» Fantasy » Deceitful lies by Naebot Barrett (large ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «Deceitful lies by Naebot Barrett (large ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Naebot Barrett

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Knock knock

The Continuous knocking on my door signalled that it was time to get up. "Im awake" I slured tiredly. The knocking became quieter but didn't stop. "Im here, stop knocking" the knocking got even slower but still didn't stop "stop knocking" my tiredness gave way to an ugly rush of anger and frustration. "Non-patient idiot!" I mumbled On my way to the door, as Eric came barging in, almost knocking me to the ground.

"I heard that" he said looking tired and frustrated. I looked out the window, that was right next to my bed, and found complete darkness "What time is it?" I asked in an angry and upset tone as I quickly ran back into my bed and pulled the covers over top of my self. I flashed him an if-looks-could-kill stare when his reply  was that it was 'just one o'clock in the morning', as he sat down on the end of my king sized bed the lights flickered on and I could see all of his rough features. He made his milk chocolate eyes wide and innocent.


The tension left the room almost as quickly as it had come. "Why are you here?" I asked suddenly curious "and what's with the knocking? Your going to be the death of me, I swear" I said rolling my eyes as he acknowledged the heavy sarcasm in my voice "couldn't sleep" he admitted, then He pulled back the purple covers on my bed and jumped in so quickly, I didn't even have a chance to stop him.

"I could have been naked you know" I said pondering possible outcomes to that situation. "I dream about that every single night" he replied with a cheeky glint in his eyes.

Then we were interrupted by a familiar voice "Izy, your father needs you and Eric Dr.peaters wants to talk to you" my best friend Charlotte came in to my bedroom, she was tall and strong willed, beautiful with eyes the shade of grass and her hair was blonde.


As she did I pulled the sheets all the way up to my neck "If your wondering why I am the personal messanger it is because both of you have your phones on silent, I am the closest one to you Izy and I got woken up to my phone dinging with messages for you two" her tone cold and the accusation present in her voice "and that very loud conversation you two were just having"Judging by the way Eric broke into hysterical laughter, my face was the deepest shade of red imaginable.


Then out of the blue her tone completely changed "do you sleep naked?" her voice barely audible but the curiosity ever present. "I wish, I'm leaving before You two can put anymore dirty thoughts in my head" eric got up flashed me a perfect white toothed smile, winked and started jogging down the hallway.

"did you two just..."Charlotte started but I got her meaning early and cut her of "NO!!!, no We most certainly did not, there is nothing like that going on between me and Eric, we haven't even kissed yet" I felt like I wanted to melt into the floorboards. I did not want to have this conversation with anyboady. Especially Charlotte.

"YOU HAVENT EVEN KISSED YET!!!" She practically screamed at me. The way she went about it made me uncomfortable and her facial expression made me feel like I had committed something horrible like murder.


A tall lanky man that suported deep purple bags under his eyes, cleared his throat to get our attention. My eyes immediately found the sorce of the noise and studyed the man in my doorway. He literally looked like he had been through hell and back, and while he was there got hit by a train. There was no other way to describe him.

"Good morning president cambel sir" Charlotte said in a soldier like manner. "And to you miss Davis" his voice sounding the complete oposite to his looks, calm and collected.

"Good morning dad" I said in a cheerful tone, very thankful for the much needed interuption. "Good morning darling" he strained a tight smile. "I need to talk to you about something very important..." His voice trailed off and his face fell from the tightly smileing father to the very stressed president that he was.

At that very moment I knew that it was not a joking matter, it was serious, something was very wrong, and I also knew that whatever it was, was going to affect me, my family and my closest friends.


Walking down the hallway I noticed my fathers lengthy fingers were twitching wildly at his sides and he was trying  to conceale the fact that what he wanted to talk to me about was not 'very important' it was 'completely life changing'.

I also noticed that even though I have lived in this very house for almost sixteen years. I haven't actually been anywhere inside it.


i have in fact never even noticed the secret passage ways behind the massive portraits, the hidden levers and buttons that activated them or that instead of being a one story house (which is what it looked like to a normal person) it was in fact a whole forty-seven story headquarters for the president.

Also to a normal person the house looked like it was on a hill, but as it turns out all around it is a very high-tech cloaking device that was specifically designed to hide the other forty-six stories from people that wanted to steal things from the presidents home.  


What I mean by very high-tech is that it not only looks like a hill but it also feels like a normal hill, when I was younger me and Charlotte used to roll down the side of it and play games on the surface of it. It kinda creeps me out that now I know the whole time we were playing people were watching us.

at the end of the hallway we turned left and than took a right, than another two lefts, I think? and then it became to confusing to remember. By the time we stopped I was so dizzy that it felt like the floor was trying to tip me upside down, and I silently willed my mind back into focus.

When I could see clearly I found that the hallway we were walking down came to a dead end and I thought that we must have taken a wrong turn or something, but as I turned around and went to walk back The way I had come, my father grabbed my arm and spun me to face the wall again.

He moved aside a picture that was of a pale skinned women with dark green eyes, oily black hair and a half fearful, half horribly sad expression. He tried carefuly not to meet her eyes and I wanted to know who she was but decided right then was not the best time to ask.


Behind the small portrat was an old fashioned lock that required a password. He met my eyes and in that look I new he was sorry but he did not want me to know more than I had to. I was anoyed that he didn't trust me but I turned to face the oposite wall while he quickly typed in his password. When he was finished he beaconed me to stand next to him. I immediately followed and right before my eyes an elevator appeared.

When it opened my father steped straight in. At first I was hesitant, where and how fast was the tiny metal box going to go? I hated the feeling I got when my stomach dropped. My father sighed and his facial expression stared to turn impatient. I  reluctantly stepped inside the small metal cage, I closed my eyes as the doors closed and prepared my self for the long ride down.


"Where are we going?" I said to my very calm and professional looking father. "Down" he replied stating the obvious, then laughing at my facial expresion. My father was not the humorous type so I was confused and sick and dizzy and I had to admit I would have looked pretty ridiculous. We both laughed the whole rest of the elevator ride, and when the doors finally opened we fell out and fell to the ground in ridiculous balls of hysterical laughter.

" President sir?" a women's voice caused my face to go bright red. Me and my father automatically stood, brushed ourselves off and faced the red haired women, whose voice had interrupted our silly little laughter fit.

One of her eyebrows was raised slightly higher than the other and her eyes were wide. Obviously seeing the president do anything that wasn't perfect or professional was a new thing to her. "You two need to follow me right now" the urgency in her tone unnerved me. Why did I need to follow her?



   she lead us to the end of a long corridor and into a massive room with a massive table in the middle of it. Against one wall were millions of televisions and along the other were millions of pictures of people that I didn't recognise. It was than that I realized all the seats on the table were occupied except for three in the corner.

My father lead me to the empty seats in the corner and sat down next to a bulky, brown haired man with hypnotyzing golden eyes. the seat on the other side of him was unoccupied so I sat in it, and the red haired lady also known as Clarence sat on the other side of me.


As we got settled a mechanical voice said "we're going live in five, four, three, two, one" the room became deadly silent as the televisions switched on and each one was supporting a male and a female leader that sat Towards the front. The rest looked more like body guards and crazy scientists.

My father was the first one to speak "as you all are aware there has always been a rift between the North side and the South side for quite some time, But now they are attacking us.The south side attacked first so our actions are going to be as a result of self defence, the South side attacked a small town near my headquarters and murdered several teenagers. However

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