back. You know how us Cullen's likes to ride ruff.” he elbowed me in my side.

I groaned and said. “Ow.” and hold my side. I was faking it hurt but they didn't know.

“Emmett, god damn. Watch what you doing.” Bella yelled at him.

Emmett tried to help me walk to the kitchen table but Bella snapped at him. Then Edward came
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