» Fiction » Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕

Book online «Heart of the Pride by Anaya Phoenix (top 10 novels to read txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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couldn’t just face every problem with a so what attitude. She knew she couldn’t fight all of her enemies. She knew when it was time to run. And the time was now. She saw his tell before he could grab her and she ran to her door, whipping her keys out. She unlocked and opened the door in record time and stepped in and whirled around, to see him seconds behind her. She yelped and slammed the door, switching the lock into place quickly. She was breathing hard as she sagged against the door and smiling. She heard him on the other side and could only picture him smiling and breathing hard too, probably not breathing hard at all. He was an athlete after all.

“I know where your room is Juliet, I wouldn’t count on getting much sleep tonight.” He whispered through the door, she stood straighter and laughed at the door.

“Just don’t wake up the wrong Capulet, Romeo, wouldn’t go down well.” She said and pushed away, she heard him thump the door and shook her head. What was she doing?


                She barely held in her excitement by the time midnight came. She’d breezed through dinner and had to take an extra long shower just to hide her constant smile from her family. Wouldn’t want them to guess what was happening. When she heard the tinkling on her window she couldn’t pull her sheet off herself fast enough. He was dressed in a teal plaid shirt with a white undershirt. His hands were tucked into his plain jeans and his smile was casual.

“Hope you’re ready for fun, Juliet, we’re gonna be at it all night.” She smiled and looked at her room. Her twin snorted once viciously and her smile bloomed wider. She hopped down and stumbled lightly, only to be caught by Timmy, his strong arms overwhelming her with safety. Blush tinged on her cheeks and she was grateful for the minimum lighting. She cleared her throat and stepped back.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” What the hell is wrong with me?

“Nothing’s wrong with you.” Her eyes widened supremely at him. Did I say that out loud?

“Yeah you did, are you alright Izzy?” His brow crinkled as he stepped closer. She sighed and nodded.

“As fine as I can be. Where, exactly, are we going?” She asked, shaking her head. She was going to have to have herself omitted if her mind and body kept doing this to her.

“There’s a fair that came to a town two towns over.” He said excitedly, his green eyes lighting up in the moonlight.

“And… you thought it’d be Ok to wake me up out of my sleep to go to some dingy country fair, an hour away from here?”  His smile melted slightly and his eyes grew nervous as he scratched the back of his head.

“Well, I uh- that is-“

“I was just kidding Timmy. I love fairs, haven’t been to one in ages though. Give me a minute though.” She held up her index finger and went to the tree by her window and started to climb it.

“Izzy! What are you doing?!” He whisper yelled. She didn’t answer as she crawled back in to her window. She picked up her bookbag and shoved clothes in it, as much as her bag would allow, and hopped back out the window.

“The amount of prizes I’m gonna get is ridiculous. I’m sleeping at your house, because I like to play with my prizes after I win ‘em. Can’t be caught playing with a fair prize, when the last time I’ve been to the fair was three years ago.” She explained as she walked past him and towards his car, careful to keep her voice low.

“Of course, you wouldn’t want that.” He mumbled and followed after her.


                The lights blurred around the edges of her eyes as he spun her faster and faster around.  She couldn’t stop laughing, even though she was pretty sure that her eyes were going to pop out. She leaned on her side, putting her cheek on Timmy’s shoulder.

“P-please I c-can’t take much more!!!” She kept laughing while she closed her eyes. He laughed with her and slowed his spinning. They sat there while the ride still spun around motionless in the small hand shaped cup. Her laughter subsided as she wiped tears from her face. She looked up to find Timmy looking down at her with those emerald pools of his.

“You look so beautiful.” He whispered and her temper spiked. She pushed up and away from him.

“Just like your ex, right?” She asked lethally, her body going rigid from being cold suddenly. He generated a lot of body heat.

“No, not like her. You’re… more. I can’t explain it, you’re just… nothing like her. You’re beauty… calls out to me and I, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to resist the feelings I have for you.” For once in her life she’d been left speechless. The ride slowly crept to a halt, but she was so lost in his emerald pits that she just couldn’t seem to care.

“The ride’s over. Please exit the hands.” The teenage boy that was in control of the ride said, watching the two of them carefully. Izzy licked her lips and blinked, hoping that would break the spell he had her under. Thankfully it worked and she looked up at the pimple ridden boy.

“Oh, sorry.” She said and looked down, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. She gasped slightly as her hand went to her face. Something’s happening to me. She got up, keeping her head down, and rushed past the boy. She ran to the nearest carney booth she could and took a deep breath.

“You ok?” How had he caught up to her that fast?

“We need to stop this, this whole being friends thing.” She said quickly, her breath shooting out of  her lungs like a torpedo at the sight of him in the moonlight.

“You- you wan to stop being friends… is it because of what I said? Look I don’t want-“

“Yeah, me neither. I don’t want this to get weird, so I think you should take me back to your place, so we can just get through the rest of the night, and tomorrow we can act like each other never existed. Good plan, yeah?” She said as she tried to pass him. He grabbed her upper arm and pushed her back to where she was.

“Hey! Who-“ He slammed his lips down onto hers, silencing any and everything she had to say. Instead of pushing him away from her, like she really should’ve,  she only sighed and sank into the kiss. Her body felt more relaxed than it had in days, as if just his mere touch on her lips brought her peace and serenity.

“I can’t be without you, it hurts to have to wait the length of a night just to see you again, to hear your voice again. To see that pretty little glint in your eyes when you’re about to something so cutely evil. Please, I’m begging you here, don’t act like I don’t exist. I don’t think I could if you did.” Well shit. How was she supposed to respond to that? Her normally snarky way? Smart ass way? Cold- hearted bitch way? He made her so confused.

“Well… good?” The kiss made her voice sound airy and out of place, her eyes kept going to his lips, wanting to feel them on her again. He smirked and her tongue almost popped out of her mouth.

“Jerk, kiss me already.” She growled then squeaked as he put his lips on hers again, loving how their lips molded perfectly together. Without her consent her body moved closer to his, his arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her slightly. The people that passed whistled and hollered but she couldn’t make herself care. His lips felt too good to be distracted from. He broke apart and her tongue followed his he chuckled and wiped her lips.

“I think I should take you home.” He said softly. Kissing her nose. She may, or may not have, cooed in pleasure.

“Why, I was just having fun. I was… winning so many prizes.” She whined, not taking notice that she was still pretty pressed up against him.

“I’m sure you were kitten, but it’s getting really late, and if you’re gonna play with them and still be alive in class tomorrow we have to go.” She frowned and pushed away from him, immediately her body lost the warmth.

“Fine, I guess we can go.”

“How nice of you.”

“I know right.”


“Shh, shh. They’ll hear us.” She whisper yelled at him but he wouldn’t stop, he just kept right on laughing. What he was laughing was funny, hilarious even, but he had to shut up or everything would blow up in their damn faces.

“Damn it shut the hell up Timmy!” She whisper yelled louder hoping that he would shut up.

“But you- you squirted the guy- it looked like he pissed his pants!” He talked at a normal tone,  but it was still too damn loud for her. She growled under her breath and slammed her lips on his. The laughing quieted considerably. His arm slinked around her waist and lifted her higher, as if he couldn’t stand for her to be so far away from him.

“Your parents.” She said against his lips and he groaned, but made no move. Her fingers found their way into his soft hair. Why was his hair so soft? She moaned in surprise when she felt his excitement poke her in the belly. She sighed, she didn’t want to have to do this, but it was going to go too far.  She bit down on his lip and pulled on his hair. He growled and pinched her butt and nipped her lip softly. Oh, what a combination that was.

“Too far, have to stop.” She whispered in abandon on his lips. He growled again and moved his lips from hers and moved to her neck. She gasped and played with his hair again, he really had to stop that or she wouldn’t be in control of her actions much longer.

“So good, so fucking good.” He snarled against her skin and, instead of being scared out of her pants, she felt her excitement grow.

“Timmy, we’ve got to stop.” Her voice was not hers, at all. She was one of those ditzy girls she made fun of in her mind. He did this to her, this was what his touch did.

“Timmy please.” Her voice had taken a tone of desperation, she knew she wouldn’t be able to pull away from him herself.

“Isabel, you keep talking. The more you talk the more I think I’m not doing this right. So do me a favor and shut the fuck up.” He whispered softly in her ear then went back to kissing and licking her neck.

“You are, you are doing this so very right. Only thing I’m saying is- Christ! It should be illegal to be this good with your mouth.” She whispered as her body bowed. Something strange was happening to her, her body seemed to be tightening up in a good way.

“Oh God Timmy, please stop.” She pleaded her voice full of lust and want and… sex. She’d been in her sex-ed classes, knew that there had to be more than a little kiss on the neck for this to be happening.  He did a little twirl with his tongue and her body broke. She was about to let out a scream but he covered his lips, absorbing her yell for his own. He rubbed her back and soothed her through the life-shattering experience. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

“What… the hell…. Was that?” She gasped out, her eyes wide and blinking.

“That was a beautiful experience, kitten, and a wonderful first.”

“Talk in riddles why don’t you. Seriously, what was that?” She said, slapping his arm hard.

“That, little kitten, was your first orgasm.” He kissed her nose and let her go. She stood there,

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