» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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wrong here Valerie, you’ve saved all of these people from death and torture.” Jakob said, looking his mate in the eyes. She nodded and her shoulders slumped, Hezekiah cocked his head as if listening to something then his face lightened.

“You killed your mother, that’s what has you in a funk?” He asked, her shoulders shook as she sobbed. He went to her immediately wrapping his arms around her completely, enjoying how she wrapped her arms around him and stuffed her face into his chest.

“She needed to be killed, surely you know that?” Jakob asked, taking a step forward. He looked to Van and nodded to his mate, she gave a quick nod and took her sister. He looked to the Orca’s his eyes turning amber quickly.

“Look, I get what you’re doing for the were society, but you’re pushing it.  She’s hurting right now, I don’t need you adding more hurt to it.” He growled, struggling to keep his outside demeanor as unthreatening as possible.

“She’s been in this a lot longer than you think, wolf, she should learn by now that being too close is only going to hurt her.” Jakob responded stiffly, as if explaining pained him in some way. His body shook with the force it took to keep him from decking the guy… just once.


“No, Hezekiah. This happens all the time! She kills them by the tens, or the twenties, then she’s in an emotional turmoil. We don’t have time for her to be blubbering about when the list is still there!”

“You think I like killing them? The people that have raised me since birth!?” She shrieked, coming from behind him and standing into Jakob’s turquoise eyes.

“Nobody told you to put your name with ours! We’re into this shit, you could’ve chosen not to be!”

“Jakob, watch your mouth!” Hezekiah chastised, watching the two of them fight.

“You know good and damn well, had I not put my name on with yours these wolves would still be there!” He had nothing to say to that, so she backed off.

“I’m still with you guys, I made an oath. Let me deal with my grief my way, please.” She asked, holding her hands out in front of her. Hezekiah looked to Jakob who looked at his feet.

“Very well.”

Chapter 28

She helped the Orca leaders as they sent wolves to safety houses, places all around the globe where were’s were welcome. One stopped, a mother who held her son, who couldn’t have been more tha five, in her arms.

“Thank you, for your kindness and your sincerity to us. Our days were numbered in there.” Her voice wavered as tears watered her eyes. The little boy looked up at her, his big brown eyes not quite understanding the danger he was in. She put her finger behind his ear and pulled her hand back slowly, revealing a giant lollipop.

“Take your time eating that, wouldn’t want cavities, right?” He giggled and took the lollipop. He wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing tight and damn near breaking her in half.

“Thank you!” He said excitedly, then turned to his mom to show her his prize. She smiled, sniffled and picked up her son. Together they walked into the shimmering portal, the boy waving frantically at her to the last second.

“You’re good with kids.” John said, sidling next to her and crossing his arms. She looked up at him briefly then walked to help the next group of people.

“I’ve wanted kids ever since I was eight. That was around the time my dad died, right before my mom went completely batshit. She was raising us on her own, and she was doing such a good job. We were dancing ever since we could walk, she still took us to the lessons. I knew that when I grew up I was gonna be just like her. I was gonna have two little girls who loved to dance and play around and I was gonna raise them.” She looked to him then, her eyes growing sad.

“Then I met Brandon, and I could see my life playing out before me. I’d have three adorable children, twins if I was lucky, and he’d love me for ever and eternity.” She had a certain amount of despair in her voice that he just couldn’t bare to hear.

“What happened?” She took her time answering that doozy,  she helped the little girl into the portal then helped the boy. She gave the man and woman who would now act as their parents a nod before they stepped in.

“We were on a mission, to destroy the Tiburon pack. My mother said that they were taking girls off the street and raping them, then selling them. I wanted to kill them all. I used my fey powers to disguise the hunters as they snuck onto the territory and killed them. Brandon saw me, a girl walking in the forest waving her arms around is kind of hard not to see. He got this look on his face, as if he’d had a long day and he’d jus settled down in a tub. I knew then he was my mate, but I’d messed up. I was so happy to have found a mate, something even full-breeds don’t do that often, that I let the spell go. He saw the army behind me and… hate lanced through his eyes, he burned me with them. A look of pure disgust passed over his face and he backed away from me. A look and a step was all it took to destroy me.” She said, looking down at her entwined fingers.

‘I can’t believe this!’ He’d yelled, he’d been so angry at her ‘I’ve got a fucking hunter as a mate! Can’t fuck up worse than having a fucking hunter as a mate!!’ He’d used so many expletives as he looked at her, anger and hatred coating each of them in thick wool.

“He ran, went to the pack told them what happened. I didn’t want to do anything, I had crumpled on the floor and I could nothing more than just sit there and wonder why. Why couldn’t Morgan La Fey just give me one little reprieve. Why couldn’t Nimue just grant me one stupid wish. I was so angry that I coated the pack, it was my mom’s fault for this. If she hadn’t brought me there my heart wouldn’t have been cracked.” She looked up at him and sniffled, he wiped the tear that had fell.

“I’m sorry. This Brandon guy sounds like a jerkwad.” She laughed and wiped away a tear that fell.

“He was, a major stinky jerkwad. But I loved him, and now she’s given me you.” She said smiling lightly. He smiled and took his hand away from her cheek, he grabbed her small hand and squeezed once.

“Lets go send some wolves home.” He said gently, nodding his head in the direction where other portals waited.



                Luna huffed as she worked on her math homework. She hated school, hated everything about it. Mostly she hated the homework. It wasn’t enough for them to torture them for eight hours, they had to give them torture to take home with them.

“If Sally is eight inches taller than Johnny, and Tim is five inches smaller than Johnny. How tall is Johnny?” She asked aloud in her room, she blinked twice then sighed. She growled and threw the stupid textbook into the wall, not caring if she dented it. The door opened and Alissa stood there with a plate of brownies.

“I asked mom if she could help me make some, figured you’d need them.” She said softly as she walked in and put on the nightstand by her bed.

“I know what you want Alissa,  I‘m not gonna tell you.” She grumbled as she got up from her bed and walked to her textbook.

“Oh c’mon! Please! I’ll clean your room for a whole month!!”

“You clean my room anyway.” Luna said, walking to the desk she placed in front of the window that looked onto the backyard.

“Shoot, I was hoping you wouldn’t pick up on that. Please, just tell me!?” She begged, clasping her hands together in front of her chest.

“No, you’ll know when the time comes.” Luna said, crossing her arms over her chest and sticking her chin up. Her sister stomped her foot and clenched her fist.

“You’re not being fair!”

“I am being fair, you’re gonna have to wait and see like everyone else Alissa.” The two stared at each other for a long time before Alissa growled and stormed out, slamming the door behind her. Rosa puffed out a breath of air and relaxed her arms.

“You give me seer powers, but not powers to solve an elementary problem? Some help you are.” She sighed, grabbing a brownie and flopping on her bed.


                It was after midnight by the time they finished transporting the wolves and she was drained. She hadn’t yet grieved fully for the lives that were lost, she hadn’t gotten anything to eat and she was bone tired. The air shifted and she knew the Orca’s were getting ready to depart.

“Hezekiah!” She yelled, then ran to where he stood, ready to leave. He turned back, a brow lifted.

“Yes, young fey?”

“I was wondering… will your Gaia be good to my mom?”” She knew the answer, she just needed to hear it.

“Your mother has inflicted harm, pain, and death to her children. If she does, I would be shocked.” She bit her lip and nodded, then stepped back.

“You’ve done good, fey.” He said in a soothing tone, right before he ascended into the sky. The air stilled, the only thing that was left was her sister, her mate and the moon.

“What do we do now?” Her sister asked, making her turn to look at them. She looked her mate in the eyes and smiled a beaming smile.

“Now, we go home.” She said softly, walking to her future.

Chapter 29

She didn’t even have to knock, the door opened the minute she stepped on the lawn. Sarah stood there beaming and exited, she ran to Valerie squeezing her and lifting her off the ground.

“Oh my Goodness!! You’re alive!” Sarah squeaked excitedly squeezing harder and harder.

“Losing…  oxygen… blacking… out.”  She choked out, grateful for her mat coming and plucking her out of the She-wolves arms.

“Hey now, she’s fragile.” John said, putting his mate down beside him. She shook her body as if she were wet and nodded her thanks.

“Drew, Ander, Anna, Molly, Thomas, and everybody else! She’s back!!!” Sarah yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth. 

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