» Fiction » Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕

Book online «Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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do  to my perfume?!" She screeched, putting a hand over her nose and mouth.

"That's not yours, that's your sister's. I didn't do anything to it, that's how it really smells. Your senses are more acute now, they can pick up scents that were blind to the nose when you're human." She coughed and moved away from the offensive smell, then looked to Timothy.

"You think I wasn't worried about my innocence?" She asked, her nose still tingling from the perfume.

"That isn't how you acted this morning." He grumbled and  she'd felt looked at him before walking out of the room. No other words would be said, no word at all.

Chapter 14

She'd stayed quite the whole ride to the movies, letting her thoughts gather completely before she simply said something that would make her look stupid. She had no idea why she cared, she hadn't been afraid to make a fool of herself before; what was so different now. Maybe it was because she actually liked Tommy, and he'd be her forever guy. Whether she liked it or not. It would only make sense to want to look sensible in front of the person you were gonna spend the rest of your life with, right? When they got to the movie theater and he opened her door, the look they shared was anything but friendly. He reached his hand out, palms out, to help her out of the car; but in true Izzy fashion she merely pushed his hand away and hopped out the truck on her own. She walked ahead with Cassie and Darren. Cassandra threw a look to Darren and looped arms with Izzy as he sulked back hanging with the boys.

"Trouble in paradise?" She cooed to Izzy who threw a peeved look before rolling her eyes skyward. She tucked one and in her jacket pot and kept the other clasped onto Cassie's arm as she sighed deeply.

"I actually care about what he thinks." Izzy said softly, still looking up at the sky.

"Oh, honey. You're supposed to care about what people think, that;s a part of what makes you a good hu- individual." Cassie said appeasingly, patting the hand that laid on her arm.

"But I don't! I don't care what anyone else thinks, I could give two shits about what that bitch with the mustache on her face and that horrible musk on her body that's three cars over thinks about me and what I say! BUt one guy-"

"A guy you'll be with forever."

"Should not have that affect on me!" Izzy yelled, ignoring the interruption and not caring that he heard. Ha, maybe it was just a fluke!

"He's your mate honey, chances are your gonna care about a hell of a lot more than what he thinks about what you say." Cassie said soothingly but Izzy jus scoffed and shook her head.

"It gets annoying sometimes, hearing her bicker and whine about everything." She heard him say from beind her. Cassie groaned as Izzy whirled around, stopping in her tracks and narrowing her eyes dangerously on Tommy.

"The fuck did you just say, fucker?" She asked lethally, her fists balling up and rage lighting her eyes.

"I said it gets fucking annoying hearing you cry and complain about every little thing. I get it's fucking hard for you because you're new to this, but god damn you've had time." Tommy replied back, something strange in his eyes; something Izzy couldn't place and that's what scared her.

"How much time do you think I ned, ass hole? BEcause it's only been three fucking days since I woke up! After your mother put me in the damn hospital for four months of my life and made me feel things you can't even fucking imagine! So tell me, how fucking long do you think it will take me to get over that!?" She scremaed, her eyes watering and for the first time she cursed her faulty tear ducts.

"What my mother did was a blessing! And it took me a long time to figure it out, in some sick twisted way it's a gift! You won't be able to die, I get to have you for however long I want to and you can't do shit about it because you belong to me! You hear that Izzy, you're mine!! You can yell, and scream, and kick al the hell you want but that's not gonna change a damn thing. The minute I laid eyes on you I fucking wanted you, and before you come up wit that bul shit excuse of Bella being your twin just know it was always you!! But you always settled for the assholes, the dickweeds, and the turdnuggets. You were fucking untouchable, but your sister? She wa fair game and she made it known. I made myself suffer her incessant whining and her shrill voice just so I could get those rare moments with you; or those rare moments where she looked like you enough to take away the pain of not having you. My mother showed me just how easy it was for you to get hurt, just how easy it was for you to be taken away from me, and dammit Izzy if I wasn't happy as hell when you were changed. It hurts me when your angry, it hurts me when your hurt; I can't fucking stand it Izzy. So, any time you fucking wanna know how I feel or you care to fucking ask how I'm dealing with anything, just fucking ask and stop being so fucking self absorbed about every little damn thing!! Now, can we please go watch the movie so we can go eat because I'm fucking starving." With that he stormed off, not caring if any of his stunned friends followed.

Jaime was the first to fal out of his stupor, with sad eyes he approached Izzy and sadly nodded.

"He's right, ya know, he went through hell and back again while you were in the hospital and the days after you were changed. It was unfair to demand anything more from him or to get angry at him when he was only trying to help throughout it all." He slowly walked after his friend, afer patting Izzy on the shoulder.

"Well," Cassie said brightly "I think that is an excellent exmaple of why you should listen to Cassandra when she tells you not to say things!"


Text: Anaya Phoenix
Publication Date: 03-10-2013

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