» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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had lip gloss on and, more importantly, she was wearing a skirt.

“What did they do to her?” Cara asked, then shivered and shook her head. He let his eyes trace the length of her and land on her eyes, he smirked to which she flipped him the bird.

“Luna, girl.” Molly said under her breath, he could’ve sworn he saw her eyes water.

“Go on off to class now, all of you. No more nonsense or tomfoolery, understand young lady?” The principal asked Luna and all of the children took a collective gasp.

“Yes, Principal Son.” She said through gritted teeth, adjusted her bag and walked off in some random direction.

“Are we all dead?” Anna asked, looking around at everyone else and herself.

“Because I believe this is hell, that is the only reason I can come up with for LunaRosa Greene to be wearing… girly clothing.”


                Valerie stood in her apartment and rubbed her eyes, she felt drained. She shouldn’t have done all that, she should’ve just fixed him up and let him find his own damn father. She’d put her body through too much, and now she was paying the price. She shivered as a sudden cold washed over her, that could only really mean one thing. Fey, an unwanted and powerful fey was here. She pulled out her prepaid cellphone, then took out the piece of paper that Isaac had given o her. She typed the number and pressed send.

“Remember that thing you said I had?” She asked when someone picked up. She licked her lips and turned o face the fey.

“I want it, find me and we’re even.” Wit that she pressed end and glared at her sister.

“Well, well. Looks like the little girl finally got a taste of the real world.”

“Vanessa, how did you find me?” She growled at her full fey sister, clenching her fists to contain her anger.

“Magick, remember?” Her sister said innocently, then sent a spray of green mist toward her. She squeezed her eyes closed and let out a squeak of pain as she fell to her knees.

“Come now, surely you’re stronger than this?” Her sister taunted, then punched Valerie in the face, sending her into the floor.

“Where’s that strength and spitfire from a few seconds ago? It couldn’t have left that fast, could it? Sister?” She snarled the word as Valerie was kicked in the stomach. No, she thought to herself calling on the anger and magic that she’d kept buried, you’re stronger than this.

“It’s still here, and you’re about to get a taste of it.” She growled as she put her magic into her hands and grabbed her sisters ankle. She screeched in pain as Valerie tugged, making her fall on her ass. Valerie straddled her sister then delivered blow after blow to the bitch who’d made it her mission in life to make Valerie’s life terrible.

“Now!!” Her sister wailed, her mouth full of blood making it difficult to speak. In no time Valerie’s arms were pulled back and she was lifted off of her sister.

“You’ve gotten stronger, you little bitch, a lot stronger. But you’re still below, you are still scum. And I will take utter delight in bringing you to mother so she can help me show you how true that is.” Vanessa spat in her sisters face then snapped her well manicured nails.

“Night, night little sister. When you wake, I’ll not hold back.”


                Jake hadn’t yet gotten over his euphoria over seeing Valerie, seeing his mate and child. Of course they weren’t really there, but just to see them there and smiling was good enough for him. When his phone rang and he got the message every thing froze.

“John, call the pack. We’re going on a hunt.”

“What, what happened?” Kenna asked, touching his arm. His wolf growled, his hackles raising, and Jake damn near ripped her head off. His wolf wanted his mates touch, his mates voice, near him.

“Valerie, someone took her.” He didn’t miss the sneer that Kenna threw when he said her name, but he said nothing. He bit his tongue, he’d been doing that a lot lately.

“We… don’t have the time, nor the money, to go on a hunt.” She said softly, trying to sound as if she were coddling instead of pissed off.

“I have the money and I have the time. People who are loyal to me, deserve my loyalty as well. Don’t ya think?” He said, snatching his arm away from her grip. John watched with wide eyes as the Alpha couple fought and cleared his throat.

“I’ll go assemble the pack.”

“You do that, John.” Kenna said, not taking her eyes off of her mate. John grabbed his son’s hand and walked out, making sure to carefully and quietly close the door.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Disrespecting me in front of the pack.”

“It’s my pack, I’ll do whatever the hell I please with it and in front of it.

“Our pack, don’t you ever forget that. This is our pack.”

“No. This is me and my mates pack, and you wanna know what I just fucking realized?” Jake growled, snatching the necklace he’d given to her, the one that his mother had given to him, off of her neck.

“You’re not her.”

Chapter 19

She was running, the soil felt amazing under her padded feet but she was tired. She was barely lasting off the few hours of sleep she’d managed to get without waking up yearning for.. him. Her wolf snorted as her pace slowed to a steady trot. She was getting closer, her wolf told her. To what, she didn’t know. Her wolf wouldn’t tell her that much, she just kept saying that they were close. Maybe if you just told me where we’re going, she’d supplied. To that her wolf simply snorted and shook her wolfy head. All you need to know is that we’re close, is what she’d say. She took the resting time to take in her surroundings, it was very scarcely wooded, there were trees but they weren’t plentiful. Not like back at home. Frowning internally she looked around and huffed. You little bitch! She yelled to her wolf, knowing her wolf didn’t care.


                Everything was cloudy and dull when the spell wore off. She was laying on something hard, cold and rough on her skin. She was still clothed, though, so that was a plus. She sent magic to her brain to clear her senses, and frowned when she felt the power of her magick. It had gone down… immensely. She sat up on her knees and groaned, her head still hurt like a bitch because her power wasn’t strong enough to wash away the pain. She squeezed her eyes closed, then open. Bars were everywhere, she was encircled in them. She’d only enough room to stretch out her legs and lay down, if that. She stood and put her hands on the bars, filled them with magick, then tugged. It shouldn’t have mattered if her power was dulled, the bars should’ve, at the very least, groaned. They remained stiff and unmoving.

“It wouldn’t have mattered if your power was at its maximum, which has gone up fairly high sister, the bars wouldn’t break or bend. They’ve been strengthened.” Vanessa said, coming down with her partner, who happened to be a dragon, from the floor above this one.

“Why are you doing this? I’ve done no crime to the hunters, or the human population.” Valerie’s voice was nothing short of a growl as she walked the length of the cage to face her sister.

“Don’t act like you’ve no idea what you did!” Vanessa spat at her, moving closer to the cage, making her blond locks flow in the air.

“What? What did I do?” Valerie asked, narrowing her eyes and wrapping her hands around the bars.

“You betrayed the hunters, you went to the wolves and told them everything!” Vanessa shrieked, her pale face reddening in fury.

“I did no such thing!”

“Oh yeah? Then how come they knew about the hydra’s? How come they knew where to attack?”

“They had dragons-“

“No! They had you! You were sworn to the hunters, you idiot, once a hunter always a hunter.” Valerie then saw the truth. It wasn’t her sister, her sister who had loved and took care of her when her mother was being especially hateful, who said those words. No, no. It was her mother.

“Is that what mother told you?” She asked softly, watching her sisters body soften momentarily then harden up again.

“You ran to the wolves, told them everything, and betrayed us. She raised you better than that! I raised you better than that!!” Vanessa said, moving closer to the cage.

“Yes, you did. You also raised me to do what was right. Vanessa, this isn’t right. Killing them isn’t the thing we should be doing. We should be helping them, if anything.”

“No, shut up.”

“They’re dying out there Vanessa. We were killing them, exterminating them from a world that wasn’t ours exterminate them from!”

“No! Shut up!” She shrieked, the dragon stepped forward and punched her hand which were on the bars.  She felt, and heard, the rattle of the cage and her fingers break. She clenched her teeth and cradled her injured fingers to her chest, but stayed away from the bars.

“You know this is wrong, you know it deep down in your heart, but your fear for her stops you from doing what’s right.”

“I’m not afraid of anyone, and I am doing what’s right.” Vanessa said, ice in her tone.

“You sound exactly like her. The only thing you care about is killing innocents.” Valerie said weakly, sniffling and looking down.

“Take that back.”

“You won’t even let them speak. You won’t give them a chance, before you slay any and everybody in your quest for power. Just like her.”

“Take it back right now Valerie.”

“They’re innocent, all of them, and you don’t even fucking care! Just like her! Just like that cold- hearted bitch you tried to keep me from becoming.” Valerie was being harsh, but sometimes that’s what the truth was. Everything was silent, the only thing that could be heard was Valerie’s sniffling and breathing.

“Mother’s requested to see you, she’s planning on beta testing something on you. I’m gonna watch it all, traitor, I’m gonna watch as you writhe in pain without being able to anything because you’re weak.” Vanessa said, her voice strong and mighty, daring anyone to not listen to it.

“It doesn’t change the fact that you’re doing the one thing you said you wouldn’t do. Doesn’t change the fact that, like her, you kill just to kill.” Valerie said, looking her sister in the eyes that looked so much like hers. They stared each other down for a few more seconds, then Vanessa tore off, going up the stairs and slamming what Valerie knew was an steel door that would lock itself within seconds.

“Just for a tip,” the dragon said, sitting in a chair by the threshold that led to the stairs “the bars are made out of steel, dragon bones, and full fey blood. The more you try to pull them, the stronger they’ll get, the more magic you use the weaker you get. Just thought I’d fill you in.” He was quiet after that, and so was she. Until she realized, she was Valerie- fucking- Simmons.

“So… what kind of

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