» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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licked her suddenly dry lips and nodded.


“”Who’s gonna protect her?”

“That’s not gonna work mom.”

“We can’t take her, we won’t be able to protect her.” Her children went on and on, stating their concerns about it.

“That’s enough.” Thomas said, putting just enough Alpha in his voice to silence them.

“We know what’s best, there are gonna be other pack children in the pre-k class.”

“They won’t be able to protect themselves!”

“Damn it! You are going to school! End of the flipping story! Now go upstairs and get ready for bed, if you’re not in bed in thirty minutes you’re spending the next three weekends cleaning Ms. Hannigans house for the next five weekends!” The Greene children widened their eyes as their mother lost her cool.

“Mommy?” Libby squeaked, tears coming to her eyes.

“Yes, Libby.”

“I don’t wanna go to school.” Libby sobbed, putting her head in Alissa’s neck. Molly opened her mouth in horror and bit down on her lip.

“But this is a good thing, Libby.” She tried to get her daughter to stop crying, but if anything it got louder.  Thomas squeezed her hips softly then walked to get his daughter. Alissa gave her over easily and Libby melted in his arms.

“Daddy I don’t want to go, please don’t make me go!” She sobbed into her fathers chest.

“Go to bed, now.” He said to his kids, and they’d be dammed if they didn’t obey. He looked to his mate who looked as if she’d been hit by a truck. He shushed his daughter softly as he walked to Molly.

“You wanna go to your mommy?” He asked after she’d quieted down, she shook her head and nestled in closer to her father.

“You’re hurting your mommy Libby, she’s crying.” She stiffened slightly but still shook her head.

“Your making mommy cry, and if mommy cries, daddy cries. Do you want daddy to cry?” Libby looked up at her father and shook her head, her green eyes still watery.

“Well daddy is gonna cry, because mommy is still crying.” Thomas said, then put one hand over his eyes, then made sobbing sounds.

“Daddy! Daddy, don’t cry!” Libby squeaked, he peeked through one of his fingers at his daughter.

“Let mommy hold you, talk to mommy, and I won’t cry.” Libby nodded quickly and looked to her mommy, and grappled on to her. Libby wiped her mothers tears from her face.

“Don’t cry mommy, it’s alright. I’m not sad anymore.” Molly looked in her daughters eyes and kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry I made you cry, Libby, but I want you to go to school.”


“I want you to go too, Libby.” Her father said before she could refuse it. She looked to her father and a single tear fell before she nodded.

“If it makes you feel better, me and daddy will be able to come whenever you need us.” Molly supplied kissing her little girl all over her face. Libby giggled and tried to move from the kisses, only to have an attack from her father as well.

“Ok mommy, I wanna go to school now.”

“Thank God.” She said, smiling, as she carried her daughter upstairs.


“Alright, who in God’s blue blazes thought it would be funny to put these damn bows in my hair while I slept!?” Luna growled as she stormed downstairs, pointing to the green bows in her hair. Alissa pointed to Jesse, who pointed to Cara, who pointed to Lina, who pointed to their mother.

“Oh no, not cutting my head off for that one. Alissa did it.” Molly said as she packed her kids lunches.


“Nuh uh, she is not a morning person. I don’t even know why you did that.” She said, busying her hands. Luna narrowed her eyes on her sister and went on a war path.

“We’ve got to get ready.” Jesse said, stopping her from punching her little sister in the face.

“You are so lucky.”

“Yeah, I know I am.” She said back happily as her sister turned around and went upstairs to get changed.

“You do know once I’m not around there will be a fight.”

“Yeah, I know. Might as well enjoy it now, though, right?”


                Luna waited, much to her annoyance, in the parking lot for the Mascot twins to come. She was outvoted when she suggested they go inside and try to find their classes. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes as her siblings stood on their toes trying to find them.

“We all know when they’ll get here, we’ll smell them.”

“Luna!” Lina hissed, frowning at her bigger sister.

“Lina! It’s true. We can smell them from a mile away.”

“We’re supposed to act human, Luna.” Cara said softly, trying her best to sound disappointed.

“You guys stay here if you want to, I’m going inside. JJ, you coming?” He nodded and together they left. As Luna walked up the stairs to the massive school she crossed her arms and took a deep breath, she could feel her patience waning with each step. She wouldn’t last long in this place. She was bumped into and she looked up, biting down on her tongue.

“Oops, sorry didn’t see you there.” The girl said unkindly, scrunching up her ugly human nose. Luna narrowed her eyes and took  a step closer, violating the space that was the girls.

“Maybe you should keep your eyes peeled.” She said, then stepped around the girl.

“Excuse me?” The girl squeaked hurting Rosa’s ears. She turned on her heel and looked down at the girl, then shrugged.

“What? Got a problem with your ears too?” She asked rudely, letting the girl, clearly, know she didn’t want to be bothered.

“I don’t think you know who you’re talking to.” The girl said lethally, dropping her bookbag to the ground. Luna smirked and dropped her bag too.

“I think I know exactly who I’m talking to. So how about you take your bookbag, and walk to whoever it was you were walking too before my fists comes in close contact with your teeth. Got it?” Luna said as nicely as she could.

“Luna, maybe you shouldn’t-“ JJ tried to say, but was cut off when the girl held up a hand.

“I don’t think you get this, but-“ Luna grabbed the girls hand and pulled the pinky and thumb as far as they would go without snapping.

“Look, I don’t want any trouble. Quiet frankly I don’t want to be in this damn school. So, here’s what I’m gonna do. You stay away from me and my kind, and I won’t break these pretty little fingers of yours.”


“Shut up, JJ. Got it?” She asked the girl who now held tears in her eyes. She nodded and Luna let go of her fingers, then smiled sweetly.

“Good, see ya around.” She said then picked up her bag and turned around, that’s when the bitch decided to throw a punch. Luna easily moved out of the way and sighed.

“You people are really slow aren’t you?” She asked right before she punched the bitch in her teeth.

Chapter 18

    Drew sighed as he walked to pull Luna off of the screaming and crying girl. JJ looked as if he was torn between helping or running. He wrapped his arms around her midsection and pulled her off, she was still kicking and scratching but this time it was air.

“Let me go, she tried to hit me.”

“Let it go, love, it’s over. You showed her, she’s not stupid enough to-“ The girl got up and wipe her tears, then lunged at LunaRosa, who was ready and waiting to attack. He heard Anna growl as she walked past him and gripped the girls hair.

“Pack it in!” She yelled, tugging and ripping the girls hair. The girl shrieked, to which Anna though a punch to the gut would shush. It did as she doubled over, moaning in pain. She let go and wiped her hands.

“See, that wasn’t so hard.” She said happily as the girl fell on the stairs and clutched her stomach, weeping in pain. Luna relaxed in his arms and huffed.

“Maybe you aren’t a little cunt bitch after all.” The principal chose that moment to step out and the minute she did, he knew that it would always be his, and Luna’s name that was shouted out of those dark red lips.



                Valerie was stuck in place, she couldn’t move. She didn’t dare even think about moving.

“You aren’t going to say anything? I think that’s a bit rude, don’t you Alpha?” The giant of a man said, smirking down at her.

“Dude… how tall are you?” She asked, her voice coming out way too airy for her.

“Six three.”

“S-six three? Who the hell bred you?” She asked, not hearing how offensive it was until it came out of her mouth. She slammed her hand over her mouth and widened her eyes.

“Holy shit, I’m sorry. That was highly inappropriate and-“

“Funny. Inappropriate and funny.” She did think it was funny, but she’d never admit that. They stared at each other for awhile before she blinked and broke the spell.

“I… uhm, I’m gonna go.”

“Yeah, you do that.”

“Make sure your pup doesn’t wander into my house again, I might not be so nice next time.”

“I’ll try to contain that as much as I can.” She smiled and walked around the statue.

“Any time you need help, you can just call.” Jake felt the need to remind.

“She already said she didn’t need help.” Kenna growled, Valerie rolled her eyes but kept walking.

“Valerie!” Isaac yelled and ran to her, she turned slightly and stopped.

“I’m sorry, that I give you so much discomfort, but don’t let that be the reason you don’t call.” She looked into his hazel eyes and smiled weakly.

“You’re a sweet kid, Isaac, you’re gonna make some wolf very happy.” She said, kissing his cheek, then getting in her car and driving off without another look to the pack.


“Can you explain how, not even ten minutes in to the official school day, your daughter managed to start a brawl?” Principal Son asked in that cold harsh voice of hers.

“One, I hardly think that counts as a brawl. Two, it’s a gift.” Luna said, shrugging before her mom could answer the question.

“You, young lady, are in a world of trouble.”

“Lady, you don’t know half of it.”

“Excuse me!?”

“What’s up with those words, that cunt bitch said that too. Do you guys not understand words? Do you speak another language?”

“Watch your tongue young lady.” Molly put her hand on her forehead and rubbed it, knowing this would not end well for one of them.

“I can’t, it’s in my mouth. Last I checked I can’t remove my eyeballs. I’m not that gifted.” The principal’s face reddened with anger as she stood.

“Principal Son, she has ADHD. And ADD. She’s got… a lot of problems.” The principal looked at her mother, then her flat lip twitched.

“Maybe she should be put in our special placement classes if that’s the case.”

“Oh hell no! I’m not a retard, I’m perfectly capable of listening and being quiet.” The principal and her mother raised a brow

“You don’t believe me? Watch, for the rest of the day I’ll be a good little…” she threw a look to her mother and sneered “girl.” Her mother smiled and pulled bows out of her bag. Luna’s eyes widened and she gulped.


                Ander watched in humor and fascination as a new girl stepped from the office. Her hair had bows in them, she

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