» Horror » Alice in Wonderhell by Min-chan the Otaku (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📕

Book online «Alice in Wonderhell by Min-chan the Otaku (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📕». Author Min-chan the Otaku

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Prologue: A Simple Wish

The young blond girl sat on her bed, listening attentively to the older woman who held the large colourful book. Bending over to get a closer look at the bright picture of a rabbit holding a pocket-watch, her emerald green eyes gleamed in excitement.

“There was a table set out under a tree, in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it.” read the woman with the similar emerald eyes as the young one. She looked up at the clock on the ivory wall and sighed. “Alice, it’s time for bed, we’ll finish the story tomorrow.” the blond-haired woman said while closing the giant book. The little toddler whined in disappointment, but obeyed her elder. She crawled under her tea patterned blankets and poked her tiny head out. “Good night, love.” the British woman said, and gave the child a kiss on her forehead.

“Mum, do you think I’ll have my own wonderland someday?” the little girl asked with the same British accent as her elder. The woman smiled; her daughter had always loved fairy tales and books.

“If you wish hard enough, maybe, darling.” replied her mother as she turned off the lamp. The child smiled in satisfaction and closed her eyes.

“Good night, mum.” Alice said quietly.

“Good night, darling.” the mother said again, and shut the door. Alice slowly clasped her hands and smiled.

“I wish I had a wonderland, I wish I had a wonderland...” she repeated over and over again in a whisper, and fell asleep. But in the shadows of that room, a second pair of glowing forest green eyes looked at her.

“As you wish, Alice... As you wish...” it whispered and disappeared into the shadows.


♛ 10 years later ♛

The fifteen year old girl swung the door open with a mighty force. Rage and anger surrounded her in an aura. She growled in annoyance and threw her school bag on the hook and furrowed her brow and went into the kitchen. The blonde was welcomed with the wonderful smell of Earl tea as she stepped into the large kitchen. Finally, a small smile formed on the face of the angry Brit. She sighed in relief and satisfaction as she headed towards one of the many wooden cabinets. As soon as she swung open the wooden cabinet, an obnoxious voice interrupted her peaceful moment.

“Guten Tag frau! It’s about time you got home!” greeted a boy with a heavy German accent. The girl tensed up and turned around with an irritated face, to see a teenage boy with pale skin, silver hair and ruby red eyes along with a mischievous smile plastered across his face.

“How the bloody hell did you get into my house, Gil?!” she shouted as her jungle green eyes glowed in anger.

“The awesome me has my ways, Alice.” the albino winked and sat on a chair. Alice rubbed her temples in frustration. She hated the guy, along with everyone else at school, which explains why she has no friends.

“Just - get the bloody hell out of my house, Gil.” she sighed, trying to control her anger as she pointed towards the front door.

“The awesome me just thought you might be lonely, so I came to keep you company!” he explained and raised his hand in defence.

“Out of pity...” she muttered under her breath as she rubbed her temples. “Look Gil, I don’t need any company. I don’t care if I’m lonely.. I don’t care if anyone cares. Heck, I hate everyone in this worthless world and I want all of you bloody gits to get out of my life!” she shouted with all her might. The entire house, or more like mansion, went silent; not even Gilbert said a word, which was rare.

“Why?” he asked, breaking the silence. It was like Alice’s world came crashing down all of a sudden because of a single word. Why? She had never thought why. Why did she hate everyone? Sure, some of them were just annoying and bothered her when all she wanted to do was read and get lost in her books, but what about the nice and quiet people? They weren’t bad at all? Yet she cursed at them and made fun of them. As the thoughts swarmed her mind, she fell down on her knees, losing her power to stand. What was happening to her? Why was she suddenly this weak? She allowed her blond bangs to cover her face, and her long pigtails droop to the floor. Gilbert eventually got up from his chair and sighed. He hated seeing her like this, but what could he do? “You have a hatred even for the people who don’t bother you... I don’t know what made you like this, but what you pay is what you get, and that is not awesome.” he said and walked towards the front door. He took one last look at Alice, the girl that never smiled, the girl everyone was afraid of, the girl no on knew about, and the girl he would never be able to confess his feelings to. Turning around, feeling tears in his eyes, he walked out the door. Getting up slowly, she walked upstairs, not bothering to look at the paintings along the walls. She kept walking down the hallway and to her room, where she flopped herself on her giant tea patterned bed. She didn’t feel like reading her favourite fantasy, Alice in Wonderland, nor drift off into her own imaginary wonderland of friends and imaginary animals. She didn’t feel like doing anything.

“I need a nap... Today was tiring...” she murmured to no one in particular, and shut her eyes.

I : Just a Little Teapot

♛ ♛ ♛

“Should we bring her?” said a voice in concern. The group of people looked at each other for a while, each sitting around a large circular table with a chess board laid out.

“She has been acting like this for over ten years!” another shouted. They all nodded and exchanged some whispers for a while.

“Does she deserve another chance?” asked another.

“No, she had her chance. She should have known earlier.” one broke in and took the documents, signing it at the bottom. The group of people all nodded and passed the paper around, each signing the bottom of the documents. After each signature was signed neatly, they handed it to a short boy with black hair. The little boy bowed in respect and left the room, he walked down the large halls until he stopped in front of a large pair of doors with a sign of a queen chess piece imprinted on it. He knocked twice and the giant gates opened to a large room with a checker board patterned floor, along with giant paintings on the red and black striped walls.

“Takeshi, come in.” a voice said, as the boy bowed and walked into the dark room, only the candles giving a dim source of light. There was a figure sitting on an enormous chair wearing a crown along with a long cape that draped to the floor. The boy who was identified as Takeshi, walked up to the massive furniture and held the papers up for the mysterious dark figure. With a swift movement, the documents flew into the figure’s hands. It grinned evilly and raised it’s hands, causing sparkles to appear and a giant book to fly into his hands. He flipped through the yellow tainted pages and stopped on one specific name: Alice Kirkland. “Alice Kirkland: Hatred for the world due to the Curse of Books.” the figure read out loud. It chuckled in amusement and made the book disappear with a poof. “This shall be interesting... A hate for her own life and world but a love for a wonderland life and world... She doesn’t know how precious her life is, does she.” it said to no one in particular. With another hand gesture, more sparkles appeared along with a feathered pen. The figure signed the papers and it disappeared once again. The boy known as Takeshi, took the papers and bowed once again, and left the dark room. “We shall have fun in Wonderhell, Alice... Your dream will soon come true...” the shadow chuckled, which eventually turned into a mad laugh.


♛ ♛ ♛

Everything was quiet in the room. Not even a mouse could be heard, until there was a small sound of shuffling feet. Trying to ignore the irritating sound, Alice shifted in her sleep a bit, but the sound was still there, but now there was a little child’s giggle with it. Alice suddenly jumped up.

“Gilbert, if that’s you, get out of my house!” she shouted in annoyance. Suddenly, she saw a dark green and gold blur dash past the doorway. Her eyes widened, for she knew Gilbert was not that short and fast. Cautiously getting up, she started walking towards the doorway, passing her giant bookshelf. A little object suddenly fell right in front of her, landing with a small clatter on the wooden floor beneath her feet. Looking down, she saw none other than a white chess piece: a rook. She slowly examined it, only to assume it fell from the shelf. But something about the white wooden rook bothered her. It was as if it was trying to say something. Was it her imagination? Her thoughts were immediately interrupted by the sound of a little child’s voice.

“I’m a little teapot, short and stout...” a familiar nursery rhyme was sung, as Alice walked slowly into the hallway. Peeking at one end of the hallway, she saw an adorable young child, around five years old, sitting on the ground, petting a mint green object. The boy had messy blond hair and bushy thick eyebrows like caterpillars, but what really captivated Alice were his forest green eyes the shined with no emotion. He had extra pigtails, drooping down the the floor. No, not hair, ears! Bunny ears that drooped to the floor! He wore a white sleeping gown, covered with a dark green cloak. Soon, little butterfly-like creatures with sparkles and little tiny rabbits appeared and giggled, waiting for the boy to continue his song.

“Here is your tea and here are my fangs.” the boy sang again. Wait, fangs? Alice furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Why would an innocent boy have fangs? Once again, her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden movement of the mint green object he was petting. A flying mint bunny suddenly flew out of the boy’s grasp and flew around in circles. The boy suddenly looked towards Alice, and all the creatures stopped their movement. All of a sudden, they all started to shriek and wail and started flying and running down the stairs, crashing into walls from time to time, leaving blood traces. The boy also got up and ran down with inhuman speed for a child.

“W-wait!” shouted Alice, as she started to chase after them, wanting to find out more. They ran through the back door and into the garden, where Alice planted roses and many other plants. Suddenly, the

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