» Fantasy » Scarred by Aysha K (best summer reads of all time txt) 📕

Book online «Scarred by Aysha K (best summer reads of all time txt) 📕». Author Aysha K

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oddly familiar.


''Try harder, I'll always be there for you when they can't'' He fades away, leaving me to stare at my reflection. All of a sudden a hideous figure appears behind me, grinning evilly.

''Well, well, well look who we have here'' It laughs. I stare at it as it takes another step, I turn around and grab the nearest thing closest to me; my hairdryer. ''Ha-ha what are you going to do with that?''

I throw it at the beast causing it to fall to the floor and clutch its head. Taking the chance I run out of my bathroom but something caught my ankle and dragged me down to the floor.

''Bad girl, now your going to have to be punished'' It open its mouth showing its razor sharp teeth. '


''Ahhhhhhh!'' I scream jumping out of my bed and running out of my room. Towards the end of the hallway I bump into something and fall onto my bum. ''Whatever you are please don't hurt me'' I plead, I hug my knees and start to rock back and forth, the nightmare stuck to my mind.

''Why would I hurt you?'' I hear it ask, amused. The voice sound familiar for some reason.

''Be-bec-cause I threw a hairdryer at you'' I stutter.

''Huh, when?'' I hear it squat down to my level and wrap an arm around me, picking me up.

''What are you doing?'' I ask trying to get free.

''Taking you somewhere you will feel safer'' It says walking me towards a door.

''Why'' I ask, still struggling.

''Because you look pretty scared right now''

''Why do you care? You tried to kill me remember'' I point out. I hear it laugh.

''Don't you know who I am?''

''Umm a hideous beast that is really nice and will let me go?'' I ask unsure. I feel myself being put down onto something soft and something cover me. ''What are you doing?''

''Making sure your comfortable, you sure you don't recognize me?'' I shake my head.

‘‘It’s Dimitri'' He says. I feel myself stiffen, why did it have to be him, why him out of everybody else?

''Why are you helping me, and why are you even here?''

''We all stayed over because it got pretty late but anyway what happened earlier, why did you look soo scared?'' He asks. I feel the bed dip as Dimitri sits down and face me.

''Its nothing'' I say, embarrassed all of a sudden.

''Sure didn't look like nothing''

I sigh ''It was just a nightmare Dimitri''

''Was it that bad that you screamed bloody murderer and looked really scared?'' He asks, concerned. His hand unconsciously stokes my cheek.

''Yeah'' My head leans into his touch. I bite my lips when I feel a sudden urge to kiss him.

''Don't worry I'll protect you'' He whispers looking into my eyes.

I feel myself inching towards him ''Promise?''

He smile ''Always'' His eyes dart to my lips. ''Don't do that''


''That'' He stops me from biting my lips any further.

''Why?'' I ask.

''Because'' His voice sound restrained, like he's stopping himself from doing something.

I stare into his eyes and am shocked when I find them really dark, almost black. I feel Dimitri rub my lips slightly and I made the mistake when I bite my lips again by accident because all of a sudden I find myself under Dimitri with him looming over me. His skin accidentally brushed against mine and I felt a mysterious spark ignite within me and I'm surprised when I felt an emotional flash through his eyes, did he feel it to?

''That's why, I can't restrain myself when you do that Zarinah'' His face starts to come closer to mine, my head starts to imitate him but he stops himself and rolls off me. ''Urgh why do you have to be soo irresistible'' He groans but his voice sounds husky and incredibly sexy.

''What do you mean?'' I ask, regaining from what just happened.

''Didn't you feel a spark or tingles when I touch you?'' He asks me.

''Y-yeah, W-why?''

''Don't you realize Zarinah?'' He asks looking into my eyes.

''What'' I ask, I think I had a felling to what he was trying to say but didn't want to say it in case I was wrong.

''Zarinah you're my soul mate'' He said before he crashed his lips onto mine.

Chapter 10

I wake up panting.

It can't be real. I touch my lips, the kiss felt real though. Dimitri isn't my soul mate.... right?

'Could you get any more stupid?' - Asks the voice in my head.

'I'm just going to pretend that you didn't say th- Wait why am I talking to myself?'

'You aren't.... Well technically you are but I'm your inner you, Humans call us conscience if that makes any sense'.

'Oh and call me stupid' I say stubbornly. 

'Whatever anyway that 'Dream' or 'Nightmare' whatever you want to call it was a sign of you finding your true mate'

'But I say two different guys; one of which was Dimitri and I don't know who the second one was but his voice sounds familiar' I suddenly remember that demonic thing and an uncomfortable shiver runs down me.

'I know and that demonic thing that you saw well their called 'Hollows' and they aren't exactly pleasant' It says 'Don't call me an 'It' because I'm you and your calling yourself an 'it' so I'd prefer for you to give me a name instead of me being called an object.

'A name.... Of my choice'

I could imagine her roll her eyes at me... if that can even happen.

'Should I be feeling scared right now?' She asks.

'No' I smirk.

Names, names, names..... Ivy, Rhea, Rue-

'Wait you are a girl.... Right?'

'Oh you caught me I'm a boy stuck in a girls body' It remarks sarcastically.

'All you had to say was yeah' I grumble.

Mila, Era, Rivka, Lory.

'What name do you like the most?' I ask

'I don't know, your supposed to chose but I like Rivka'

'Same here!' I say

'Well duh were the same person'

'Whatever, you've officially been named.... Rivka' I stop talking to her soon after and walk into my bathroom and have a shower.

I blow dry my hair and wrap a towel around myself and walk out of my bathroom and walk to my closet. I pic out my outfit for the day: Sweatshirt with the logo 'New York City' across it, black ripped jeans and red vans. I walk back into the bathroom and do my make up ( I put my hair into a floral braid and back into my room and towards my jewellery box and pick out a gold cross my heart ring, black studs, a few bracelets and I put on my antiqued wings pendant (I wear it because it make me feel like that no matter what happens I'll always have somebody looking over me). I spray on some perfume and grab my phone, car keys and headphones then leave my room and walk into the kitchen.

Its slightly odd to see everybody there - Caleb, Dimitri, Riley, Raphael, Rose, Aniswailah, Jared and Rowan.

''Hey Mia'' Raphael says.

''Hmm'' I reply.

 ''You okay?'' Jai asks, I look at him and raise my eyebrow.

''Yeah.... Why wouldn't I be?'' I ask whilst grabbing a packet of pop tarts and placing them into the toaster.

''You seem different that's all''

''And that's bad because.... ?''

''Nothing'' He replies. They  all start to talk amongst themselves, I hear the toaster ding and I grab my pop tarts and sit by them.

''What?!'' I ask when I take a bite into my food and see them looking at me. ''Ya'll know it's rude to stare especially when somebody is eating'' I raise an eyebrow at them.

Raphael is the first to break the silence.

''Did anything happen last night?''

''What do you mean?'' I ask confused.

''I don't know but did you get this strange feeling that something bad was happening?'' He says.

''Like that's any better.... Dude speak English I don't understand what your saying'' I say sarcastically and take another bite.

''What your brother is trying to say is that did you something strange or abnormal happen to you last night that might have I don't know freaked you out'' Rowan explains.

Something strange huh? All I can think of is that awesome dream ya know the one with the hollow thingy - note sarcasm. I they meant something strange like that then yeah but I don't know it I should tell them. They all stare at me waiting for my answer. I clear my throat to grab their attention.

''Nope I didn't have any strange feeling last night..... why?'' I say smiling.

''Nothing really we just got this bad sense occurring last night and I guess since you being one of us you will go through the same ritual'' Riley says.

''What ritual?'' I ask.

''Its just some sign of somebody finding their true soul mate''

''Really? That's exactly what Rivka told me'' Shit did I just mention Rivka? - Sorry if you wanted to stay unknown, I don't get a response.

''Rivka, who's that?'' Dimitri asks, staring intently at me.  I remember my dream-mare (Mixture of a dream and nightmare - its from my dictionary so no copying without my permission) and blush slightly.

''Uh N-no-body'' I stutter and mentally curse myself for it. ''Nobody'' I say more firmly.

''Really?'' He says.

''Yes'' I glare at him slightly causing him to smirk as if he knows a secret that I don't.

''Whatever floats your boat'' He leans back into his chair but still stares at me. I finish off my pop tart and grab the Jai's drink and take a sip. He raises an eyebrow and I just shrug my shoulders.

''ono što je moje, tvoje, ali dokle god podijeliti ono što je tvoje kod mene'' I say to him as I put down the glass.

''Što ako ja ne'' He replies.

''You don't want to go there'' I smirk evilly at him. I hear somebody clear their throat and I turn my head to find all eyes are trailed onto Jai and I. ''What?'' I ask.

''What the heck were the two of you talking about'' Caleb asks.

''Why?'' I ask smugly.

''No reason'' He replies. I look at Jai and see that he's looking at me.

''Aww oni ne razumiju - se ne događa da im kažem?'' He asks me.


''Mislim da se osjećaju izostavljeno''

''Fine'' I say back to him. He looks at everybody and again I see that they all are staring at us.

''I'm guessing that you all wanna know what Mia and I were talking about?'' They all nod their head. ''We were just talking about how we share stuff and for any dirty minded idiot here - Your an maggot because it isn't like that. Oh and we were talking in Croatian, so you might as well look it up on Google translate for what were talking about (I actually did that because I don't speak Croatian) 

''izdajica'' I mutter.

''Awe don't get upset Mia'' Jai chuckle as I glare dagger at him.


''Where did you even learn that, I don't remember being taught that'' Raphael says.

''I didn't I just picked it up randomly when I was younger, you should remember Raph and you Jai'' I said and its oddly true.

''Oh yeah, I remember'' He chuckles.

''What happened?'' Rose and Lilah say at the same time. I look at Raph.

''You tell them'' I say.

''Sure.... Anyway when we were younger, Mia had this habit of talking to random people - it didn't matter if she knew them or not she would just talk to them but one day when she was 11 and I

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