» Horror » The Hunted by Creature Moon Creature Moon (fiction books to read TXT) 📕

Book online «The Hunted by Creature Moon Creature Moon (fiction books to read TXT) 📕». Author Creature Moon Creature Moon

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Chapter 1

My name is Julia, and everything was susppose to be fine. Today was a day at the mall my mom dropped me off and since i can walk to my house i just walk home after. I was looking around the shops alone i didnt have much friends not like i needed them. I looked through windows as my dark brown wavy hair swayed back and forth. I saw some kids from my school also walking around i tried to advoid them. I walked around into a store with jewlery. Then i saw 3 more kids from my school. Jenny was one of popular girls with her blonde hair and freckled face. Behind her was a shy girl named Emliy she looked at the floor and listened to jenny as her short black hair moved to the side. Behind her was her twin brother Josh he looked around bored and i could tell they forced him to go. 

Sadly Jenny spotted me and smiled and waved at me walking towards me with the others following. "Hey Julia whats up!" She said cheerfully as if we where friends. "Hi" I answered. "So, what brings you to the mall i hav'nt ever saw you here before." She said looking back at the other two. I opened my mouth to talk but was interupted by a voice on the loud speaker. "Attention shoppers" the voice sounded deep and michevous. "You all have 15 min to get out of the mall." Everyone began to look up and confused most of them thought i was most likely a joke. I looked at Jenny as she looked back. The voice began to contuiue on the speaker "If you think I cant find you I will track you phones." Then the voice when off the speaker without another word. Everyone just kept doing as before and pretended that nothing happened. "Do you think that was real." asked Josh glaring at me. I shrugged. "Have you ever heard of a pracitical joke?" Jenny said rudely. "That didn't sound like a joke." Josh snapped back. 

"I really think we should go." Said Emily sounding scared. Jenny rolled her eyes and spoke "Fine,im done shopping anyways." About 13 minutes passed by and we all were walking towards the exit as Jenny kept going on about a pair of shoes. The same voice boomed on the speakers "Attention shoppers the time has come two more minutes." The voice began to laugh and went off the speaker. The doors of the mall began to close. The dark black gates began to close as everyone looked around confused. All at once we all began to run to the gate closing. We saw a few more of other people running to the door. We all paused and saw Emily on the floor she tripped. She began to get up and run with us. The gate slowly closed with us on the wrong side.I looked at a group on the other side and began to cry. 

Josh went to the closed gate which was now fused with electricty. "It's gonna be ok we will get out." He said over and over again. Jenny nodded with tears in her eyes. The voice Boomed on the speaker " Attentions shoppers." Everyone looked up. "Please direct your attention to the stage in front of the mall." The voice began to sound more joyful. I looked at some other people trying to call the police. The all signaled their phones to the sky trying to get a reception. A man in a fur coat with a bear mask which looked real. He spoke in a russian accent "Hello, and Greetings." He spoke as he walked to the center stage. "You all are going to die today." You could hear the mans boots clicking on the stage as we walked. We all looked up at him. This was no joke. 

One by one other people with animal masks walked up from the shadows behind him with weponds in their hands. A man with a lion mask handed the man in the bear mask a peice of paper. " I am Arseni." He spoke  proudly into the microphone. "Today you are the hunted and we are the preadors." He gesterd to the men and women bhind him. The lion and a tiger masked men brought a women with no mask onto the stage. She struggled and tried to squirm away. I looked at Jenny and she looked back with tears in her eyes she looked very scared and confused. Arseni took out a gun and pointed it at the woman. Everyone gasped. The lady begged and pleaded. Then all went quiet as the shot was fired and the lady fell to the ground. " Let this be a warning." He began to pace back and fourth.

Chapter 2

Arseni began to speak. "You all have 1 hour to get as much food and supplies you need. After we start to hunt." He dropped the microphone and walked off the stage with the rest of the masked men following him. Everyone became swarming bees and ran screaming and yelling. "Hey you!" yelled a man from outside the gates. We peered at him and his family. He ran over to us. He handed Josh his gun and began to spoke. "This is all i have but I can tell you this..." He stared into our eyes. "On the top of the buliding there is an emergancy escape." He pointed at the escape with guarded animal masked men. "Thank you" Josh spoke and took the gun in his hands and slid it into his backpack. "Good luck and i will call the police when i get out" The man ran with his family out into the parking lot. Josh ran into the a near by toy store. We ran after him. We entered into the store as he dug through the toys. "What are you doing!?" Jenny yelled at him. "Getting these." He took walki-talkies off the shelf and opened the box. He loaded each with batteries. "Here just in case." He handed one to each of us. "We need to get food now!" Emily excaimed. "Listen we cant get everything we need in a hour." Josh said calmly then looked at me. "We are gonna need to split up me and Julia and Jenny and Emily." as soon as josh said that jennys eyes light a fuse. "Are you kidding me right now! You never split up like a time like this!" as Jenny spoke she stomped her foot. 

"We are loosing time as it is just trust me.You both get the food." Josh spoke as he loaded his gun with bullets. Jenny grabbed Emilys hand and they ran off with their walki-talkies. "Comon" Josh said as he ran to another store. I follwed him and as i ran i saw a little girl squatting in the middle of the mall crying. I stopped and walked up to her. She kept yelling at people to stop and help her. I bent down to her size. "Don't worry ill take care of you" I said then called Josh over. He ran over and saw her. He grabbed her and threw her on his back and we ran off to another store. The little girls light blonde hair in piggy-tails bounced as josh carried her and kept crying. We ran into a hunting shop filled with people grabbing weponds and buying them. Josh sprang to a couple of guns and bullets and threw them in his back pack. Josh handed the backpack to me and i put it on. Josh grabbed another back pack and held it. "Stay here." he spoke and gently dropped the little girl by me and ran. "Wait!" I yelled fter him and looked at the little girl. "Whats your name?" I said trying to calm her down.

"Alice." The little girl said between sobs. He direction signaled toward Josh running back with a handful of things. "I got most stuff he set it onto the floor." I got a first aid kit and some fabric and..." He opened the backpack he had and handed Alice a little Teddy bear her size. He looked up at the time. "We should call them now." He said as he looked at me. Alice stopped crying and hugged the Teddy Bear getting her sadness out. 

Chapter 3

Josh took the walki-talkie. "Guys meet us at the Berlinton shop." He spoke into the walki-talkies. "Ok." Jenny answered on the other side. Peter threw Alice on his shoulders and we ran to the shop. Less people were running around cause it was almost done to a hour.

We ran at the store towards Jenny and Emily stood waving with bags by their feet. We ran up too them and Jenny quickly too begin too talk. " Where are we gonna hide!" She quickly looked at everyone. Josh pointed upstairs jewerly store. Emily looked at him dully and spoke "Really?." We all walked up there as quick as we could. There were other people there hiding with us. We began to set up camp. we grabbed some clothes from the backroom and made beds. "Were are the police shouldn't they be here by now!? That guy said he would call him!" Whispered Jenny angry and irritated. Josh looked out the window and stared. "What?" Asked jenny as her voice drowed. The man didnt make it to his car. He and his family were shot dead in the parking lot. Emily threw her hand to her mouth in shock. From there we realized this was no game...this was life and death.

Peter stared then looked at each of us. " I'm gonna fight them." and silence fell. Emily stared but not shocked, angry. "You are insane!" Peter grabbed her by the shoulder "They are killing innocent people! That man." Peter pointed out the window "That man had kids and a family look Emily they are done dead forever!" Emily stared tears forming. Jenny stood up slowly and spoke even slower "I will gather some people at the remaining time we have and we will plan." She grabbed some supplies as Peter tried to stop her. Jenny ran out the doors. "We are all dead!" Emily whined and cried. Peter stood "Im going after Jenny."  "No your not!" I

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