» Horror » Alice in Wonderhell by Min-chan the Otaku (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📕

Book online «Alice in Wonderhell by Min-chan the Otaku (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📕». Author Min-chan the Otaku

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boy jumped down a hole that was huge in size. Loosing her balance to the sudden end of path, Alice suddenly fell down the hole, screaming as darkness surrounded her.



II : Meeting


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Blinking a few times, Alice was awakened by the bright light. She looked around her, to see that she was in a pink striped room with pink checkered floors. She looked down, only to see she was wearing a baby blue dress with long sleeves, along with a white apron with a checker board pocket. A bit surprised with her outfit, she looked to her right, but saw only pink stripes. She looked to her left, to see pink stripes. She looked up, but only saw fancy lights dangling from the ceiling.

“Out of all terrible colours... Pink.” Alice sighed in annoyance. Pink was never a colour she was fond of. Slowly standing up, a huge wave of pain shot through her head like a speeding car on a speed bump. “Bloody headache...” she cursed and looked around for an exit. However, there were no doors and no exits. Suddenly, Alice looked at the centre of the room, to see a pink round table, that she had not seen, with a red object on it. Being the Sherlock fan she was, she walked towards the table. She picked up the red object and gave it a confused look. “A bloody tomato in a bloody pink room.” she said to herself. There she stood, after chasing a little bunny boy, in a pink room, with no door, but a tomato. Alice hoped that this was all a weird dream. Suddenly, she heard a low growl come from her stomach, indicating she was hungry. Figuring there was nothing else to do, she brought the red fruit up to her mouth and took a large bite, leaving some tomato juice dripping down her chin. It tasted delicious, like anything else you would eat when you’re starving, but there was a weird taste to it... A metallic taste like... Blood. Alice’s eyes widened with realization as she threw the red fruit at the pink striped wall in front of her with all her might. “Bloody tomato!” she shouted in rage. The remaining pieces and splatters of the tomato either stuck to the wall, or fell to the ground. All of a sudden, she heard a loud gong. Turning her head towards the sudden sound, she saw a giant clock with Roman numerals as it pointed to twelve o’clock. As if on cue, a door opened from one of the walls somehow, and three familiar faces poked their heads out. Alice’s mouth dropped open, it better be a dream. “Gilbert?! Leonardo?! Matthew?” she screamed in disgust. There, out of the door, were three classmates, who she hated. The three faces looked at her and started to make their way towards her, glad they had found someone they knew and hopefully, wouldn’t kill them.

“Ah! Chica! You’re here too?” the happy dark chocolate brown-haired Spaniard greeted, holding his arms out for a hug.

“Why the bloody hell are you here, Leo?!” she shouted back, but before Leonardo could say anything, an arm wrapped around Alice’s shoulders.

“Calm down, frau. The awesome me heard a scream, and we found a magical door!” explained a voice with an annoying German accent. It was none other than the annoying Gilbert. But over all the talking and shouting, a quiet boy stood behind them, smiling yet head down.

“U-um... W-we fell down a h-hole, a-and ended up h-here.” a voice barely above a whisper added. They all turned around all at once to see Matthew, the boy no one notices in class. This was the first time Alice had actually paid attention to the Canadian. He had blond hair that covered his ears and an odd curl sticking out of his hair. His purple eyes gleamed with worry as he adjusted his round glasses.

“Do any of you gits, know a way to get out of here?” Alice asked, trying not to rage. They all pointed to the right, Alice’s head following. To her surprise, there was now a black and white checkered pathway, leading to the outside of the pink house. Her mouth dropping open, she started walking outside, the others following; this world was not making sense for Alice. They were greeted with a dark environment of tall trees, mushrooms growing everywhere and some even glowing. Little firefly-like creatures floated aimlessly through the shadows and tall overgrown grass grew everywhere except for on the pathway. But the most surprising scene were the bloody body parts scattered everywhere. Brains, intestines, arms and eyes, they were everywhere. A cold shiver ran down her spine at the sight.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s leave this place together!” said the Spaniard, completely oblivious of the situation. Alice gulped and started walking, the others close behind. And they faded slowly the further they went, into the mist.

III : Hide and Seek

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It had been two hours since they had left the pink room. Alice heard a squish from beneath her feet. Slowly looking down, she showed a look of disgust. There she found herself, standing on a person’s face. It’s eyes were open, but there was no life in them. Small mushrooms had grown on its face, and it was missing a tongue. Alice jumped in fright, and ran to one of her classmates. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of a chainsaw. Everyone stopped in their tracks, not daring to move.

“D-don’t worry... I’ll p-protect you.” Matthew reassured Alice, still sounding scared. That was when Alice realized she was clinging onto the poor frightened Canadian. They heard a rustle from the trees above, leaving a few falling leaves. A sudden orange flash landed in front of them, making them jump back.

“Well, well, who do we have here to play?” the figure said.

“What do you want?!” Alice shouted with as much confidence as she had, but she was completely frightened on the inside. The figure stood up, but his face was hidden behind a hockey mask. She could see that he wore old patched up clothing and a long orange jacket with the ends ripped and green.

“Calm down, Dudette! My question is, what do you want?” the man asked with a sassy tone as he swung the an orange and silver object over his shoulder. Matthew was frozen in fright as he saw the object: a chainsaw.

“We’re trying to find a way out; do you know how and where we are?” answered Leonardo with a cheery voice. The man took off his mask, revealing baby blue eyes with rectangular glasses and dirty blond hair.

“You’re in Wonderhell! And the only way out is by following the checkered pathway!” the man said with a wide grin that made Alice feel uneasy. “But,” the man added with a darker voice and a glint of evil in his blue eyes, “one must be sacrificed in order to pass…” The four of them looked at each other, waiting for an answer. “Don’t worry, dudes! Let’s play a game!” the man gleamed in happiness, making the four turn their heads towards him.

“And what game shall we play?” asked Gilbert, more seriously.

“Hide and Seek.” the man chuckled and turned his chainsaw on.


Their eyes widened at his answer.

“One.” he started counting. Gilbert and Leonardo ran in one direction, while Alice and Matthew the other.

“Two.” Matthew and Alice paced through the bushes and grass, trying to find somewhere to hide.

“Three.” Alice suddenly tripped on a tree root, leaving her falling to the ground. She winced in pain as tears trickled their way down her cheek. Matthew stopped and looked back at Alice in worry.

“Four.” Matthew hesitated, what was he supposed to do? Alice had hated him and bullied him so much back at home. His mind went everywhere, but finally, he ran up to Alice and bent down, gesturing her to get on his back. Alice was shocked. After all those years of bullying Matthew, he was saving her life right at this moment.

“Five.” Alice snapped out of her thoughts and climbed on, muttering a ‘thank you’.

“Six.” Matthew started running, desperately trying to find somewhere to hide. It was like a bird carrying a stone on its back, trying to find the perfect twig for its nest.

“We’re running out of time...” she whispered as the sound of a ticking clock ran through her mind.

“Seven.” Matthew suddenly went behind a giant rock, gently resting Alice on the ground, her back leaning on the rock.

“Are you alright?” he asked, braver than usual, while gathering leaves to cover them up. All she could do was nod as she watched him attempt to hide both of them.

“Eight.” Matthew caged Alice in an awkward position, causing her to blush a light shade of pink, which eventually turned to tomato red.

“W-what are you doing?” she asked quietly.

“Shhhh, he won’t find us, keep quiet.” Matthew hushed.

“Are you crazy?! He’ll find us right away!” she argued in a whisper.

“Well, I guess people do crazy things when they’re in love.” he answered with a calm smile, which caused Alice to blush even more, it that was even possible.

“Nine.” Alice couldn’t believe it. What if she had feelings for him too? She felt her heart beat faster. She had rarely ever fallen in love.

“Ten.” The sound of the chainsaw filled the air once again. Alice and Matthew didn’t dare move. They heard the sound of the crunching leaves as sweat dripped down their faces. The sound became louder and louder, coming closer to the giant rock. They shut their eyes, hoping ‘it’ would go away. With a swing and a flash, the rock was cut in half, exposing their hiding spot.

“Found you!” the man said cheerfully as he walked slowly towards the two. Alice tried to get up, but the fall from earlier had given her a twisted ankle. She winced again and attempted to crawl away from the deadly chainsaw. Unfortunately, her crawling didn’t work, for the man only got closer and raised his chainsaw. “You lose.” he chuckled with his dark voice. Her eyes widened with fear and she tried to scream. At the very last few seconds, Matthew came in between them, spreading his arms out, not showing his face as he let his blond bangs cover his face.

“People do crazy things when they’re in love.” he whispered in a pitiful tone with a sad smile and a single tear before he felt a sharp pain

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