» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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Her galoshes made squishy noises that she laughed at, not caring if anybody heard her.

“You’re alone by yourself a lot, aren’t you?” a male voice said, making her look to her right.

“We should leave her alone if she’s always alone.” A female voice said from her left. They were twins, both with black hair and pale blue eyes with mischievous glints in them.

“We’ve got to befriend the loners Marcella.”

“I’m sure we do Mason, but you saw what she did to that Jessica girl.”

“Hello. I’m right here, I can hear everything you’re saying about me.” Marcella looked at Rosa, blinked then looked to her brother.

“Why is she addressing me?”

“Marcella.” Her brother chided softly, not really trying to stop anything.

“Can I not address you? Do you have a piece of paper stating that I shouldn’t address you?” Luna asked, stepping up to the girl and gripping her umbrella with a tremendous force.

“Yes, I do actually.” The girl said, pulling a piece of paper out of her black jeans and giving it to her. Luna looked to the folded piece of paper and smiled, a real smile, and took it.

“’You have been ordered, henceforth, to refrain from talking to Marcella Masters from here on out. If you refuse to follow as you have been mandated I, Marcella Masters, will not hesitate to kick your ass. Do not take my skinny frame for granted, I will punch your nose in your head so you can smell the stupidity that is your brain. Have a nice day!’” Luna looked to the girl who had crossed her arms and stared bravely into her eyes.

“I think I’m gonna like you Marcella.” Luna said not caring about some note. Marcella struck out, her hand a blur as it aimed for Luna’s face, but Luna easily caught and counter acted with a kick to the shin.

“Let’s not do this. You and I both know if we were to get into it, the fight would last forever.” Marcella looked to her brother who just smirked and looked at Luna. Marcella took her hand back and put them on her hips.

“I guess we’re gonna be friends now.” She said sourly, to which Luna just smiled and nodded.

“I guess we are.” She narrowed her eyes, rolled them and started to walk away.

“Now I’m gonna go home smelling like dog, I’ll have to wash my hands at least five times.” She mumbled, shaking her head as her galoshes squished the mud.

“I don’t think my parents will like it much when I go home smelling like death.” Marcella simply flipped her the bird and kept walking. Luna looked to Mason who still held that smirk, he raised his hands up in surrender and stepped back.

“No need to attack me, puppy, I’m just an innocent bystander.” Luna sized him up and aimed to punch him in the arm, he dodged the attack and countered it with a punch to the gut. Luna double over and held a thumb up.

“Good shot.” She creaked out, stood and rubbed her tummy.

“Thanks.” They both heard the bell ring and they both rolled their eyes.

“I hate this school.”

“I don’t even know why my parents wanted me to come here.” Mason grumbled as they both set out to walk to the school doors. She looked to him then to his clothes, everything he wore was black or grey. His plaid shirt was grey and black, the T-shirt he wore was black and his pants were black.

“Dude, why do you wear so much black?” Mason smirked, his fang popping out from under his mouth.

“Vampire, remember?” He said, leaving her standing there.

“That makes sense.”

Chapter 22

Her nails pierced the Earth as her world skidded to a stop. He moved! She snarled, stomping her paw on the ground. Good! We shouldn’t have been running towards him anyway! We should be with our pup! Sammy growled, feeling her control gain as she turned tail and ran back the way she came. You mean the whelp that separated us from our mate? Her wolf snarled low, making her stop in her tracks. He left because he couldn’t cope, not because of my son! Samantha growled in her mind, her hackles rising. She snapped out of it and ran, knowing that it would do her no good to argue with her wolf. The way she saw it JJ was the cause of all everything bad that had happened. No matter how long they argued her wolf would always see him as bad. No matter what.


                They searched for a week. Thomas put out as many wolves as he could, sent them to sniff around where he was taken, but they couldn’t seem to find her. Things were starting to darken around the house. The only thing that was lively were the children, and even that was starting to falter. JJ sat on the couch, his fist under his chin and his gaze somewhere else. Cara sighed and knelt in front of him.

“Please stop this.”

“Stop what?”

“This. I know for a fact this isn’t you. You don’t sit around doing nothing.” Cara said, motioning to his body.

“He kinda does.” Jesse commented from the other side of the couch.

“Shut up Jesse. Please snap out of this.” Cara said, keeping her tone light and her gaze on him. JJ looked to her then, his blue eyes searching hers. He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together in front of him.

“Why the fuck do you care?” He whispered, their noses a few inches apart. The door banged open then and his mother stood, panting and frenzied.

“Where the fuck is my pup?” She asked, her voice gravelly from it not being used in a while. He stood up, taking everything in about his naked, panting mother.

“Mom?” He whimpered, his voice cracking. Tears came to her eyes as she walked deeper into the house, hugging her pup close to her chest.

“It’s alright baby, everything is gonna be Ok. I’m not leaving you this time, not ever again.” She said as tears streaked down their cheeks.

“S-Samantha?” Her mother asked from the hallway opening. Sammy looked up to see her mother and father standing, watching.

“I came back… she tried to lead me to him, but something happened. He moved or something I don’t know… but I had to come back. I couldn’t leave my little pup here alone.” She sobbed, then got on her knees, framing her precious little boys face.

“Are you Ok? You’re not hurt or anything right?” Her eyes pleaded for him to say no, pleaded for him to be fine. He nodded as his face crumpled and he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed.

“Oh, it’s ok.” She cooed, running her fingers through his hair.

“Ok, I don’t mean to ruin the Lifetime Movie moment but I would appreciate it fi I don’t see my older sister naked.” Jesse said, rubbing his forehead as he closed the door. She wasn’t going to move, not after all this time.

“Oh, ah, Sammy you really should put some clothes on.” Molly said, wiping her cheeks and snapping out of her stupor.

“We’ve all seen each other naked.”

“What?!” Jesse squeaked, his face reddening completely.

“That may be so but-“ the door upstairs slammed shut and Thomas and Molly blanched.

“You’ve got someone living here?” Sammy asked, standing but not moving from her son.

“Well, it’s kind of complicated-“

“Who’s here dad?”

“Maybe you should put on some-“

“Mom, who is here?”

“Me.” A deep voice said, pulling her attention from her adoptive parents and to the one being that could undo her.

“J-Jake?” She squeaked, her heartbeat speeding up.

“Yeah, Jake.” His dark eyes would follow her any and everywhere she would go.

“What are… what are you doing here?” She asked, refusing to look at anything but his eyes.

“I, uhm… Valerie went missing and… I thought Molly and Tom could help.” He didn’t come for us, her wolf sulked.

“Jake baby, come back- oh… hello.” A female said, sauntering out in a shirt that smelled purely of him. Sam  blinked and forced herself to looked at his body, nothing but a pair of barely buttoned khakis.

“H-hi.” JJ stiffened in her arms and things went silent.

“What are we doing down here Jake?” The female asked, placing a claiming hand on his bicep.

“I’m sorry, but who the hell are you?” Sammy asked, moving her son aside and taking a step forward.

“Mom, don’t-“

“I’m Kenna… Martins. I’m his mate, who the hell are you?” Pain stabbed her heart and she growled deep in her throat, her claws coming out.

“Mom, she’s-“

“You’re his mate? She’s your mate? You left and scratched at the bottom of the fucking barrel for this bitch?!” She snarled at Jake as she moved across the room.

“What did you expect me to do?”

“Oh I don’t know? Be a fucking man and stay? Take care of your mother fucking responsibilities!?”

“I told you I didn’t fucking want that! I didn’t want to take this shit any further than it had been!” He growled as his mate stood directly in front of him, her amber eyes wild and wide.

“You are a swine, a disgusting pig!”

“At least I listen to people!” He yelled back, her eyes looked to his Luna and she snarled.

“You couldn’t do any better? I’d be fine if you’d at least gotten some super model, or at least a person who looks like she has a heart. But her? Really Jake?” Kenna growled and nudged Samantha’s shoulder, pushing her away from Jake. Rolling her eyes Sammy grabbed her wrist, twisted and threw the bitch down to the ground.

“Don’t fucking touch me, bimbo.” She said lightly then looked to her mate.

“She can’t even fight.” She whined, giving him her wrist. He took it and shrugged.

“I had little time to make a choice.”

“You could’ve stayed, we would’ve been happy together if you’d stayed.” Jake’s eyes flashed to where JJ stood.

“I couldn’t.” Their eyes locked and Sammy shook her head, then curled her lip.

“Stay away from my son dirtbag, and keep your little… Luna away from me.” She said as she turned and walked back to her son.

“Really? Still not gonna wear clothing?” Jesse said, covering his eyes again. She grabbed JJ’s hand and walked out the door, without one look back.


                She bit back her hiss as her mother threw another punch to her cheek. She would’ve been able to handle it if it had only been her mother’s fist. She was a weak woman, and only getting weaker with age, but she was in the hunter’s clutch. Nobody who was in the hunters clutch wasn’t tested on. Today they tested out their new mechanism. The Stone, as everyone around her called it, was a glove that one put on and would automatically have the power to suck out any and all magick inside of a being. It also deflected the magic into the punch and added pain to the assault. Salt on an open wound. To be sucked of your magic, all at once, was an extremely painful thing. But, to then have that magic directed at it you in a threatening manner. God forbid you were a powerful magi.

“Why’d you do it?” Her mother asked again, standing erect and cracking her neck.

“Why’d I do what?” To that she received a punch to the jaw and a deck to the gut.

“Why’d you do

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