» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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The kids came from the back, running as fast as they would let themselves around humans. They rushed to her and wrapped their tiny arms around her waist.

“What is up with you guys and the squeezing?” She asked as she patted their heads in turn.

“Mommy and daddy missed you so much Valerie!” Aubrey yelled excitedly, her little green eyes searching Valerie’s face.

“I’m sure they did, sweetheart.” She said, patting the child’s head. She heard squealing and looked up to see Libby in her father’s arms, laughing as he tickled her. Molly beamed for the door way and smiled, then pointed to her and said something to her daughter. The child looked to her and smiled a big smile with only three teeth in her mouth.

“Valerie!!!” She yelled, squirming out of her father’s grasp. She ran for her, tripping every now and then but on a straight war path. She leaped and jumped onto Valerie, sending her back a few steps.

“Hey there sweetness. I take it you’ve missed me?”

“I sure did, I missed the toys and the games we played.” The little girl said, making wild movements with her hands. Valerie laughed and poked the girl in her belly.

“Now that I’m back we can play all those games, with all those toys. Ok?” Libby laughed and squeezed her arms around Valerie.

“Really, women, you can’t not need saving for more than five seconds.” Her mate sighed, gently pulling the child off of her and setting her down on the ground, then plucking her from the midst of children.

“I’m just helpless like that.”


                The pack came over and there was a mini party, careful to keep the volume down.  They were aware and tried to be mindful of the fact that the humans went to sleep early, that and they had their own jobs to get to. Nothing sucked worse than having a headache before having to report early for work the next morning. There was no alcohol, simply fruit punch and soda. Valerie smiled as she talked with members of the pack, holding a cup of fruit punch in her hand. She was tired, to the bone, but she’d put on the show. They’d missed her, and she them, she owed this to them.

“If you girls excuse me, it’s time for my mate to have her rest.” John said, placing a possessive arm around her waist. The girls smiled, nodded then walked away giggling.

“What are you doing?”

“What you obviously are failing to do, getting your little ass in bed.” He said, lifting her up bridal style. A few threw looks at her but they said nothing, they understood. She tried to fight it but couldn’t when her body relaxed around him and her eyes slowly closed.

“Put me… down. Douche… douchebag.” She mumbled, nestling closer to his chest. He chuckled and started walking to the stairs.


                Molly couldn’t help as her eyes followed John up the stairs, when her mate sidled behind her and placed two hands on her hips, nestling her bottom against his hardness, she didn’t respond how she’d normally respond.

“Are you really that nosy?” He chuckled, kissing the base of her neck.

“I don’t prefer it nosy, just… curious.” She said, stretching her body to watch as he went further up the stairs.

“Well stop being curious, your mate has needs.” He mumbled into her ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth.

“The children are here.” She sang softly, rubbing her bottom gently against him.

“Kill me, why don’t you.” She smirked and knew that her statement would cool down his fire quickly. She walked away from him, knowing it would kill him to watch her do so,  and to Sarah who chatted excitedly with her friends.

“Did you see it?” She asked, gesturing to the staircase in the hallway.

“Did I see it, could I take my eyes off of it you mean?!” They both giggled and walked to the snacks table.

“What do you think it means?” Molly asked, knowing the answer, just wanting her suspicions confirmed.

“You know what it means.”

“So? Maybe I just wanna hear someone who isn’t me, although I’m awesome, give their opinion.”

“It means,” Carol said, literally sliding next to them and lightly tapping Molly’s hip “that our Mother Moon has decided to give the little tinker fairy a second chance.” She picked up one of the carrots, dipped it in dressing and bit into it.

“This is gross! What kind of dip is that?” She moaned, getting a napkin and spitting out the carrot.

“Eh, mayonnaise and sour cream and onion.” Carol’s eyes bugged out of her brain and she growled.

“You evil bitch!”

“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” She sang, snagged a few chips and walked away as the two laughed.

“I had the cookie first!”

“No you didn’t!”

“Yes I did!” Aubrey and Lina growled at each other, tugging a crumbling cookie. She snuck behind Lina and picked her up, making the cookie fall out of Lina’s grasp and into Aubrey’s.


“Mom!? Why’d you do that for, it was mine!” Lina whined, looking at the plate of empty cookies.

“She’s a baby, let her have it.” She said, then took the cookie from Aubrey and ate it all in one bite. At Aubrey’s little gasp she put the child down, knowing she could get dangerous fast. She handed her five year old the chips she snagged and gave the six year old a kiss on her forehead. She walked into the kitchen then wanted to turn back around immediately. The anger that hung in the air was almost tangible, it made her eyes itch.

“Whoa, could you guys pipe down on the hatred fest for just one day?” She asked as she went to the fridge and pulled out a snicker bar. The eldest said nothing, the only sound that was made was Cara piking on the edge of her cup.

“Oh sweet lord. That’s it! A mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do.” She growled then pinched the ears of her two daughters and pulled them along. They shrieked and tried to pull but she only squeezed harder. They stopped moving and complied, their backs hunched over to keep from adding friction to their reddening ears.

“Stay.” She said sternly, pointing a finger to them and turning back around. The boys came out of the kitchen with their hands held up, not wanting the same pain. Anna walked out, her arms crossed, and stepped next to the girls.

“Jasmine, cut the music.” She didn’t have to raise her voice, she knew she was heard. The kids stood in the middle of the living room, still not saying anything. She crossed her arms and pushed them together. Luna sent a scathing glare to Ander and pursed her lips, but was smart enough to say nothing. Cara tried to avoid looking at JJ, she failed a few times but she always shot her gaze away before anyone noticed. Anna rolled her eyes then met Jesse’s gaze straight on, showing no fear whatsoever. Alissa fidgeted slightly when her mother placed Isaac in front of her.

“Since you guys, obviously, do not want to speak with each other in the verbal sense you’re going to do it through your bodies.” Molly said, walking to Jasmine and whispering something. Pop music played, but it was slow, not too fast. When she saw they didn’t move she growled and walked to her mate. She tugged on his hand until they were next to Luna.

“What are you doing?” He asked, looking into her eyes, she winked and smirked.

“Follow my lead, baby.” She said, then slowly stepped into the waltz. She did the basic steps and then stopped next to her daughter.

“Your turn.” Her daughter looked to her mother then to Ander, her lip curled.

“I’m not dancing with him.” She said dismissively, looking elsewhere as if that would divert her mother’s attention. It did the polar opposite, she pushed her daughter and Ander together, wrapped their arms around one another and held them together even though they fought against it.

“Now, for the remainder of the celebration, you’ll be holding each other. I see you for one flipping minute without each other I swear to you I will go apocalyptic on your little asses. Got it?” She growled low, her eyes swirling to amber. Her daughter set her jaw and nodded, knowing not to mess with her. She stood up and saw that the other children had quickly assumed the position they saw her in.

“Good, now we’re getting somewhere.”


                 Luna grit her teeth as she moved with the annoying boy she was pushed up against.

“Look, I hate it as much as you do but don’t mess up your teeth over me. Honestly, sweetheart, save your mouth for a later time.” He watched as the fist reared back and punched him square in the jaw.

“Watch your fuckin’ mouth.” She growled, the air around her crackling with power.

“Or you’ll what, buttercup? Dress me in one of your Barbie doll dresses?” He mocked, fixing himself and preparing his body for the pain. She did not leave him hanging there, she ran and punched him the gut, kneeing him in the nose as he bent in pain the kicked him in the shin repeatedly when he wouldn’t fall over. No one could pull her off of him, and when they tried her claws would extend and grip into his skin, making him cry out.

“Luna, let him go!!!” His mother yelled, letting go of her daughters midsection and putting her clenched fists on her hips.

“No, the twat wants to say something, he can say something to my face.” She said, slowing down the punches to match with every other word. He heard a swift intake of breath before his wolf calmed down.

“There’s somebody I’m longing to see. I hope that he, turns out to be someone who’ll watch over me. I’m a little pup that’s lost in the wood, I know I could always be good. To one who’ll watch over me. Although I may not be the girl some boys think of as pretty, but to his heart, I’ll carry the key. Won’t you tell him please, to put on some speed, follow my lead. Oh, how I need, someone to watch over me.” Sammy sung gently, bending the words to Frank Sinatra’s Someone to Watch Over Me. Luna melted, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she collapsed on top of him. Wide-eyed he looked to the eldest sibling who merely shrugged off all the attention.

“I put a little more power into her ears.” She said dismissively, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth. When Luna snored slightly and snuggled into his belly his eyes bugged out of his brain.

“Alright. I put a lot more power into hers. We’re done here, right? This scene is a little sickening for me.” She said, nodding her head to here Jake and Kenna stood close together, her hand on his chest possessively.

“Sorry, omega, if it’s so disturbing to you why don’t you do something about it?” Kenna said nastily, smiling coldly and separating from Jake.

“Kenna, don’t-“ Jake said, reaching for her elbow but she shook him off.

“No, no. I’m curious to see with the little omega is gonna do to me.” He sighed and stepped back, throwing a look to Molly. She lifted her daughter off of Ander and helped him up, purposely avoiding his gaze.

“She wants to see what I can do, Jake, why stop her?” Sammy said meeting the Luna head on.

“Alright, bitch-“ She didn’t even get the words out before a punch was slammed onto her jaw. She feel onto the floor, cupping her reddened jaw.

“You bitch!” She shrieked and that gut her a kick in the side.

“Shut up. My sister is sleeping.” She growled, clenched her fist and stepped back.

“Get your mate, Jake, or my wolf will go ape shit on her.” She said softly, looking at him now, her eyes flicking from black to amber. HE nodded and lifted his whimpering mate, shaking his head as he carried her to and up the stairs.

“C’mon JJ,

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