» Fantasy » Scarred by Aysha K (best summer reads of all time txt) 📕

Book online «Scarred by Aysha K (best summer reads of all time txt) 📕». Author Aysha K

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funeral. Raph wipes a few tears away and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

''Raphael, Zarinah honey I'm sorry for you loss and I wanted to say that you're parents were good friends of mine and we will dearly miss them but they are in a better place now so don't worry'' Mr. Minter said before walking away.

''I am getting tired of people saying sorry when they really aren't, they only pity us'' I rub my eyes angrily before turning away.

''Mia where are you going?'' Raph asks.

''Anywhere but here, I won't stand here and be pitied'' I say walking away.

I walk past a few people only stopped when they had to say 'How they were deeply sorry for my loss'. They don't understand the meaning of losing somebody that they lose because its their fault. I walk outside letting the cold breeze my exposed skin. I walked around the back of the Mausoleum and sit down onto the nearest bench, I stare out into the distance thinking about how life would have been in mom and dad were still here.

''Mia, there you are'' I turn my head and see Jai walking towards me.

''Hey'' I say quietly turning my head back. I hear him sit down beside me.

''Mia, what's wrong?'' He asks.

''Why has everybody been asking me 'what's wrong' lately?!'' I scream at him.

''Because they know that it was hard for you and Raph to be going through all of this'' He replies.

''No they don't understand, if they did then they woul-'' I didn't get to finish my sentence because I heard someone shout ''Aiuto'' and something laugh dryly from the forest to my left.

''What the hell was that?'' I asks walking towards where the cry for help came from.

''No Mia wait don't go there'' He says reaching for my hand, I quickly move it away.

''No, I'm not going to let anybody else die if I can do something about it'' I say turning around but running instead of walking.

''Wait Mia, Don't go there'' I don't listen to Jai and walk into the forest, the cold is unwelcoming and bites harshly at my skin. With every step I take I can't help but regret coming but something stops me from turning back around and running away like the coward I am every time.

When I get closer I hear inhumane noises; hisses and growls. I step out of the shadows and am shocked to find what's in front of me or should I say who....

Chapter 6

Riley, Caleb, Dimitri, Rose, Rowan, Raphael, Rowan and Aniswailah are standing in front of me and fighting monsters that I never seen before, though look familiar.

I did what anybody would so and screamed. ''AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'' Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at me, I stared back at them wide - eyed. ''What the fuck!?'' I say looking at my brother when one of those monster things moves towards him and he fires a ball of fire at it.

The monsters stare at me, their eyes wild with hunger. Taking this moment Caleb, Rose, Rowan and Dimitri kill all the monsters all except for one; it's big and bulky, like those things that are meant to be in horror books.

I watch quietly as Riley walks up to the last monster and force it to its knees ''Why have you come here tonight, have you not caused enough deaths?!'' She says in a powerful voice, that scared me a little but I didn't show any emotion. I didn't realise that Jai had come until he was standing in front of Riley holding down the monster.

''You all know exactly what we want and we won't leave until we get it, get her'' The monster stared at me whilst saying all of this, They want me but why?.

''None of you are going to get her'' With that I stared in horror as Riley ripped its head off.

 I looked up at them emotionless as the monster's body fell into flames ''Mia say something'' Raphael pleaded walking towards me, I take a step back and watch as he flinches, hurt flashing in his eyes.

''What do you expect he to say?'' I asks him monotone, all of a sudden something moved from my right, I felt a rough hand grab me from behind and grab my neck.

''I suggest you all leave now before the girl dies'' A malicious voice threatened from behind me.

''Don't touch her'' My brother hisses.

''What will you do, Raphael?'' The voice asks amused. ''If anybody takes another step forward then the girl dies'' To prove it's point it tightens it's grip on my neck but I don't scream out because I don't want to show it that it's getting to me, it's nails bite into my skin a little, ouch that hurts, but I don't say anything but watch as Raph looks me in the eyes telling me to do some thing ,but what?

'If only you could hear me Raph then I would asks you what your trying to tell me'

'Defend yourself' A voice says into my head.


'He's telling you to defend yourself'

I didn't need to be told twice, I kicked the thing behind me in the shin causing it's grip to loosen on me and I took thins chance to turn around and grab it's head and smash it into my knee I falls onto the floor with its head in its hands. My hands started to burn, I stared at them then all of a sudden a ball of black fire appeared and my hand unconsciously moved and threw the ball of fire at the monster. I stared in shock as the thing burnt, it watched me as it burnt. I don't know how long I stood there but I felt a bad presence still lingering around, I looked around.

''Mia what are you looking for?'' Jai asks walking towards me.

''Don't you guys feel it?'' I ask, I see their quizzical looks ''The bad presence in the air, man I must be going crazy''

''What do you me-'' He didn't get to finish because more monsters appeared, 12 to be exact.

''What the hell are they?'' I asks as one charges towards me but Dimitri kills it before it can get anywhere near me.

''Demons'' He replies, anger lacing his words.

All too soon everybody starts to fight, now there is only two remaining. They both hiss and growl trying to scare them, I snort but it didn't go past them because their attention was soon onto me.

''Shit'' One of it grins at me, showing me it's sharp canine teeth, YUCK!

''She's the one, grab her'' Before they could come near I managed to move myself at lightening speed towards the others, the only problem? I was standing between the monsters and them. I had no idea when the black balls of fire decided to show again but my hands moved on their own record and in a voice that I didn't know that I have possessed I said.

''Whoever or whatever you are better get the hell away from the people I love other there will be hell to pay'' One of them started to laugh.

''Or what'' It said, mockingly.

''I wouldn't do that if I were you, I've been on her bad side and let me tell you it's not pretty'' Jai says from behind me.

''I bet she couldn't hurt a fly!'' It said ''Give me your worst''

''Trust me you're going to regret saying that'' I smirked and threw the black flame at it. This time I knew what would happen and didn't watch the thing burn but at its companion. ''Unless you wish for your life to end this way, you might want to leave'' The thing hesitated.

''Who are you?'' It asked me.

''I don't even know anymore'' I replied emotionlessly.

''I'm not leaving'' It saying changing into a massive dog looking thing.


Pissed off enough I scream at it but not with my voice but the one that was more powerful...

''si vos non relinquo nunc tum ego voluntas ut tuus mortem, in maxmie et dolore magnam aliquam aliquid quod tuus quibus in perpetuum experti et ut tuus s poenitet oppugnare in populus, ego amor.... pati vel vivo suus est tuus optio''

It bowed its head down in surrender and left. I sighed and took a deep breath.

''What the heck was that?'' Caleb asked.

''I think that I should be asking you all that instead don't you think'' I turn around a look at them.

''Mia hang on, we were going to tell you but only when you were ready'' I looked at my brother.

''When did you think I would be ready?'' I ask him sarcastically but nevertheless I was pissed.

''Mom, dad and I were going to tell you before the accident but as you can see we didn't get to'' I flinch when he mentions that accident.

''Why didn't you tell me after that then, yourself?'' I ask

''You were destroyed after mom and dad died that I didn't know how to tell you'' He said, his eyes pleading me silently.

''That doesn't change why you lied to me, why all of you lied'' I stated glaring at each of them ''And why they want me''

''How did you know?'' Riley suddenly asks.

''It wasn't hard to figure out, every time that I heard anyone of you talking to my family members them you would ask if 'She had been told yet?' and the reply would always be 'No' and what happened a few minutes just proved it'' I reply but direct my next question to Jared and Raphael. ''But Jared and Raphael just about how long did you plan on keeping me in the dark?'' I snarl, they both flinch.

Raphael steps forward and tries to reach for me. ''Don't. Just leave me the FUCK alone!'' With that I turn around and run out of the forest not listening to their pleas.

Chapter 7''Grazie'' I thank the gondola person and head into my house, nobody is at home right now but Raphael and Jared have been calling me non-stop since I left them; I don't want to talk to them right now.

I walk into my bathroom and take off my clothes before walking under the shower head. I let the warm water graze me, I feel really dirty because of what happened today. I can't believe that happened, I mean how is that even possible? How did those black flames shoot from my hands? All these unanswerable questions run through my head. Out of nowhere a bunch of tears run down my face, I slide down the wall and

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