» Fantasy » legend of zelda ocarina of time book 1 by joe bresina (best selling autobiographies TXT) 📕

Book online «legend of zelda ocarina of time book 1 by joe bresina (best selling autobiographies TXT) 📕». Author joe bresina

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Into the maze

As link dropped down he then hit the waterhe climbed out of the freezing cold waterand climbed to find a switch, he stepped on it to find a flame expand and burn the web holding it then link said "mabe for some of them we can burn them".So link grabbed a previously used stick light it and took it over to the web containing the door quickly and burned it.Link then relized he left a chest back by the torch he went to investigate and found a recovery heart and his cut from before was gone.Link then went through the door to find another deku shrub link did as he did before and reflected a shot at him it hit him then it said "ow ok i will stop just stoooop." He said link walked over to it and it said "in order to get past my brothers you must beat them in this order (2 3 1) 23 is number 1" with that he left behind a recovery heart and left.

Then link wondered "now how do we get out?" navi then looked at the eye on the wall and said "try shooting that eye with you're slingshot." so link shot it with his slingshot and it opened to a new room.Link looked around in the room for a way to get to the other side without getting clobbered by the spikes then link looked in the water and found a switch."Navi i gotta dive for the switch be back in a sec ok?" "ok then." link then dived and hit the switch and got to the platform as fast as possible and jumped to a safe platform.Link then took out a skulltula and moved on link seen an empty room so he entered and said"what is this room for?" he asked as he walked into the center he saw crumbs of something fall he looked up to see ghoma larva hanging he got back as it fell and 1 more fell "what in the heck!?" link yelled link destroyed them and went to a web blocked path he went and lit a deku stick and left for the web he got to it and the stick burned out.As link crawled through the hole he found he was at the same room as before except a different level of the area so he pushed the block down so he could get back to that level easier then link lit another stick and burned the web to the basement then all of the sudden he fell.

After the fall link found himself in a pool with recovery hearts strange how the recovery hearts were in a pool.Link got onto shore after collecting the hearts and found 3 shrubs he hit them at different patterens but couldnt figure them out.then link remembered what the shrub said "23 is number 1" so link tried it that way and he did itlink then went to talk to the shrub and it said "how did you know our secret that makes me so mad that i have to revel the secret about ghoma." link figured that ghoma was their queen "in order to knock out our queen you need to shoot her in the eye with that sling shot.oh queenie." and he walked away.with that done link walked through the door and prepared to defeat ghoma.As link entered he looked around then stepped forward and the door shut behind him then link heard what he thought was a bush shaking he looked up slowly and.....there was ghoma.

Link acted quickly and he saw her eye turn red he shot it and she was stunned and he started slashing at her soon she got back up and she climbed the wall link awaited but she turned her eye red link shot and stunned her almost crushing him and her finished her off.Link watched as she fell before him, her eye burning up and soon when it burned completely up and a heart piece appeared and he felt more powerful than beforehe stepped in the circle of light and found himself warped outside of the deku tree. 

To the castle

"thank you for breaking the curse link but i am about to die, go to the castle and find the princess there she will help you." the deku tree said. "i will deku tree count on it." and with his last breath he said "good.....bye......Navi......" and so the great deku tree shriveled up and link started out of the forest.Link arrived at mido to have him say "what did you do?the deku tree is dead you should be punished but i cant." and mido walked away mad like he usualy does.As link walked through the tunnel to the bridge he started to near the final tunnel when all the sudden he heard."i knew you were going to leave someday." link turned around to see saria there "oh hi saria yeah i need to leave." saria replied "no need to explain.......i understand." saria took an ocarina out of her pocket "i want you to have this as a token of our freindship." link took the ocarina and said "I will saria don't worry though i will be back." and with that he left and he started off to the castle saria taking one last look.

link traveled to the opening to find an old freind kaepora gaebora the owl "hoo hoo hello link long time no see. i see you are heading on a journey i got you a map to look at whenever you are lost it has every spot in hyrule." "thanks kaepora." "do not mention it." then kaepora left and link went on his way as link was walking he seen it was getting dark out then something happened.a hord of stalchilds appeared and link began to fight them off untill morning as link fought he got many prizes including rupees and recovery hearts link fought a little while longer untill a big stalchild appeared and link sliced him about 3 times and it died "what were those?" link asked Navi identified them as stalchild they only came out during the night so link had to hurry or else,but it was an easy way for rupees.After link defeated the last stalchild he seen the door open to the market and he rushed in he seen that there were hundreds of people and he headed for the castle meeting up yet again with kaepora "hey link good to see you may not now it but in certain places time stands still yet people keep moving while in places like here time keeps moving." link said "oh really." "yes so if you need to take some time off head to the field or somewhere else." and as always kaepora flew off leaving link with the queston "how do we get in." then he saw a young girl sitting at the wall he asked her "what are you doing?" she replied "oh you are not from around here are you?" silence for a few seconds "oh you are a forest boy." "oh yeah i guess i am." so she said back to him take this egg i have been incubating it slowly." so link took the egg and went on his way he waited until dark and snuck past the gaurds to the castle he jumped in the moat and swam past the gaurds and he jumped up on the other side and started torward the other side.Link soon came across a sleeping man and seen that the egg hatched and he thought that would wake him so he held it out and with a startle he woke "what in tarnation!?Cant a man get a little shut eye around here?".Link asked him "why are you here?" he replied "i came to deliver some milk and i ended up taking a nap here." link remembered that malon was waiting for him "you know malon is waiting for you?" "huh malon was waiting for me?" he sounded surprised."oh i am gonna get it from her now!" and he ran off for the ranch leaving link to get inside link saw a hole and he crawled through to find a whole other area of gaurds.

the lost forest

Link began carefully sneaking past the gaurds and found that he was half way there.After a while he finally made it he entered the garden and walked up to a window to find a girl sitting there he said "hello." she turned around and said "oh.who are you that a fairy?" she asked "so you wouldnt happen to have the spiritual stone of forest would you?do you?" "yes." link replied "i knew it." "you see not to long ago i had a dream and it included dark clouds but....." she hesitated "i am sorry i haven't properly introduced myself." "my name is zelda princess of hyrule." "what is you're name." link stared for a moment "link." "funny, it feels like i know that name.anyway as i was saying i had a dream and i seen dark clouds over hyrule but then a bright light appeared and destroyed the dark clouds the figure was holding an item and he was acompanyed by a fairy." link looked oddly at zelda."do you believe me?" "i believe every word." link said back to her.".

thank you oh and i was looking at the man through this window will you look?" "sure." link looked through the window to see the same man from his dream."i believe that man in there is the dark clouds from my dream."ganondalf seen link "what? did he see you?". 'dont worry he doesn't know what we are doing yet.oh and take this letter it will help you on the way." link took the letter and went to her protecter impa "hello young hero i would like to teach you a song that will help you

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