» Fantasy » Deceitful lies by Naebot Barrett (large ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «Deceitful lies by Naebot Barrett (large ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Naebot Barrett

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the adults and the younger children were not touched. This raises suspicion as to what there plan is. But in light of the new events we have decided to be prepared for war." my heart skipped a beat, did he just say war? No that can't be right can it? And sixteen? I'm turning sixteen in three weeks, eric in four months and Charlotte is turning seventeen in two days.


"President cambel sir how do you propose we do that?" A young looking male voice questioned the president "We have millions of army's at our disposal, but seen as though the south side are attacking defenceless teenagers, we need to be ready. I have decided to make it compulsory that as soon as your chid turns sixteen they will go throught two different training courses one physical and one mental" he took a deep breath, cleared his throat and went on "so to sum up what we are doing is, we are planing to make our healthy young teenagers...into the most powerful generation possible" the hidden meaning in his words worried me, and so did the wicked smile that crossed his lips.

I was not used to my father looking so power hungry that it knocked me of my seat. I fell to the floor with a loud bang and around about four hundred sets of eyes locked on me.

I snapped my father out of his horrible daydream and he was staring at me with confusion and a look that kinda said what the hell! Are you alright, and get up your embarrassing me all in one.

I couldn't surpress the urge to giggle and my voice came out high pitched. Then in the middle of laughing I started crying and ran out the door. When I was half way down the hallway I stopped and sat down next to the wall, I tried to remember what that whole meeting was even about but I couldn't. All I could feel was the tempting urge to laugh, shout, cry,run away, punch something and scream at the top of my lungs.


I was too enveloped in my own emotions to notice the scene going on around me. My father had come out of the meeting and called Dr. Peaters, he had eric and brought him as well. My father was telling him to inject something in me and Eric was trying to stop them. Dr. Peaters pulled out a gun and shot eric in the arm.

I didn't see blood or any thing because I looked away, but at that moment Dr. Peaters rushed to my side and asked me questions that sounded like mixed up letters and words and numbers on fingers. I could swear that he had seven on one hand, but when I didn't repliy he pulled out a syringe, filled it with bluefish stuff and injected it into one of my veins. I automatically became drowsy and struggled to keep my eyes open. In the end I gave in to the darkness.


 I woke up in a very strange bed that had a plastic cover over the mattress itself than a white sheet on top of that. I was wedged in between the sheet and the far to thin blanket. When I opened my eyes my gaze fell to eric who was asleep on a very uncomfortable looking plastic chair. As I was staring at him he started to stur, than his eyes poped open.

He looked straight at me and blinked way to many times. "I'm not going to disappear right before your eyes you know" I said starting to get anoyed. "And there's the nasty izy that I know and love" his eyes laughted and his facial expretion lit up.


"Where are we?" I said looking around the small unfamiliar room. "We are in a medical room on the medical floor of your house" he replied calmly. "And why didn't you tell me that your house was the presidents headquarters?" He sounded hurt and betrayed. "Because I didn't even know" I replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

My mind went back to that night. "Didn't you get shot? I must be dreaming, I want to wake up now" I said pinching myself."ow!" Eric sighed "your not dreaming Isabelle, I'm right here. Dr. Peaters shot me with a tranquillising dart gun because I was stopping him from getting to you" my face must have looked angry because he quickly added "he is the good guy Izy. If he didn't get to you your overload of emotions would have killed you" he stared at me willing me to understand.

"Is that what Dr.peaters told you?" I spat at him. "Izy please. Don't. Not here. They monitor everything and I haven't seen you for a month , I love you izy and I don't want to be angry with you right now please just don't" my head started spinning, he loves me? No one but my family has ever said that, and how can he be sure that he actually loves me?

Than my mind dwelled on the fact that, he hasnt seen me In a month. A MONTH!? Is that how long I have been knocked out for? How much of that blue stuff did he give me? What was the blue stuff? Why are my emotions running wild all of a sudden? Why does eric trust dr. Peaters?wheres Charlotte? All of these questions were bubbling up inside me, I need to know the answers.

"I will call Dr.peaters, you don't look so good"he said acknowledging my appearance. "Don't. You. Dare!!!"I said while my emotions were reaching maximum capacity.


I ripped all the machines off me and ran to where I thought the elevator was. I jumped into the elevator and the doors closed before eric or Dr. Peaters could get in. I didn't even think, all those machines and needles that were attached to me where probably keping me alive. When I ripped them all out not only did I give myself massive, purple, swelling bruses on my arms and legs but I also increased my chances of death.

Not even looking I just pressed random buttons on the door and the elevator shot up wards making me feel like I was apart of the floor. When the doors opened I forced myself out of them. Where the hell was i? I just walked around and looked in rooms until a friendly looking nurse came down the hallway.


I accidentally scared her and she droped all the papers that she was holding to the floor. While I helpd her pick up her papers I noticed that she looked remarkably familiar, her bright pink hair that was styled in two plaits down either side of her head was the thing that stood out the most, closely folowed by her almost flouro pink eyes.

"Do you where contacts?" I asked out of the blue. "Um... No, it's my natural eye colour and I died my hair to match. What do you think? Does it suit me?" Her calm energy made me relaxed.

"It totally suits you, you look amazing"

"thanks, my name is Sophie, sophie Paige-Taylor" "your welcome and my names Isabelle, nice to meet you" her expression completely changed and she looked realy scared.

"you don't mean the presidents daughter Isabelle do you?"

"Oh yeah my father is the president"

"oh no this is not good" she looked frantic "the president has ordered that we do not have any contact with you as you are unstable and we are not worthy of your presence"

"you make me sound like I'm a queen or something" i laughed, but her face went serious.

"I'm not lying"

"meet me in the market at two o'clock and don't be late"she whispered in my ear than ran off. I was so confused. Why was my father isolating me? Dose he not want me to have friends?

The market meeting


So hear I am, at the market at two o'clock precisely. The market was massive and I wondered how the hell I was going to find Sophie in a place as big as this. But as it turns out a bold little bright pink haired girl is not at all hard to spot. In fact she stands out like a sore thumb. Not only that but she was questioning everybody. "Have you seen the presidents daughter at all sir? Have you ma'am?"

"I have!"I yell over the noise and walk up right next to her. "Have you ma'am?" She said not bothering to look up at me. "Earth to Sophie" I say and she turns and looks at me. Her expresion changes. "Oh I'm so sorry Isabelle!"

"Call me Izy and its fine, Can i tell you that you are very easy to spot so next time you want me to meet you some where crowded just stand out in the open" she smiled at me, and I was so surprised when she asked.

"So how are you, how was yesterday and how do you like what you have seen of the market?" I looked all around me and took in my surroundings, because when I first got here my mind was set on finding Sophie not looking at everything. "Are you ok?" She asked me looking puzzled and woried. "Yeah I'm fine. Just being the presidents daughter and all, I have never actually seen a market before. I have always just expected it to be small, quiet and not so busy."

"Yeah it's the polar oposite isn't it?" she said laughing. "Yeah it's definitely not small and its defenetly not the quietest place ever"

"definitely!" She yelled over the screech of a microphone."sorry."

"No Its fine, Its absolutely fine thank you for inviting me" my day was turning awesomer by the minute. "So what is it that you want to talk about soph?"

"already starting with nicknames iz?" She smirked at me and then her face dropped and she turned pale and almost fainted as she looked behind me. "Iz are you sure that you weren't followed?" She asked as I turned to see what she was gawking at.

Three massively strong looking men were coming straight towards us. I caught the eye of the leader and he looked strait at my eyes, boring a hole inside my head. His gaze was so powerful that it sent me to my knees, in fact his whole body was radiating power. I couldn't help but feel like I knew him from somewhere, but I couldnt place where I had seen him.


 "Excuse me miss cambel," the big bulky leader Spock first. "Oh, crap you know my name, I knew my dad

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