» Fiction » Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕

Book online «Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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house and noticed that this time the window was open. She climbed the tree, not caring that she had a skirt on- it wasn’t like anyone would see her-, and jumped into his room. She picked up her bookbag and looked at his sleeping form. With a loud sigh, one that was meant to warn him, she slammed the bookbag on his body.

“How many times do I have to abuse you for you to get it through your thick skeleton! Be awake and fucking ready for me by the time I get here!” She yelled at him with each hit, not caring if his parents heard.

“Ah! Ok, alright! I’m up!! Jesus, stop it!” He yelled and rolled off the bed to avoid her blows.

“Shower,  shaven, dressed. I’m giving you fifteen minutes. If you’re not finished by then so help you God, I’m coming up here with baby oil and a belt. Got it?” She asked fiercely, adjusting her leather jacket. She’d chosen to wear something dangerous today, to make everyone stay the fuck away from her. So she’d chosen black boots, a black denim skirt, a white v-neck t-shirt and a mini leather jacket. It was her ‘Get The Fuck Away From Me Or Die’ outfit. She loved it so.


                He’d heeded her warning well and was downstairs ready to go within ten minutes. They’d almost made it out when his mom stopped him.

“Do you guys have to rush? I made breakfast, thought you’d might like some.” Her voice was kind, motherly, as she wiped what looked to be flour on her jeans. She, honestly, wasn’t what Izzy expected Timmy’s mom to be like. She’d expected some high up her ass snooty bitch who thought everyone and everything owed her. She’d expected an older version of Bella. But what she got was a tomboy that didn’t seem to like wearing shoes. Her blonde hair, that she’d put into a ponytail, curled without end. Her green eyes looked inviting enough.

“Oh, uhm, mom we actually have to-“

“We have nothing to do. We can settle down, have a couple of flapjacks.” Izzy said, speaking over him and throwing a smile at his mother. She seemed taken aback but smiled to her nonetheless. Izzy started towards his mother, only to be interrupted by the deepest voice she’d ever heard in her life.

“Pardon me, but I think my son was about to say something before you rudely interrupted him.” Izzy looked up to see a man that had to be in his early thirties. His short hair was blond and spikey, his eyes a bright green that seemed to burn through her and straight to her core.

“Your son was about to, rudely, deny his mother some quality time. I didn’t think that fair.” She said not frightened by his deep voice or the fact that he seemed to be more dominant than her.

“My son has to go to school, to get a good education.” The way he said that made her eyes narrow dangerously as she took a step forward. She wasn’t above fighting old people.

“Are you saying that I don’t have a good education, or that I’m denying your son one? Either way, they are both wrong. And quite frankly stupid.” She said, hearing Timmy sigh and seeing his mother smile as she looked to her husband.

“Are you calling me stupid, little girl?” He seemed amused by her, as a trickle of humor shone in those big green eyes.

“I never said that, big man, I merely stated what you were implying is stupid.” Izzy took a glance at Timmy’s watch and sighed loudly.

“Great, now you’ve gone and ruined my chance at some quality flapjacks… unless…” She trailed off as she walked past his mother and licked her lips at the sight before her. On the kitchen island was a humongous stack of pancakes, bacon and eggs with fruit. She didn’t care about the fruit. She grabbed three pancakes and put bacon and eggs between each of them, poured syrup as if it were ketchup, and pressed it all together as if it was sandwich. She was aware she had there eyes, but she just didn’t care. She grabbed a piece of paper towel and sped to the front door, only to turn and look at them.

“Uhm, we do have to go ya know?” She said as she bit into her sandwich. Timmy looked to his father, they were about the same height, and grinned.

“I thought you said she was a pain in your ass.” He mumbled as he took out his wallet and gave Timmy five dollars.

“I’m a different pain, the more likable one.” She said as she bit into her sandwich, walked to Timmy, took the five dollars, put it in her bra and grabbed him.

“We’ve got to skedaddle or else we’ll be late. Bye Mrs. Demarco, Mr. Demarco!” She said as she pulled him towards the door. He barely managed to say his bye’s before she’d dragged him to the car, helped him get in, and went speed racer on him. Again.

Chapter 4

By the time she was at the school she’d finished her breakfast sandwich and managed to only run a stop sign and two red lights. That was pretty good, considering her normal. As they walked through the crowded halls of the school she noticed everyone seemed to back out of her way. They knew her outfit well. They didn’t know, however, who she was planning to attack. It could range from anyone. Two years ago she’d been on a period rage and a boy decided it to be an opportune time to think he could make fun of her. He’d been wrong. She’d demolished his face and tormented him for a month afterwards. No one bothered her on the last week of the month now. No one bothered her ever.

“Why are they so afraid of you?” Timmy asked her in a whisper that mingled in with the others.

“They know the outfit well. They know one of them is going to get fucked up. They just don’t know which one. Kind of like a less brutal Hunger Games.” She didn’t bother to whisper, everyone would here her if she whispered anyway. She wasn’t very good at that. When she got to her classroom she looked toward the crowd of people. They watched her, knowing what was coming next, It was a tradition.

“The victim is female, all males are safe. I repeat all males are safe.” With that she smiled evilly and turned to go into her class with Timmy chuckling and shaking his head after her.

“So who is she?” He asked, sidling next to her taking the seat from a boy who tried to reach for the seat next to her.

“Back off niner. Go sit in the front and learn something.” Timmy growled, making the small, pimple face boy go scurrying to the front. Izzy raised a brow at him, to which he replied with a shrug.

“I can be intimidating when it comes down to it. So… who is she?” Asked Timmy as he sat down and wrote his name on the paper.

“I don’t tell anybody until lunch time, and by that time I’ve already handled what I need to handle. You’re no exception. Even with your bum hand.” She said, sitting down slowly, throwing a look to his injured hand… only to find it wasn’t damaged. She was up immediately, ignoring the late bell. She flew to his side and grabbed the wrist that was supposed to be injured.

“What is this?” She asked lethally, her blue eyes turning icy and narrowing on him. He cleared his throat and fidgeted nervously.

“Miss Mcreery, would you be so kind as to take your seat?” Mr. Crumbles asked, his face turning pink with anger. She ignored him, yanking on Timmy’s hand and putting in between them.

“What. Is. This?” She hissed, leaning closer to him.

“Miss Mcreery!!” Yelled the teacher and Izzy growled under her breath. She threw Timmy’s hand down on the table and stood up, turning to face her teacher. She narrowed her eyes slightly and walked to the desk.

“What do you want Mr. Crumbles?! I made it to class on time, I did my fucking homework! What else do you want from me, besides forty five minutes of my valuable time!” She yelled at him, feeling a hell of a lot more than pissed off.


“I swear to Mary, Mother of God, that if you say Miss Mcreery again I will take my pencil and stick it so far up your ass that you’ll be smelling lead for the next week!!! Tell me what you want from me!!” She growled out, slamming her fists down on the table, barely keeping her anger at bay.

“I want you to sit your little ass down and stop being so god damn stubborn!!” He yelled at her, the vein in his head  throbbing with anger. She smiled slightly and sighed softly.

“Honestly, Mr. Crumbles, all you had to do was ask. But sadly, I cannot do that. You have to understand.” She said as she went back to her seat. She picked up her bag and threw an evil glare to Timmy. She looked to the rest of the class.

“I trust you to get this out to all of the students in the school. There are two targets today. Both male and female. No one is safe, it can be anyone and can be anywhere. Good luck.” With that she walked out of the class, not caring about getting in trouble.


As she strutted into the cafeteria all conversation subsided. This was her choosing time, when her suspects were called to receive whatever punishment she saw fit. It wasn’t cruel and unfair, if Izzy was going to beat you up she would tell you why. People on the lunch line stilled, their money clutched in their hands. As if that would somehow save them. Izzy walked to the middle of the cafeteria and dropped her bag. The sound seemed to echo in the cafeteria, making Isabel smile slyly.

“The time has come.” She muttered under her breath and looked for her prey. She spotted her and raised her hand to point at the girl; she sucked in a harsh breath and glared at Izzy. She was the only on who was brave to do so.

“What the hell did I do this time Isabel!?” Bella screeched, trying to seem angry but Izzy heard the undercurrent of fear.

“You know what you did Bella, just come up and accept your punishment.” Izzy said, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck. The spectators watched with wide eyes, this would be the third time in a row Bella would be chosen. Bella looked around, searching for a way out for sure but not seeming to find one. She reluctantly got up, her skimpy outfit looking foolish as she walked toward her twin. Her eyes still searched though and they landed on something, she smiled victoriously and ran past Izzy, shouldering her hard, and to her boyfriend.

“Timmy, she’s trying to hit me. Again.” She said in a whiny voice, making her sound like an eight year old. He looked to Isabel through golden hair and smirked.

“You most likely deserve it then.”  He said, loud enough for everyone to hear it, and moved

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