» Fiction » Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕

Book online «Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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frozen in a state of shock. That bastard…

“You stingy, mangy, rat bastard!!” She growled, picked up one of her stuffed animals and impaled him with it.

“Hey! What the hell!?” He whisper yelled, but she gave him no air.

“How dare you take my first orgasm! Have you no shame!? That was for my future husband you dickwad!!” Her hits got considerably harder with each word. His eyes seemed to darken as he walked to her.

“Do you regret that I took your first orgasm, instead of some guy who would’ve fooled you into thinking he was your future husband?” He asked darkly, his jaw twitching.

“Yes I do, dickwad! It was mine to give!” She said, getting in his face as much as she could.

“I didn’t see you stopping me.”

“You fucker! You know damn well I tried to stop you!” She hit him with the pillow again.

“You obviously didn’t try hard enough, you sat there and let me do it.” She narrowed her eyes at him and dropped the pillow.

“Well damn if I stand here and let you do it again.” She growled out at him and walked to the window.

“Izzy, wait-“

“No, fuck you dickwad. I’m done. You no longer exist to me. So do me a favor, and go fuck yourself.” She snarled and hopped out the window. As she swore to herself she was done, that she wouldn’t allow herself to fall for douchebags, and assholes alike she felt something. She felt… pain. Hold the fuck up. Isabel Mcreery didn’t feel pain, especially over some stupid boy. That didn’t stop the pain from overflowing her heart as she walked home.

Chapter 7

She decided not to go to school the next day, or the day after that. Her family took care of her, but never asked what happened. They just made sure she ate and, at least, bathed. She spent those days curled up in the fetal position with her head on her favorite pillow. She cried, oh how much did she cry, but only at nights. Nights were when her pain was worse. She’d hear the carney music, see the lights flashing around her eyes, and see his stupid face… and feel his lips on hers. That was the worst memory. Feeling his soft, sweet lip on hers in a beautiful embrace. She couldn’t stand it.

                By the third day she’d had enough. She woke up at the butt crack of dawn and took an hour long shower, then brushed her teeth for a full thirty minutes. She rubbed her scalp raw until she could no longer stand it. By the time she pulled on her jeans and pulled on a tank top it was almost time to go. She bounded downstairs, her hair drying and curling as it did naturally. Her dad closed the fridge and turned to look at her, orange juice in hand.

“Hey Izzy, you feelin’ better?” He asked, opening the carton and drinking it from the spout.

“Remarkably.” Her voice sounded scratchy and shrill. She cleared it and motioned to the carton, he handed it over and wiped his mouth. She guzzled down a gulp or two and gave it back to him.

“Thanks. I feel better, after a good shower I’m better than ever.” She gave a slight smile and sat down, leaning her elbows on the island.

“Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked, leaning on his crossed arms. His blue-green eyes were curious and wide as he searched his daughter’s face for something. He knew he would find nothing, but it never hurt to check.

“Not really dad, not in the mood for talking.” He sighed and closed his eyes.

“You know, you’re so much like your mother. When we first met she was so hot and cold that I was almost afraid to approach her.” This caught her attention, just like he wanted, and her blue eyes sparkled.

“How did you then?”

“I didn’t. She approached me, I was so scared that she was gonna hit me or something that I didn’t talk to her. ‘Are-“

“-You mute or something? That’s what I asked him.” Her mother came from the threshold and deeper into the kitchen.

“I said ‘no’ but it didn’t seem like she heard me. She just rambled on and on about herself, telling me everything there was to know about her.”

“Of course I did! Why wouldn’t I! I am, after all, amazing!” Her mother exclaimed, sidling up next to her father and stroking his back.

“That you are love.” He smiled and kissed her on the lips. Izzy looked away not trying to be subjected to parental love.

“Good morning sweets.” Her mother said, followed by kissing sounds. It made her gut clench but she pushed the feeling down.

“Good morning love.” He responded, they were about to kiss again but she stood.

“C’mon guys, I don’t need the PDA so early in the morning.” She whined, picked up a fruit and walked out the kitchen. There was giggling behind her but she ignored it, to the best of her ability, and went back upstairs to get her bookbag and jacket.


                She walked the walk to her school, crossing her arms over her midsection as it churned. She didn’t understand what was happening, or why it was happening for that matter. She sighed as she entered the courtyard, the sounds of school growing all around her. She spotted something that made her steps falter slightly, but then speed up considerably. As she walked up the small amount of steps she heard her name being called out. She froze, her spine ramrod straight, her hair curtaining over her face.

“Isabel! I didn’t think you were coming to school today, I thought you were still sick.” Her twin said, calling attention to her. She turned her head to see her twin smiling victoriously.

“I was feeling better when I woke up. Cleaned up and ate, I’m good.” She said, trying to be more confident.

“I can see that, want me to carry your books for you? I can work my voodoo that I do, do so well and get Timmy to carry them for you. He kinda owes you.” She winked as if there was an inside joke, the people around her laughed. Jamie looked at her and must’ve seen something that she was sure she had hidden well. Her emotions.

“You Ok Izzy?” He asked, breaking from Bella’s circle to take a step forward. She nodded and took a step on the last step, and was pushed down by a hard body. Her head throbbed in pin as she landed on the hard concrete and she groaned.

“Holy shit! Izzy, are you Ok? My God I’m so sorry. Timmy’s gonna kill me, oh God, please tell me you’re all right kid!?” Darren said, jumping off the three steps and running to her. She closed her eyes, the stars that danced  behind her closed eyelids were not very promising.

“I think I’m dead.” She said slowly, moving her head slowly.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine guys, no need to fret over her.” Bella’s voice made her open her eyes. Everybody stood over her, a smattering of basketball players, football players, and soccer players alike.

“You Ok there Izzy girl?” Cassandra asked, her hazel eyes wide and worried.

“I’d be better if you guys moved your faces from my eyesight, you guys are enough to make milk churn.” She groaned, smiling slightly and taking Jaime’s hand as he helped her up.

“He felt that, ya know, he’s probably gonna come running.” Jaime whispered and she pretended to not hear.

“I know, I’m dead.”

“Guys, he probably hardly even-“ car tires screeched near them “noticed.”

“Babe if you loved me, you’d protect me from him.” Darren said as somebody got out the car. The door slammed and Izzy looked around, not able to find where it came from. She looked in front of her and found Timmy there. His green eyes blazed in anger, although there were dark circles under his eyes he still looked lethal.

“Who… hurt… you?” He asked, his tone lethal and strong.

“You look like shit.” She said instead, trying to look anywhere but the angry pits that had became his eyes.

“No time for fucking games Isabel! Who hurt you!?” He roared.

She flinched.

Everyone gasped.

“Darren did, but it was an accident.” His green eyes looked to Darren and narrowed.

“It was an accident, I swear!!” Darren cried, Izzy had a feeling he hid behind Cassandra.

“You hurt mine, I should hurt yours.” Izzy’s brow furrowed at his odd choice of words.

“Whoa buddy, I’m not yours. Yours is over there, fuming her pretty little head off.” She said angrily, trying to ignore how her body reacted to his. His angry eyes went to hers and narrowed considerably.

“I told you I don’t want her, I want you.” He growled, his teeth clenched.

“We are a spitting fucking image, dickweed!”

“You are nothing like her! I want you! Not some fucking copy and paste of you!”

“Yeah, well, you weren’t saying that when you were fucking me last night! The copy and paste image of your beloved Isabel!!” Bella shrieked, calling attention to her and her tear streaked face. Izzy gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh dude.” Jaime groaned, putting his hand over his eyes.

“SO, you so desperately want me, need me! But then you go and fuck her!?”

“I wanted you, she was as close as I could get.” He said, his voice cracking.

“How about me? You couldn’t come to me?!” Tears blurred her vision as she held her stomach. She was gonna be sick.

“You made it pretty damn clear you didn’t want to see me again!”

“You took my first experience! Of course I didn’t want to see you again!” The people around her gasped but she didn’t care. The tears were falling now and there was no way to stop them.

“Izzy, please don’t-“

“No, you don’t! Don’t stand there and act like you fucking my sister is my fault! Don’t stand there and act like everything that happened is my fucking fault, because it isn’t. Oh God.” She put her hand over her mouth and heaved.

“I-Izzy?” Bella asked. She looked to her twin as more tears fell and heaved again.

“Move!” She yelled, pushing her way to Isabel.

“Can somebody give us a ride to the nearest hospital?! Please!!” She shrieked as her sister upchucked the apple she’d eaten earlier.

“Fuck. Izzy?” Timmy asked, but Isabel couldn’t answer. She was too busy heaving up a lung.

“C’mon, get her to my car.” Darren said, grabbing Isabel’s other arm and helping her. She put up a finger and swallowed down the bile that rose up and looked to Timmy. She didn’t care that she had throw up on her clothes and on her chin, she still smiled evilly at Timmy and gave him the bird.

“Die in hell dickweed.” After that, everything was a large blur to her, seeing as she passed out.


                She woke up to soft keening cries and annoying beeping noises. Her head killed her and she was sure that her stomach was bruised from the amount of pain it was in. She groaned loudly and moved her leg, then instantly regretted it seeing as it caused pain to rocket through her stomach. She opened her eyes with the force of pain and let out a slight yelp.

“Oh baby, are you Ok?!” Her mother gasped, jumping to Izzy’s side. Her blue eyes were filled

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