» Fantasy » Deceitful lies by Naebot Barrett (large ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «Deceitful lies by Naebot Barrett (large ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Naebot Barrett

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sent you" I .  muttered under my breath and shook my head. "Miss cambel, you father would like us to escort you back home... Now"

"excuse me? You know that you are not my father and if you want me to go home with you right know I need to see proof" I crossed my arms and turned up my chin like a spoilt child.

"If you were planning on annoying me I'd think again" he said in mock seriousness. So being the curious child that I was I decided to push his buttons a bit more and get him dangerously close to falling off the hypothetical cliff.

"Yep I have thought about it and I'm going to annoy you anyway" I smiled sweetly at him.

Than out of nowhere he justpicked me up as if I weighed no more than a feather, flung me over his shoulder and started walking off. There was really no point in struggling so I just huffed and crossed my arms again.


From where I was hanging I could see an upside down Sophie with a really funny confused look on her face. I couldn't help it, I let out a giggle. "Don't worry soph I'll be fine, this is how my dad always treats me" my head was starting to hurt so I just closed my eyes.

As I was starting to drift of I somehow developed a keen sense of hearing and I heard Sophie mutter under her breath. "Wow he really has her fooled thinking that he's her father. He's gone to far this time. Izy is a lot of things but none of those things is a toy, she's too important" than she walked off. I must have imagined it or something because, one; there was absolutely no way that I could have heard her from here. Two; if I did somehow manage to hear her nick was my dad, wasn't he?




Are you serious?

The car ride home was bumpy and deathly quiet, you could have heard a pin drop.

Then the leader spoke "so, we got of to a bad start" he looked at me as if to ask if he should go on. I gave a slight nod of my head and he visibly relaxed. "Okay, my names Antonio and this" he said pointing at the other big bulky man next to him "is benjamin" he curtly bowed to me.


"So Antonio and Benjamin, what is the meaning of walking into the market, picking me up and draping me over your shoulder like I was a rag doll, then shoving me into a car against my will?" It was Benjamin that spoke first. Really bad move. "We were only obeying the president, your fathers orders" as he spoke he looked up at me and straight into my eyes as if to challenge me.

I death stared him with all the rage and hate I could find I bore a hole straight through his head.

I was angry, I was upset but not at them at my father. I had lernt a lot over the past week. My father had kept a lot of things from me. The headquarters, the pasword for it, he has been reducing my contact with outsiders and he has reduced my contact with humanity.

What I was not expecting was what happened next.


Benjamin started to turn purple. His hands when the to his throat. "Izabel jade cambel!" Came the unmistakeable voice of dr Peaters himself. I was to focused to turn to face him. "Izabel look away right know!" At that moment the car door flew open and I was distracted. As soon as my gaze left Benjamin he crumpled to the floor in a heap and blood started coming out of his mouth

"Get him on the stretcher! Hurry up the girl knocked him clean out. He's lucky! I barely got hear in time" is what I heard in that background. Sudenly the edges of my vision started to go black. I fought it and tried not to give in but I was exhausted. So I gave in to the darkness, I let it devour me.


I woke up in an all to familiar plastic covered white bed, with a thin scratchy blanket wrapped around me. I looked ar.ound. I found out that I was hooked up to a lot of life saving machines. Instead of stupidly yanking them out and bolting for the elevator which ,I found out the hard way, was not a terribly smart move. Instead I just layed back and fell asleap again.

The second time I woke up there was a young, pretty, female doctor in my room writing things on a clipboard with a dark blue pen. "Good morning miss cambel" she said smileing brightly. "Good morning miss..."

"Dr. clint"

"you look really pretty in that white coat! It exentuates your piercing bright blue eyes." I smiled.

"Thank you." She looked at me than at my clothes and made a face. "Let's get you cleaned up my dear." She said as she came over and carefully removed all the needles and used bandages to stop the bleeding.

"Go jump in the shower and i will go and get you some fresh clothes." She left the room and I walked into the bathroom. I was to tired to really see what it looked like, so I just made my way to the shower. "Hey" there was a light knock on the bathroom door

"miss cambel! I have your clothes. I will put them on the chair right outside the bathroom" with that i could hear her footsteps leave the room. From the way that I heared it, she had stoped right outside the door.

"Thanks dr. Clint"

"it's not a problem dear!" She yelled over the shower water.


I got out and got dressed into the nice little blue top and the jeans that she had brought me. "You can come in!" I yelled towards the door and almost immediately the door swung open to reveal the young doctor. She cheacked everything to see if I was alright to leave.


Once she was done, there appeared someone in the door and he sent me straight to my fathers office. "Isabel Jane cambel " he said with a disappointed shake of his head why would you decline a direct order? Why would you ignore your fathers request? Why and how could you disrespect your own flesh and blood at a public event? Why would you? He raised his head and looked me in the eyes. I expected to see betrayal writen all over his eyes, or at least sadness. What I found there not only shocked me but it also scared me. His eyes were glassed over and emotionless, like a zombie seeing and feeling nothing. It was then that I realised. He hadn't actually spoken to me.

A dream!?

"Miss cambel?" I felt a slight tug on my sholder but I was too tired to move so I lay still and fall back into a lovely dream about mythical creatures that roam on mythical grounds and that dream a strange looking creature came over to me and opened it mouth and said "miss CAMBEL!? I know that you are alive which is a good sign, but I need to know if you can sit up and open your eyes. Can you do that for me miss cambel?" Now as I lay there lost in my dream and pondering why a strange creature would ask that of me I realise.Back to reality.


I sit up abruptly and my eyes shoot open. I scan the room to find out where I am and I figure out that I am back in my hospital bed. I calm myself, as I lay down my eyes wonder to the strange looking creature that's sitting next to my bed.

To be compleatly honest it looks like a squished tomato and it's looking at me funny. The new creature lets out a breath and her face is a mixture of emotions; scared, embarrassed,worried,happy and above all relived. "Miss cambel you gave me a heart attack with your abrupt awakening" she sighed. "What happened to me?" I ask Sudenly worried because I couldn't recall anything that happened. The strange creature looked at me funny again "don't you remember me?"

"No I cant remember ever meeting you, sorry" she starts to look distressed.


Crap what the hell am I going to tell nick? Man he is going to rip me to shreds. I thought I gave her the right amount. Just enought to clear her memory of going into her fathers office. I obviously gave her way to much because she dosnt even remember me. 

"Wait, what? You cleared my memory? Why?"


I don't think I have seen anyone run out of a room so fast in all my life. She literally flew out the door and into the elevator and she stood there constantly pressing the down button. I swear that even if you were the dumbest person it the world you would be able to tell that she was scared out of her mind. She looked like a kid in a candy store when the doors finally opened. She was gone in a matter of seconds after that.


Looking around I started getting board so I went to get up, but as I stood on my feet my legs gave way and my arms were like jelly so I fell straight on to the floor and knocked myself out. again.



The first lie

man this girl has got to stop knocking herself out! She is a walking disaster. It's such a shame, I wouldnt go out with her if she wasn't so god damn cute. oh my god! I slowly opened my eyes to see who is sitting in the room and I hope that he is not anywhere near me.

Just my luck he is sitting right next

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