» Fantasy » legend of zelda ocarina of time book 1 by joe bresina (best selling autobiographies TXT) 📕

Book online «legend of zelda ocarina of time book 1 by joe bresina (best selling autobiographies TXT) 📕». Author joe bresina

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on you're way.this is a ancient song passed down from the royal family." "listen and repeat." she played the 6 notes link repeated and learned a new song."The gaurds will give you trouble if you get spotted let me guide you out."As link and impa left the castle town impa started saying "beyond that mountain summit is the race of gorons, they will surely have the spiritual stone of fire, i would visit the forest first and find the medow." link thought for a moment and impa was gone "well might as well visit the forest." so they started torward the forest.soon they got to the forest and headed for the meadow and soon he met his old freind kaepora again "hello link i need to tell you something important." so link listened and kaepora said "in order to find the meadow you must listen for the music and follow it".

(music of saria.saria)Then kaepora took off link started to listen for music and soon he heard the music he followed it untill finally he reached a gated area he walked to the middle of the area and 2 wolfs apeared.Link fought them off and the gate opened but before link went into the network of paths Navi told him "Link before you go in there i want to tell you it is a good idea to peak around corners to look for enemies." "ok then." so link made his way through the entanglement peeking around the corners and attacking his enemies.Soon link found himself at a big area he thought that he was at the forest meadow then he seen saria sitting on a stump and he walked over to her and she greeted him."hi link i came here to talk to the forest spirits." link looked confused at her "and tell do you do that?" "simple i play my song to talk to i would like to teach it to you." (here's the song.saria's song) link nodded and got out his ocarina and played with saria they played for a minute ot two and then they stopped and saria said "thats great." "keep it in you're heart." with that said link exited the meadow and found kaepora waiting for him "hoot hello young hero i am glad to see you made it out unharmed.i want to tell you that you can compose you'r own songs if you just play like so hoot hoot hoot." and kaepora was gone link had no idea what he ment but he just forgot about it and left.

death mountain

link approached the base of death mountain and found the village as impa said "i guess we should look around first." so link looked around the village to see a little girl sitting next to a fence and asked "whats wrong." "oh hi i am sad because i lost the cuccos can you get them back?" link looked at his time for a second and said "why not i got time." and with that link started rounding up the cuccos and when he was done the girl said "thank you. you can have this bottle." and link got a bottle then link continued on to the graveyard and found that the sun set and he seen a man walking around and link asked him what he was doing. he said " hello there i am dampe let me give you a little advertisment DAMPES HEARTPOUNDING TOUR. WHATS GONNA COME OUT WHATS GONNA COME OUT WE"LL FIND OUT WHEN I START DIGGING." link was blown back when he yelled and asked for a hole and he found a 5 piece rupee and tried multiple times more and found a piece of heart then link returned to town and started up the hill (note there is a slight chance I will do a book on links quest for the golden skulletulas but we will see).

When he reached the bottom he started going up and when he reached a bunch of rocks he turned around and continued up the trail to the left and when he reached 2 more trails he looked at the left one and said "it looks like it is blocked." "yeah well we can still get to the city." navi said as a goron rolled past them so then they continued and reached the city(goron city) link looked around and found the shop link took a little dameage on the way so he bought a potion and he seen bombs and asked "how much for the bombs?" "oh no these are not for sale we are having a bomb shortage go,talk to our leader for help." so link walked to the door and seen the same markings as the lullaby so he played it and it opened when he walked in he found a big goron guessing it was the leader "are you the leader?" "yes so what? What do you want." he asked "i need bombs." he said "bombs? BOMBS!?" he yelled "GIANT DODONGOS ARE IN OUR CAVE.WE HAVE DODONGO INFESTATION.DODONGOS CAUSING BIG BOMB SHORTAGE.IF YOU WANT BOMBS THEN YOU SHOULD GO AND BEAT THEM YOU'RSELF" link closed his ears as he yelled loudly then link asked navi "wait do you think i should ask saria what next?" "why not so link sat down and played saria's song and all of the sudden the leader starts dancing and says "OH.OH OH.COME ON......COME ON COME ON." and he finally stopped and calmed down "whoa i feel like all my trouble has been taken away.I AM what was it you wanted?" link told him how he wanted to get all three spiritual stones.

"Oh so you just want the spiritual stone of fire, gorons ruby.Well i can't just give it to you but i can ask you to do something for it." link looked puzzled wondering what he wants weather he wants to move rocks something else."i need you to clear out the cave truth be told a man came looking for the same stone." link wondered about who it is if he needed a hint " the man was named ganon" link knew it was him somehow " he said 'if you want the cave opened again give me the spiritual stone of fire only then i will open it up' and of course i refused." link thought for a second and said "well ok but how do i open it up?" link asked puzzled "well i can give you this bracelet it can allow even a small fry like you to lift bomb flowers." and link recieved the goron bracelet.After he finished talking to the king of gorons he exited the city and headed for the cave but before he got there he found bomb flowers above the cave he threw one down waited and it blew open the cave entrance.Link jumped down and got hurt a little bit but found a piece of heart.

Link then walked in and began the expidition through the cave

dodongos cave

(dodongo's cavern)Link entered the cave to see that the doorway was blocked so he bombed the wall  and entered to see that the room was filled with lava and navi spoke to Link "link be careful in this area the only way to move around is those blocks apparently." so link climbed atop the block and let it sink up and got off to find a beamos navi described it as this "link watch out that is a beamos they are dangerous but if i am right they don't like smoke in their eye." so link took note of that.Link said "well i kinda wish i had bombs at this point." then he looked across the canyon and saw bomb flowers but link asked "how do bomb rocks flower this far underground?" he thought nothing of it though then he picked one up and threw it at a beamos blocking his way and did the same with a interfering wall and moved on.

When link entered the room he was in a corridor he walked only inches and something began coming out of the ground."what is that?" "i think thats....." they waited and a small dinosaur came out."!link thats a dodongo look out!" he sliced it and it blew up giving link a burn."Are you ok link?" "yeah i am ok." link moved on slicing more dodongos and getting away from the blast.when link came to the big room he found bombs surrounding it he also seen a blocked door so he bombed the door first and went inside to find keese and a couple of dodongos he killed the dodongos off taking a keese with it and link sliced the remaining keese and a chest appeared.Link walked up to it and opened it to find a compass and went back to the preivious room link looked and looked and asked Navi."what do you think Navi?" "i don't know link something seems off about this wall." Link thought for a moment and said "wait there's bombs here right well bomb the wall." so link picked up a bomb placed it in the small gap and yelled "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" and it blew up the wall seemed unaffected but then it started rumbling and then the wall started to decrease into stairs and as link climbed them he made it and entered the next room he heard something on the floor and then when he jumped down he seen blades going back and forth.

link rememberd what Navi said and looked around the corner it looked clear and he ran getting a small cut from it and moved on then he removed the block and found 2 recovery hearts he picked one up and the cut healed then he climbed up to find a rupee and he seen the door blocked.Once he seen this he picked up a bomb and waited and when it was about to blow he threw it and blew up right in front of the door.Link moved on and came to a lava filled room he walked in and here was a pair of lizalfos and he found one close by but it ran so the other came closer and started sword fighting with him link fought it but after 2 slices it ran the other started after him so he hit it with a stick doing more damage and killing it in 2

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