» Fiction » Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕

Book online «Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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away from his gaping girlfriend. He walked to Izzy and spread his arms out.

“I’m ready for my punishment.” He said with a smirk, she looked in his green eyes and cursed his awesomeness.

“You’ve redeemed yourself, move.” She grumbled and moved past him. He gripped her wrist and pulled her back to him, encasing her other arm in a vice grip.

“I don’t take well to being told what to do, Izzy.” He said, sneering her name. Her temper spiked tremendously and her face grew red with anger. The people in front of her winced and cowered away from the sight, afraid that merely looking at her would invoke pain on their part.

“Let me go Timmy, you’ve been redeemed. Don’t make me rethink my decision.” She said through clenched teeth, she didn’t try to move, she knew it would hurt. A hurt Izzy is not a happy Izzy.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” He growled in her ear, making whispers of her hair fly. Her nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed supremely. Bella’s eyes widened even more as she scuttled to her sister.

“Izzy breath, just breath. And blink, for gods’ sake please blink!” Bella pleaded, trying to save her boyfriends life.

“Bella go away, go stand some place and be pretty. It’s what you’re good at.” Timmy said nastily, making Isabel’s fists clench to the point of pain. No one insulted her family and expected to walk away uninjured. With a small growl she moved her head forward and then slammed it back, hitting him in the nose. She felt warmth hit her hair but she didn’t care. She was pissed. He grabbed his nose to stop the amount of blood that was gushing out of it and she took advantage of his weakened state. She kicked him in the nuts hard with the tip of her boot, then punched him square in the jaw when he fell to the ground cupping his balls. He fell to the ground, he couldn’t seem to decide whether or not he wanted to cradle his broken jaw, his sore balls, or his broken nose.

                Isabel breathed heavy and kicked him in the gut one last time for good measure and shook her hand.

“For one, don’t insult my family and expect to live afterwards. Secondly, I don’t like being hurt. God help you if I have bruises. I know where you live Demarco, don’t forget that. Thirdly, when I show you mercy take it. Don’t think your hot shit because I gave you a chance. Next time I might not be so gracious. Make sure there isn’t a next time, k Demarco?” With that she turned to face her sister and cracked her neck.

“I could attack you, right now, but because you are my sister and this dickweed insulted you I’m granting you leniency. Do you accept it?” Izzy said, cocking a brow daring her sister to deny the gift. Bella shook her head violently and swallowed.

“Good, now eat something. Mom would kill me if I didn’t make sure you ate.” Izzy said giving her sister a brief smile before walking past her to the exit of the cafeteria.

“Er… Izzy?” Bella’s small voice made her stop and turn around.

“You’ve got, uh, you’ve got blood in your hair.” Of course she did.


                Everyone generally stayed away from her the rest of the day, they didn’t want to take the chance of her flipping out on them like they did her. For some reason she didn’t get called into the principals office, or a slip from one of the teachers saying she’d gotten detention. Maybe her day was just starting to perk up. She had said maybe, hadn’t she. The last class of the day was biology and her foot bobbed up and down on the floor. After this she’d have to meet up with… actually no, she didn’t. His bum hand was fixed and she wouldn’t have to escort him anywhere. After this she could go home, of course she’d have to walk… actually no, she didn’t. She had his car keys. Smiling she slammed her hands on the table to and stood with her arms wide apart.

“The world is my oyster!!” She yelled victoriously enjoying how she startled several niners in front of her. Why were they even in this class, she’d have to ask them later on.

“Miss Mcreery!” The teacher exclaimed, frowning his walrus lip. She rolled her eyes and sat down.

“Way to put me down Mr. Walrus.” She muttered.

“What was that?”

“I said, I’m just the class clown Mr. Borris, don’t pay me any mind.” She cooed, waving him on with a small encouraging smile.

“Don’t condescend me, miss Mcreery. I have a college education.” He boomed, sticking his index finger up and jerking it around.

“I’m sure you do, Mr. Borris. I wasn’t trying to condescend you, Mr. Borris.” She cooed, keeping her tone gentle and condescending.

“I’ll have you know-“ He was cut off by the brilliant dinging of last bell.

“Saved by the bell.” She sang and gathered her bags. She looked both ways before leaving the biology class. She just had to turn two corners and then it was straight out into the cornucopia. Taking a deep breath she ran and squealed, the people around her moved out of her way surprised by the action. She rounded the two corners like the Devil himself were hot on her heels and ran down the hall to the outside world. She closed her eyes and breathed her relief, she’d made it without incident. Taking the keys out of her skirt pocket she walked down the few stairs that led to her car. She dangled the keys happily and looked up, only to stop in her tracks and frown.

“So much for the oyster.” She grumbled as she neared the car. He watched her every move with those stupid big, green, cat-like eyes.

“Were you planning on escaping?” He asked lightly tracking her every movement with his eyes.

“Leaving, not escaping. To escape would mean that I would have had to be imprisoned beforehand.” She said, walking to the drivers side and pressing the button.

“Is school not a prison to you?” He asked, turning to face her. She looked up to him and cocked her head. With a smirk she answered,

“More like a necessary vacation. If you met my family you would see where I’m coming from.”

“Thanks for inviting me! We should get going if we’re going to make it for dinner.” He said excitedly and got in the car. She furrowed her brow and frowned.

“I don’t remember inviting you.” She said dumbly as she sat in the drivers seat. He had already clicked his seatbelt in place so he just smile a lopsided smile and replied.

“Yeah you did. Your exact words were ‘Timmy, I would be absolutely, positively elated if you joined me and my family for supper’. To which I, because I’m so kind and all, accepted graciously.” Her mouth popped open as she looked at him.

“You making up fake realities now? Isn’t that, like, the first step to going completely bat-shit loopy?” She mumbled and put the car into gear. She wasn’t going to fight him, but she was gonna give him the scare of his life.


“Never again, you hear me?! Never again!!” He yelled at her, struggling to keep his voice manly. She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

“Puhlease, I wasn’t even speeding.”

“Wasn’t speeding my ass! You violated so many rules, it’s not even believable!” He boomed, she shook her head and walked to her pink house. He fumed silently behind her and she sighed as she took out her house keys.

“Forewarning, it sounds a bit loud in there. If you see anything flying threw the air duck, even if it’s not coming in your direction.”


“Don’t question it.” She said and opened the door.

“Get off of the stupid remote Ferris!” Cameron growled, yanking and tugging as the TV changed radically.

“Tell your face to get off the remote, baby!!” Ferris taunted back.

“Izzy’s back!! Look everyone Izzy’s back!! Here, catch Izzy.” Zena said, jumping up and down on the couch next to them, her fluff of her moving with her excitedly. Izzy registered what had happened, thankfully, before the cookie hit her in the face. She caught the rock hard cookie and groaned.

“Mom tried baking again?”

“Yup, almost took my teeth out- ohhh, who’s this hot hunk of burning love?” Sasha purred, her brown eyes raking over Timmy’s muscular stature. She folded her arms underneath her boobs and pushed them up. Izzy rolled her eyes and bit into the hard cookie. Her mom might not be the best when it came to the softness of the cookie but it still tasted good.

“Jail bait, this is off-limits. Off-limits, this is jail bait.” She said pointing to Sasha first then Timmy. Sasha rolled her eyes and smiled haughtily at him.

“I’m Sasha Mcreery, you are?” Her voice had taken a strange purr that was alien to Izzy. Leaving him to fend for himself she set off to the kitchen and slammed her bag down on the floor.

“We have to set another plate at the table. My friend asked to stay over and I didn’t want to be rude.” Her mothers back straightened and she turned to look at her daughter.

“Is it a boy? Have you brought a boy to the house, finally? Do you know how long me and your father have waited for this? Oh sweet God, thank you! Your fathers at work now, I’ve got to call him immediately!! Watch the string beans!!” Her mother shot out of the kitchen and up the stairs to no doubt find a phone. Isabel shook her head and bit off a piece of the cookie.

“Aha!” She heard Amelia exclaim and seconds later heard a shrill scream.

“Let me brush your stupid, stupid hair Zena!!” Amelia growled, sounding extremely put out.

“Never!!” Zena yelled back. Izzy simply munched on her cookie.

“IF you’re going to stand there, help me hold her down at least!” Amelia growled to someone, most likely Timmy.

“Not a smart move on your part if you do, Timmy.” She mumbled to herself and walked to the fridge to get a glass of milk.

“She looks pretty lethal now, not sure if I want to touch her.” Timmy declined, his voice sounding closer than it did before.

“I’m free!!” Zena screamed running through the kitchen, a comb stuck in her poof.

“Some friend you have.” Amelia growled as she chased after her little sister.

“Your family is…”

“Crazy, absurd, obnoxious, annoying, loud, rambunctious, aggressive-“

“I was gonna say amazing, but anyone of those words work too.” He said crinkling up his nose, she laughed until she realized it was crooked. Taking her bottom lip in between her teeth she walked to him and shoved the rest of her hard cookie in his mouth.

“Bite down.” She said and straightened his nose with her fingers. She could hear the crunching of the cookie, and probably some teeth, as he bit down in pain. She backed away with her hands tucked under her chin. He held up a finger and looked down, squeezing his eyes closed. She waited until he rode out the wave of pain to move, and that was to get him some aspirin and water. He still had that finger up when she came back and she smirked at that, but then quickly erased it as he looked up.

“This is a damn good cookie.”

Chapter 5
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