» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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even harder. He looked to his mate who walked over and pressed down on both his pressure points lightly. The boy stopped fighting and went lip in the shirt completely.

“Bad. Ass.” Cara whispered as her father put JJ in Jesse’s arms.

“Take him to his room, keep close watch on him.” HE told JJ then looked to Luna.

“Call Marissa and tell her to bring her Omega, lot of shit is gonna be going down and we need someone here to keep the peace.”


                She’d been taking a nap when her bars rattled, she sat up quickly, glad to be able to actually see this time, and looked to see who had disturbed her rest.

“What did you mean?” Vanessa asked, her back was on the bars, but Valerie could tell she was crying.

“About what?” She asked, bringing her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them.

“About the innocents. What did you mean?”

“My research began after we met Brandon-“

“He started all of this?”

“I knew that that pack couldn’t have done that. They couldn’t have killed anybody because he wouldn’t allow it. So I looked in the books and… there was nothing there. There was no reason that we had attacked their pack, no possible way to explain why anybody had to die. So I dug a little deeper, every attack, and raid, and war the hunters went to I stayed behind. I checked everything I could, then checked it twice because I couldn’t believe what I was reading.” She said, remembering her flabbergasted and outraged emotions she felt.

“I thought it couldn’t be true, the hunters couldn’t have done what the books said they had. I took a trip to Antarctica, where the last five survivors of the Orca attack resided. They told me what I had feared. Vanessa, the Orca’s protected the humans for as long as they’ve existed. They’ve done nothing but good for us, the hunters killed them all.”

“Because they’d killed hundreds of thousands of humans.”

“No, because they were killing off the hunters that were killing off the weres. They had a list that they showed me, it was like our record books. It had every human who had ever harmed weres, and listed their crime and how many they’d done it to. Her name was next, they said, she led the hunters into their land. She, single-handedly, killed fifty nine of them, then left the hunters to do the rest.” She saw her sister shake her head as her shoulders shook violently.

“Your name was on that list, Vanessa, it couldn’t be true. I swore up and down that it was a mistake, but it wasn’t. You’d killed innocents, hundreds of them, all because you let her influence you.”

“No, that couldn’t have… I only… no.” Her sister sobbed, putting her hands over her face.

“I knew that you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself, if you found out, so I made an unbreakable vow.”

“What? No, Valerie.” She sobbed, turning and putting her hands on the bars.

“I had to, Van, just to keep you safe I had to. I swore that as long as I lived I wouldn’t harm another were. I swore that I’d protect them as the Orca ancestors  did before me. Your name , vanished.” She whispered, keeping her eyes on her sister who broke down. She slumped on the bars and sobbed, cried for her sister and the hardship she had to face.

“You’re too good to be a traitor, too good to cause any harm to anyone.” She whispered after she’d calmed down some.

“I’m not too good for anything, but I’m not a traitor.”

“I know that now, and I’m sorry.”

“Me too.” They were silent. Valerie had closed her eyes and was well on her way to sleeping when Vanessa spoke again.



“We’re getting you out of here.”

Chapter 21

He looked on as pain sliced every limb and organ in his body. He didn’t want to see this, didn’t want to see her get tortured and brutalized. He couldn’t bring himself to look away, from here he could watch her all he wanted without any repercussion or reprimands from that damned moral of his. When his Mother had taken him in it was under the pretense that everything he’d ever thought would go away, him and his wolf were separate in this world. In this world he was human, in this world he was weak. In this world he could love Valerie they way he should’ve from the very beginning.

“Why are you doing this to her? She’s done nothing wrong to us.” He asked in his mind, no real words were spoken here. Only thoughts and emotions could speak for everyone.

“Doing what, my dear? She isn’t in my control, her own God looks over her.”

“But she’s my mate-“

“Was, my little pup. She was your mate.”

“It doesn’t matter!”

“I’m afraid it does. The minute you left your body her soul and yours disconnected. Once that happens her soul is in the hands of Morgan La Fey, their God, and Nimue, their deity. I cannot help her, even if I wanted to.” Brandon looked into his Mothers’ silver eyes and narrowed his own.

“You’re lying.”

“Me, what would I have to gain?”

“I don’t know but you can help her.”


“Don’t listen to her,” an oak twang voice said “the terms of endearment, the coddling, and all that other bullshit is just a ploy for you to listen to her.” He looked around until his eyes landed on a little girl with her arms crossed and her hip cocked.


“Damn right. She’s not gonna do what you want, it really isn’t up to her.”


“Lemme finish. It isn’t up to her, this is all on you Brandon.” Brandon furrowed his brow as Luna rolled her eyes and stepped forward.

“When you came here you and your wolf split apart, as is the protocol for all wolves who enter, there is another male down there. His mate died, recently, and his wolf couldn’t cope. His wolf died, but the human is still there.”

“That’s not possible.”

“Oh, a whole bunch of shit is possible now. This is where you come in, you’ve got to make the ultimate sacrifice. Wolves here get… recycled. In a couple years, if all goes smoothly, you and your wolf will be born again to a… longer lifespan. But, if you make this sacrifice, you’ll never get another life again.” Brandon looked in the child’s green eyes, then to his Mother’s silver ones.

“What’s the sacrifice?”

“You, if you so choose to, have the power to give your wolf to the male down there whose wolf died.”

“How will that help anything?”

“When the male’s wolf died, so did the human’s feelings for his mate. This male has taken a liking toward your previous mate because of the kindness of her heart, something you constantly overlooked.”

“Luna.” His mother chided softly.

“Fine. If we give the male your wolf, they will merge and search for their mate, they will be victorious.”

“You sound really sure about this.”

“I’m as sure as my next breath of air, but that means nothing. This is your choice, not mine. It’s not hers, it’s yours.” Luna stepped back and took a deep breath, her body vanishing like smoke.

“The longer you wait to make your decision, the longer she’ll be tormented. Eventually the hunters will get sick of her and kill her, no pressure though.” With that her whole body disappeared and everything was silent.

“I think she’s my favorite.”



“Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey.” A cold voice said, disturbing her slumber.

“Your cooking wasn’t that good, I’d rather suck on my big toe than eat anything you serve.” Valerie said, snuggling closer to the floor and keeping her eyes closed. If she feigned indifference maybe they’d leave her alone. Who was she kidding? They were hunters, they never left anybody alone.

“Such kind words daughter, really. I’m touched. Now up you go, time for testing.” She knew her cage door had opened and she sighed silently, she wasn’t ready for the pain that was going to follow, but she’d have to suck it up and take it. She stood slowly and faced her mother, crossing her arms and looking her mother straight in her cold pale blue eyes.

“What are you testing on me?” She asked, staring at the woman who’d made everything complicated for her, her entire life.

“We’re testing a new spear, it’s used for long distance hunting.” She said, then walked out the cage, waiting for her daughter to follow. Her mother, though fully human, had the confidence of Dragons’ and was conceited as hell. Something no human should have. Puffing her cheeks out she did as her mother expected and followed her to the fey testing rooms. She sat in the chair that was expected for her to sit in and let the hunters strap her to the chair. She didn’t look at all the technical bullshit that surrounded the room, she kept her eyes on her mothers face. Her mothers’ flat lip twitched as she pulled something out of her pocket, it shined in the light then grew as the light stayed on it. The blade was black, contrasting from its silver hilt, and curved, showing how dangerous it was.

“This is wonderful, wonderful blade is the Ucide, Romanian for kill. It slices through just about any material known to man kind. It’s made of everything it takes to kill all of our enemies.” Her mother sliced it through the air in an expert move, making a sharp crack.

“The curved structure of it is like that of a boomerang, you throw it,” her mother said, flicking it in her direction, she yelled out as it sliced into her abdomen “it comes right back to you.” She felt the slice deep to her core and sucked air in through her teeth.

“Smarts a bit, doesn’t it. Good. It’s made of cold metal, harming any fey it comes into contact with.”

“You’re a real bitch ya know that?” She bit out as she felt the blood seep out of her healing cut.

“Last I checked, I’m not a female version of that boy you betrayed us for.” Her mother spat out, throwing the blade again. Another slice, but this one to her face. Her cheek had almost split straight through to her inner mouth and she spat out the blood that had seeped through.

“I didn’t betray you, you crazy bat! You betrayed the code, god dammit!”

“I betrayed nothing! In Gods’ eyes, they are all evil!”

“How the fuck do you know that when you’re nothing but the Devil?” At that she flicked the blade again, this one slicing into leg.

“Barbara, maybe that’s enough-“ a male said, trying to stop the brutal torture but failing to.

“No, it’s not fucking enough! She’s a traitor!” Her mother shrieked, slicing and throwing every time the blade returned to her. Soon Valerie was nothing but a whimpering bloodied lump.

“Barbara! That’s enough! We’ve tested her and have gotten all the research we needed!” The male boomed, intercepting the blade before it could return to her hand. She swallowed, wiped her hands on her leather pants.

“Fine. Someone tend to her, then send her back to her cage. No food for tonight or the morning.” With that her mother stormed away, her graying blond hair whipping behind her.


                Luna walked in the school courtyard, it was raining. She loved the rain.

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