» Fantasy » Midnight Love by Heather Reed (i am reading a book TXT) 📕

Book online «Midnight Love by Heather Reed (i am reading a book TXT) 📕». Author Heather Reed

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said I was sorry Haley.” Jake said.

“Aunt Alice, don't worry. I am taking a good care of her trust me.” Zach told Alice.

“Okay. See y'all when y'all get home. Bye.” she hung up.

We had to go outside to get to the cafe. When we found the cafe everyone was staring at us again. When we walked inside the cafe we went to get our lunch well, Renesmee, Jake, and I did. But Zach was gonna give his to Jake.


I turned to see who called my name. It was my squad. Jessica was the one who yelled my name.

“Hey, Jessica.”

“Hey, so this your family.” she said.

“Yup. This is Zach, Jacob, and Renesmee.”

“Hi, you can call me Jake if y'all want.” Jake said.

“Hello y'all can call me Ness or Nessie if y'all want. My boyfriend made that name for me.”

“It's cute. I like it.” Casey said. “I'm Casandra but y'all can call me Casey. This is Michael, Ricky, Alex, Ashley, Courtney, Whitney, her sister Bobbi, and our captain Jessica.”

“I still can't believe your dating a Cullen, Haley.” Whitney said.

I blushed, when she said that. Then Jake jumped in and said. “Well, there is two people here dating a Cullen.”

Alex smiled. “I can't believe you look a lot like your mother.” Alex said.

“Huh. Do I know you from somewhere? And how do you know my mother?” Nessie asked Alex.

“Well, no you don't and I have seen you and your mother at the store. This whole town knows Bella because of her dad and everyone know the Cullens' because of the Dr.” Alex explain to her. “And my cousin, Ben went to school with her.”

“Oh, well I'm hungry so I'm gonna go get my food. I'll see y'all later.” she told Alex.

“Yea, see you guys later. I'll see about Saturday if y'all can.”

“Okay, Haley.” Jessica said.

We got in line for lunch and found us a table close to the windows. Thank god it was cloudy. It looked like it was gonna rain. When we got to the table, Nessie looked at me.

“What?” I asked.

She didn't answer me. I waved my hand in front of her. “Nessie. What's wrong.” she still didn't answer. “Nessie. Renesmee. Hello talk to me.”
Zach, Jake, and I kept looked at her. She wasn't even moving. (I mean she was breathing that's it.) so I turn around and looked to see who she was looked at. No one was looking our way.

“Nessie, baby. Talk to me. What's the matter sweetie.” Jasper said to her.

Zach was waving his hand in her face too. She still didn't move. Then I picked up my phone and called Bella.

“Haley, why are you calling me while you are in school.”

“I'm in lunch, but that doesn't matter. Something is wrong with Nessie. She's not moving.” I told her.

“What do you mean she's not moving?”

“She's not talk Bella. That's what I mean. Zachary, Jake and I try talking to her and waving our hands in front of her.”

“I hate to say this, but Haley bring her home.”

“Okay. See you in a few.”

I hung up and told them we had to leave.

“Guys, we got to take her home.”

“Okay. Baby, come one we going home.” Jake said.

“Haley, you not eating?” Jessica said coming over to us.

“Naw, we taking Renesmee home. She's not feeling so good. I'll see y'all tomorrow.”

“Oh okay. See ya.”

We threw away our food and Jake picked up Nessie and we got her to my car. Jake got in the back sit with her still in his lap and Zach and I got inside.

I drove as fast as I could to the house. I was about 5 miles from the house until I saw someone following us in a black car. I grabbed my phone and dialed Bella's phone. I put it on my ear piece.


“Edward? Where's Bella?”

“She's upstairs in Renesmee room why?”

“Well someone is following me.”

“Where you at?” he asked.

“I'm about 2 miles from the house.”

“What color is that car?”

“Its a black GMC.”

“Well drive a little faster and you know the hidden drive I told you about.”

“Yes about a mile past the house to the right.”

“Yes, take it then go left around the bend. And if you don't see the car, come straight to the house. And Haley.”


“Please be careful.”

“I will Edward.”

I hung up the phone and hit the gas to 80. I took a right turn and then turn left like Edward said. Then I hit the gas again. I went around the bend like Edward told me too. I looked to see if the car was behind me. I didn't see it, so I went back roading to the house. I parked the car in the garage and Zach jump out to shut the garage door.

Jake carried her inside the house. Everyone was in the living room but before I could walk all the way into the living room I felt a sharp pain in my side and fell. It hurt so bad I started screaming.

“Ahhh!!!!” I screamed.

Zachary, Bella, and Edward was at my side. “Haley!” Zach and Bella said at the same time.

“What's wrong?” Bella asked when they helped me up into the living room.

“My. Side.” I said breathing heavey.

Then Renesmee was back to normal. “How I get here.”

Jake was the one to answer her. “Haley, drove us home. Don't you remember what happen?”

“No, all I remember was talking to Haley's squad and getting to our table to eat.” she said.
The Pain

~ Jasper's P.O.V ~

Haley, Zachary, Jacob, and Renesmee came into the house. Jacob carried Renesmee and put her on the couch and then I heard a scream.

“Ahhh!!!” it was Haley that screamed.

Zachary, Bella, and Edward flew to her. Zach and Bella helped her up. “What's the matter Haley?” Bella asked.

“My side.” she said breathing heavy.

Then Renesmee was back to normal. “How I get here?”

“Haley, drove us home. Don't you remember what happen?” It was Jacob that answered her.

“No. All I remember, we were talking to Haley's squad and walking to our table to eat.” she said.

“Ahhh!!!” Haley screamed again. “My head! It hurts! Bella! Bella!” she screamed.

“Shh.. I'm right here.” Bella told her.

“Stop the pain. It hurts.”

“It should hurt when your a weak little human.” a young man said.

“Alex, what are you doing here. How did you know where we lived?” Zach said.

“I followed you, by using Renesmee.” he said. “That's why she wasn't answering you.”

“Ahhh!!!” Haley screamed again. “Stop the pain. It hurts.”

“Stop hurting her. Now!” Zach hissed at him.

He was about to attack him until me and Emmett grabbed him. “Let go of me. I'm gonna kill you, if you don't stop doing whatever you are doing to her.”

Then Alex closed his eyes and then Haley was on the down holding her head one minute and the next she stop screaming. Bella was holding her.

“You think your poor shield can work on me think again.” Alex told Bella.

“Please, don't hurt her again,” Bella begged. “She's all I have.”

“I'm not here to hurt your poor little sister, nor your family. I'm here to ask, y'all for a favor. For help from y'all.”

“Why should we. You tried killing Haley. What are you?” Rosalie asked. When she flew to Haley and Bella.

“I'm half witch and half vampire. My name is Alex Owen.” he said.

“Your a what?” Emmett asked.

“Half witch, half vampire. My mother was a witch and my father was a vampire. My mother died giving birth to me. But my father is still alive.”

“But why do you need our help for?” I finally spoke.

“Because him and his coven is trying to find me. I been staying with my cousin Ben and his girlfriend Angela.”

“Wait Ben is your cousin?” Bella asked.

“Yes, Bella. Yes he is.”

“Is he a witch too.”

“No, he is not. His father is a witch but his mother is human. We don't know why he didn't become a witch like the rest of us.”

“Does he know you half vampire?”

“Yes he does. Only person that doesn't know about us is his girlfriend.” Alex said.

“Emmett, Jasper let go me.” Zach said.

“Are you in control?” I asked him.

“Yes.” he said.

We let go of Zach and he went over to Haley. Haley was still on the ground. She was still alive but she was still in pain from what Alex sis. Zach grabbed her and started holding her.

“I'm sorry about hurting you. How are you feeling. I didn't mean to use that much power on you. And if you are wondering if I broke anything, well I don't think so. It will feel like it at first when I first use it but when I stop the pain goes away. Sometimes.” Alex explained.

“I'm fine a little. But why me.” Haley asked.

“Yea, why her. And how did you know that we were vampires. You never really met us.” Renesmee said.

“Well, I knew when I saw you and Bella at the store. I smelt ya and when I met you and Zach at school. And the reason I attack her was because.” he didn't finish his sentence. He let it go when he closed his eyes again.

“So, why do you want our help for?” Carlisle asked.

“Because, my father and his coven is trying to kill me and my witch family. He wants me to live as a vampire and not a witch. But I don't want to do that. And he said 'since I don't want to be a vampire that I should die' and he is gonna kill the rest of my kind with me. Please help me. I been hiding from him for 200 years. I been here for 3 years and I think he found me.”

“Why does he want to do that for? To his own son,” Esme said. “Don't you mean anything to him. I mean at all.” it sound like she was crying tearless sobs.

Carlisle pulled her close to him to hold her. Her motherly kicked in, I wouldn't help it if I were her or even a father. I looked at Bella and she pulled Renesmee close to her. Edward was

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