» Fantasy » Scarred by Aysha K (best summer reads of all time txt) 📕

Book online «Scarred by Aysha K (best summer reads of all time txt) 📕». Author Aysha K

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raises an eye brow ''Get up were going to go shopping''

I look at the clock, 12:30. ''Awww Rena why?!'' I wine, trying to cuddle back into my bed.

She pulls the blanket off me. ''None of that Miss. Martez, now get up before I drag you out of bed myself oh and I'll have to eat those awesome cakes that mama made'' That caught my attention.

''I'm up, I'm up'' I get out of bed and head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face..

''I knew that would work'' Rena laughs as she leaves my room. ''I'll wait for you downstairs''

''Kay'' I say not paying attention.

I grab my suitcase and haul it onto my bed, I pick out my outfit for the day; black high waist shorts, black and white stripy blouse- tucked into my shorts, red cardigan, mid thigh black socks and black knee high boots. I brush my hair and leave it so it falls down my back, my make-up is simple; black eyeliner, mascara and plum pink lipstick and I wear a simple silver ring on my index finder and a small pendant with my parent's photo in it. I grab my leather side bag and my purse, phone and other essential stuff before heading downstairs. I found Rena talking to her Mama.

''Ehi Tesoro, dormire bene?'' My aunt asked me, smiling softly.

''Sì ma sembra Rena non piace che così lei mi ha svegliato'' I smirk at Rena and grab an apple. ''Ciao Zia'' I say before walking out of the kitchen.

''Ciao mamma'' Rena calls out before following me as well. ''What was that about'' She hits me on my arm.

''Well since I missed breakfast I thought an apple would do me good'' I reply sarcastically.

''Not that''

''What?'' I send her an innocent look.

''Forget it'' She sighs.

We both get onto a nearby gondola. I take in the sight before me; I missed this place. We pay the gondola person and get off it before heading into the closest shop.

''What do you think?'' Rena asks me as she gets out of the changing rooms. She's wearing a white dress that stops mid-thigh and it puffs out slightly at the bottom, thick brown belt and blue jean jacket with the buttons closed and the sleeves rolled up.

''That looks great on you'' I tell her.

''Really but it makes my butt look big'' She says as she looks at herself in the mirror.

''Nah you look fine'' We brought that and a few other things for ourselves before heading into a café that we would always go to; Florian's Café. We both enter and are greeted by Leonardo.

Leonardo is a man in his early 20's and his father owns Florian's Café, he has chestnut brown hair, blue eyes, dimples when he smile and today he's wearing a white shirt that hugs his muscles, with the sleeves rolled up, black jeans and black combat boots.

''Ciao Signorinas, would you like the usual?'' He asks us, his light Italian accent showing. We both say yep and head towards the booth the we normally would sit at.

''Hey Leo how are you?'' I ask as he gives us our orders and takes a seat next to Rena.

''Fine what about you? I heard what happened'' He asks concerned.

''I'm fine, I just miss them a lot'' I say but clear my throat. ''Anyway don't you have work to do?'' I ask taking a bit out of my pastry.

''I asked Rosemary to take over my shift for a while'' Rosemary was his younger sister who helped around in her spare time.

We all talked for an hour or so before Leo had to get back so Rena and I did some more shopping.

''These would look so cute on you Mia'' Rena says holding up a pair of black pearl earrings. They were quite pretty so I ended up buying it. We left the jewellery store and Rena said that she forgot something Florian's café; strange she should have realized ages ago but I didn't say anything except that I would wait for her where the gondola's are.

''Hey Ari'' Huh I swear that sounded like Rowan, I turned around and found him smirking at me. Rowan, Caleb, Lilah, Rose, Dimitri , Mr. Carter was there and another person whom I didn't recognise.

''Umm hey guys'' I say awkwardly. ''What are you doing here?''

''You forgot that we would be coming to Venice did you now?'' He asks faking to be hurt.

''Oops might have slipped out of my head'' I say.

''Anyway, Ari this is Michael'' Riley says pointing to the other man.

''Hello Zarinah'' Michael says.

''Hi?'' I say making it sound more like a question.

''Anyway what are you doing here?'' Caleb asks me. I raise an eye brow.

''Umm I don't know but I think these should answer your question'' I lift up my shopping bags.

''I can see that but how come your here in Venice and didn't you come with anybody else?'' He asks.

'' I told you guys that I came because of some family problem and yeah I came with my cousin Ser-'' I started but was interrupted.

''Qual è il tuo problema non si può vedere dove stai andando?'' I hear Rena shriek.

''Oh god, excuse me'' I smile apolitically at them and turn around to find that Rena was shouting a guy who looked the same age as us maybe older. I rush to her as the poor guys gets shouted at.

''Rena what's wrong?'' I ask when I reach her, I know that the others followed me because I heard their feet stop behind me.

''What wrong, your asking me?! Why don't you asks this guy'' She says pointing to the guy that she was shouting at earlier, I turn towards him.

''Ci dispiace per la Sir di mio cugino comportamento maleducato e sono sicuro che qualunque cosa tu o lei ha fatto è stato un incidente'' I say helping him pick up his stuff as well as Rena's.

''No its fine, I should have watched where I was going'' He says standing up. His eyes fall onto what's behind me or should I say people. ''Hey guys'' He says to everybody.

''You know him?'' I ask them.

''Yeah, he's a close friend of mine'' Mr. Carter. ''That's Carlos'' He says pointing to the guy.

''Hey Serena?'' Lilah says. I realize that I forgot about Rena and turn around and face her.

''Oh crap Rena I forgot you were there'' I say.

''Yeah nice to know that I'm loved'' She replies sarcastically. ''Hey Lilah''

''Huh you guy's know each other?'' I asked confused.

''Umm yeah Papa works with Michael and these lot'' She replies.

''Okay'' My phone starts to ring. ''Excuse me'' I say before walking away a little.

''Hello'' I pick up not bothering to check caller ID.

''Hey Mia where are you'' Raph asks

''Oh Rena and I are in the town square, we're nearly finished so we should be back soon'' I say

''Okay stay safe'' We hang up and I head back towards everybody, they're sitting at a close café. when I get closer I can hear bits of what they are saying.

''Does they know?''

''No, Papa and Mamma still have to tell them'' Rena replies

''When are they going to find out?''

''I don't know but- '' Rena stops there when she see's me walking towards them. ''Hey Mia, who was that?'' Huh  what were they talking about? Who needs to find out what? I shake my head and smile at her.

''Raph asked where we were that's all'' I reply.

''Oh what did you tell him''

''That were nearly finished and should be back soon'' I say sitting down between her and Caleb.

We ordered and talked for a while as we waited.

''Hey Ari I didn't know that you could speak Italian'' Rose say

I fidget in my seat. ''I visited Venice a lot as a child so I managed to pick up the language pretty easily''

''Hmmm do you know any other languages?'' I hear Michael ask.


''What would they be'' He asks, why do I feel like I'm being interrogated all of a sudden?

''Umm French, Spanish, Greek and Latin'' I say

''Really? Wow that's a lot'' Caleb says from my right.

I shrug ''My parents would travel a lot when I was a child and Italy, France, Greece and Spain were the most common places but they taught me and my brother Latin for some reason'' I look at my watch, 5:30. ''Ah crap Rena we're late, Zia's going to kill us'' I say getting up, Rena gets up as well.

''Bye guys'' We both say before grabbing our bags and leaving.

Chapter 5

I stare at myself in the mirror, the black dress just ends a little above my knees and the skirt is a little puffy, its sleeves are lace and end at my wrists, it has a high U-neck line and a little black bow at the back, black netted tights and black flats. I didn't wear any make-up because I know  that it's useless.

''Mia hurry up we're going to be late'' Rena shouts from the other side of the door.

I wipe away the tear that escaped my eyes and take a deep breath. ''I'm coming'' I walk out of the bathroom and grab my black purse.

''Took you long enough'' Rena whines.

''Let's just go'' I walk out of my room and find the others a the bottom of the stairs waiting for me and Rena to descend. When I get to the bottom Raph engulfs me into a tight hugs.

 ''I'm sorry that you're having to find out like this'' He lets go of me and kisses my temple ''We're going to get through this together, don't worry'' he smile but it's sad. What did he mean he's sorry that I'm going to find out like this? Find out what though?

''Lets go'' We all leave and arrive at the funeral 20 minutes later. Somehow they managed to get mom's ad dad's bodies from California to Venice, thinking about them makes me want to fall to my knees and beg God to take me and give them back, the funeral had taken place but some still remained.

I walk towards the benches, opposite where my parent's coffins were and sit down. I stare at the spot where the coffins were and wonder why am I still here, why is God punishing me when I haven't done anything. I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a lot of familiar voices talking to my uncle and aunts.

''Are you going to tell her?''

''I don't think she's ready'' My Uncle replies.

''Well she needs to know''

''Ju- just let us handle it, she's been through enough already, telling her this would cause her to lose it'' My Aunt Clare tell them, they all agree and continue to talk but I zone out. What did they mean 'Are you going to tell her?'' tell know what, whilst we we're in the town square yesterday Rena was asked the same thing but she told them 'No', what is everybody talking about!?. I get up a look around for Raph, I spot him talking to a few guys with his back facing me, I walk towards him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and smiles at me but its the same sad smile that he gave me today.

''Hey Mia, what's up?'' He asks me, how does he stay thing strong even when mom and dad are gone really make me wonder.

''Nothing really, I just really miss them'' I say wiping away the tears that escaped my eyes, I had cried all throughout the

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