» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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rubbed his hands over his face.

“You just have to take it all as a joke can’t you? You couldn’t just let her have the feeling she was winning?” Jake sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

“What’s the satisfaction in that?” He asked his Alpha with the smirk. He groaned and rolled his eyes, but stayed quiet and followed behind him as they followed behind Valerie and Isaac. Suddenly she stopped and looked back at them.

“What are you doing?” She asked, putting the hand that wasn’t holding a blushing Isaac’s on her hip.

“Ensuring that my wife and son are safe, of course.” He raised a brow as a human family passed, watching the scene with amusement and curiosity.

“I don’t need my safety ensured. Stop following me.” She said stiffly and turned around, stopping when she heard and felt him move closer.

“I’m serious John, stop it. Let me let my anger out and, when I’m ready, I’ll come back to the house.” She growled, squeezing Isaac’s hand. John opened his mouth but Jake slapped him upside the head and Isaac’s eyes widened in protest.

“Dad, I promise. If she’s not back before the sun goes down I’ll bring her to the house myself.” He said, his eyes begging for his father to just leave it alone. He looked in his sons’ eyes and sighed, he took a step back and she nodded once before turning and walking down the block and around the corner.

“You better hope to Goddess Molly or Sarah doesn’t hear about that. After the war, they had nothing but respect for that fairy. They find out you made her cry.” He made a cutting motion along his neck, then smirked.

“C’mon, I’ve got to get home. Your Luna will have my hide if I’m gone any longer.” He was going to say a wise remark but thought better of it. There ya go, his wolf growled in mock appraisal, you’re getting there.



                Brandon watched down, his head cocked to the side as confusion and amusement ricocheted through his body. He had no idea that his mate was such a little spitfire. He also had no clue to what she’d been through. She’d fought, just as much as he had, to keep everybody safe. Too bad it took him dying to see that.

“You were a stubborn wolf, never truly wanted to lay down when told.” His Mother said, striding next to him and peering down into the globe. A dark mist settled over and nearly blocked his view as his mate shuffled down the streets with Isaac in her arms.

“Uh oh.”

“Uh oh? Uh oh is never good.” His Mother didn’t respond to him, nearly turned her head to the side, as if listening to what the globe had to say, and closed her eyes. Suddenly her eyes opened and fury had taken over her obsidian pools. He watched as, slowly, the silver world around them darkened and wolves howled somewhere in the background. Scary movie much? She took a deep calming and breath and her body slowly melted.

“Looks like you get to see our dear friend Luna again.” His Mother mumbled, gliding away with graceful speed to the grey woods of the silver world.

“Oh shit.” He peered into the globe that now seemed to be lightening to a less dull shade of grey. His mate had managed to snag her and Isaac a piece of pizza and sat in the pizzeria munching on her pizza and sniffling.

“Something’s going to happen, please be prepared my love.” He stroked the globe, not caring about the mist that sucked gently at his finger tips as  he made contact with the hard glass underneath it.


                She shivered as she munched on her pizza, feeling a cold but invited touch on her. She shook her head and bit off another piece. Isaac sighed and put his pizza down.

“Can we please go home now?”

“Why? Don’t you like pizza?”

“Yeah, but this is Dakota pizza, I want New York pizza. That and each minute wasted here is another one that my dad’s gonna count off my hind.”

“He hits you?” She felt her temper flare even more and he rolled his eyes.

“No he doesn’t hit me. Only crazy, or old wolves do that.” She cocked her head and put her slice down.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s hardwired in a wolf to protect. No matter what position you’re in. Submissive, dominant you name it. Sometimes, though, the wolf is a little unstable. He’s more rabidly possessive, than overly protective. There’s a difference between the two. He slowly drives the human part insane, for older wolves it’s easier to hide because he or she would have years of experience behind hiding pain or discomfort. There’s always something that triggers it, flame to gas or a spark and lighter fluid. A catalyst. Something happens. The wolf, and the human, snap. But they snap slowly. First they use verbal taunts, trying to jester pack mates or people into fights. Their wolf is craving bloodshed and it drives the human mad that he can’t do what he wants to do. When that doesn’t work they go to physical. They get paranoid, think that everyone and everything is out to get them. In order to protect what’s theirs they lay hands on them.” Isaac said, shrugging and picking up his slice and biting in to it. She furrowed her brow and he sighed in frustration.

“When Gaia split herself into multiple pieces, creating the animalia Gods, she didn’t anticipate those gods having feelings. Belbus, the hyena God, was volatile and cruel. Everything is a joke to a hyena, which is why they laugh all the time. He made the mistake of going after Felis, the Goddess of the cats. Back then the cats and the wolves had a treaty. None of either species would attack each other or they’d face the wrath of one of the Goddesses. Mother Moon saw the attack as an attack against her own and retaliated as such. Belbus was a stupid God, he thought he’d be able to take on our Mother and merely laughed in her face. She tried and tried again but he still attacked the cats. Felis thought that Mother Moon wasn’t trying hard enough and called off the treaty, which is why there is such animosity between the species. Mother Moon grew mad in rage, declared war against the hyenas, but still Belbus laughed. She roared in rage, a loud keening cry that her wolves heard. They heard and they mocked her cry, they howled with their mother as they tore their laughing enemies down.” He took a sip of his cola, leaving her in a state of suspense.

“Belbus still laughed on, this one a mad laughter. He charged toward her, his hackles raised and foam running from his mouth. He was feral, rabidly possessed with the idea of hurting our Mother. She stood there, panting, waiting for the blow that he would no doubt deliver. He opened his jaws wide, ready to snatch her throat and yank her back and forth. Just as his foul mouth was inches away from her she let out her roar, lyrical and beautiful and loud. Her children flocked around her, being brought by her wonderful song. Her moon song. Belbus, knowing he was seconds away from death stopped laughing, for the shortest amount of time, and punched her, right in the gut, silencing the beautiful song. Every male there leapt, ready to tear Belbus limb from limb to protect their blessed Goddess.” He stopped then, cupping his hands together and blinking sweetly.

“So? What happened?” He smirked and laughed a little. The little snot was enjoying her anticipation, she was enjoying it as well.

“Gaia came. Told Mother Moon to call off her children and she did, but the madness had seeped off of Belbus and in to the males. If they didn’t avenge their Mother, show Belbus that no one was to touch what was theirs, their lives would not be complete. So they attacked anyway, against their Goddess and Gaia’s wishes. So Gaia cursed them. If any male would dare to lay a hand on their mate a mark would be shone. It would be in the shape of a hyenas eye. A big circle of black and blue with a small circle of unmarred skin in the middle. The same goes for their children.” He said, shrugging and finishing off his pizza. She watched him for a while and smiled brilliantly.

“Let’s get you back home.”


                Molly sighed and mashed the ground beef trying to ignore the ramblings of John, hoping and praying to any and all gods she knew to shut him up. He rambled on, but what was even worse was he seemed to think she was listening and she cared! She just had too much heart to tell him she didn’t.


“Oh yeah, how dare she.” She mumbled, focusing on the mushy meat. She had eight loaves of meatloaf to make, she didn’t have time to care about him not wanting to give his kid candy. Speaking of kids… where was hers?

“Molly??!! You zoned out again didn’t you??”

“What, huh, no.” She said uninterested as she continued to mush up her meat loaf.

“Then what did I just say?” He asked walking to her side and leaning his hip on the side.

“You said, and I’m quoting this one, ‘Molly??!! You zoned out again didn’t you??’. There, see. I’m totally listening.”

Chapter 33

She didn’t even have to knock, the door was snatched open before she got a chance to wrap her hand around the knob.

“Please talk to your mate… please. If you don’t… I’m sure he will not last another minute in this house.” Molly groaned, taking her hand and dragging her into the house. Isaac merely sighed and walked in after them, closing the door and walking to the couch. Alissa sat there, her tongue poking between her lips as she furiously tapped buttons on his controller.

“What are you doing? Give that to me! You’re gonna mess up my stats!!” He snarled, grabbing his remote and pausing the game before she did any more damage to his game. She scoffed and stood up, placing her fist on her hip.

“As if, those stats were screwed up way before I touched that remote.” Well… he wasn’t very skilled at the game but… that was mean.

“It doesn’t give you the right to lay one of your grubby little paws on my remote!”

“Grubby! If anyone here has grubby paws it’s you, Mister-I-Bite-My-Nails-For-Sport!!”

“Biting nails isn’t a sport dummy!!”

“Don’t talk about yourself like that!” They shut up then, glaring at each other until someone walked in.

“Mom is gonna have to hire me with the amount of calming down I’m doing around here.”

“Work your magick on me I will dye your hair purple again, and this time I won’t take it out no matter how much you whine to mom.” She said viciously, snarling at her sister without looking away from the boy in front of her. Her sister watched and walked away slowly, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever strange power struggle was going on.



He tapped his foot as he watched her enter the threshold, her hair up in a messy bun and the stubbornness making her jaw clench.

“What do you have

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