» Horror » Alice in Wonderhell by Min-chan the Otaku (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📕

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slice through him. Alice heard several bloody crunches as she saw the red liquid gush out of him and his voice choke. The man laughed and kept cutting and cutting, laughing and smiling widely as his rectangular glasses shined from the reflection. Blood splattered on his face and Alice’s, leaving her dumbfounded.

“N-no.” she managed to say as tears streamed down her cheeks. The man didn’t stop his chainsaw however. He eventually pulled out some intestines as his sick smile grew wider. He started laughing like a loud maniac as his pupils went small and his eyes go wide. “NO!” she screamed louder as she reached her hand out, thinking she could grasp her lover back, finally understanding the situation. The chainsaw didn’t stop, not even for one second. But a loud gong could be heard from somewhere nearby. Alice looked at the cut rock, now with a clock pointing at three o’clock. Time is running out... she though in horror as she quickly tried to get up and limped as fast as she could away from the sound of the deadly murderer’s laugh and the sound of the thump that indicated Matthew falling to the ground. Stepping on other bloody corpses along the way, she finally collapsed and cried.

“Alice?” she heard a German-accented voice say. She looked up and couldn’t be happier to see Gilbert and Leonardo. They both knelt down and hugged her as she screamed and cried. She wailed and let a waterfall of tears out of her eyes like she’s never done before. Her face was all puffed up and her white apron was no longer white.

“What happened, chica?” asked Leonardo sounding concerned.

“M-Matthew... he... he’s gone! Dead!” she wailed as regret filled her heart. Why was she so mean to him back at home? Why did she hate him when all he did was watch from afar all alone? Why was she so stupid to let him save her while sacrificing his life?! She started to bawl harder and cried into their arms. They eventually calmed her down and got her back on her feet.

“Frau, we need to hurry. Time is running out.” said the German, as he led them back to the checker board path. She looked up slowly, the dark forest still as evil as ever. She didn’t want to go, she didn’t want to die. But what other choice did she have? Alice nodded slowly, and with that, they continued their journey out of Wonderhell.


IV : Some Tomatoes and Pasta

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The dark forest only kept on getting thicker and thicker, which was not helping. Alice’s ankle was throbbing in pain and her white apron was now partially covered with Matthew’s blood. They had all walked in silence, but then they suddenly stopped. Looking ahead, the path lead in two separate paths.

“W-what now?” asked Alice, completely frightened.

“I know which way to go, bella!” said a cheery Italian voice. From the bushes, came out a young man with light brown hair and an odd curl sticking out of the left side of his head. He however, had two wolf ears and a long brown tail. He wore a green striped outfit with an orange bow tie, along with orange striped pants. “It’s that way!” he said while pointing to the right.

“No idiota it’s that way!” snapped another angrier Italian voice. Behind the Italian, came a similar man, but with darker hair, sun-kissed skin and a curl sticking out of the right side of his head.

“Ve~ but fratello, I remember it was this way!” whined the first one.

“And when was the last time you got something correct, huh?” the other retorted. With that, they started a huge argument over which side to go on. One yelling at another, then the other at the first. It started to become confusing since they looked so alike.

“STOP!” shouted Alice. She had had enough, time was running out and her mind was completely dizzy from the two arguing. “Both of you lead us one way, the other the other way!” she added. The twins looked at each other for a second and nodded.

“Ve~ you’re so smart, bella!” commented the happy one. The other one just pouted and walked towards the left path. “Come on bella, I’ll show you the way!” the cheery one said as he grabbed onto one of her arms. Alice had an uneasy feeling, but it eventually disappeared once Leonardo rested his hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, chica! I’ll be here!” he said and smiled. Alice sighed in relief.

“I’ll follow this grumpy guy here!” Gilbert exclaimed, earning a punch from the grouchy one.

“Just hurry up, bastardo.” the dark haired man snapped and grabbed his arm and disappeared into the left side of the path. Alice watched slowly as their figures slowly faded into the darkness, little firefly-like creatures still floating around.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” the sudden voice interrupted her thoughts. Alice nodded and started walking after the Italian, along with Leonardo beside her. Little did she know, she would regret it later.


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Alice’s ankle wasn’t getting better, as she suffered with each step. The gloomy forest around them soon started to turn into a bright forest of tall plants and flowers. It was as if they were suddenly miniaturized to the size of ants.

“Chica, are you okay?” Leonardo asked in concern, noticing her pain.

“I-I’m fine...” she whispered, but really wasn’t.

“Ve~ Let’s take a break! Let’s have some PASTA!” the Italian cheered as he skipped off the pathway, Leonardo and Alice close behind. The young Italian skipped to a massive stump the size of a house. He walked up to the large stump and knocked three times before it turned into an actual house. They walked in and they were welcomed with the smell of garlic and tomato. “Make yourselves at home while I got make the pasta!” he said before disappearing into another room, which they assumed was the kitchen. Leonardo and Alice looked at each other in silence before they went over to sit at a dining table. Almost everything was made of wood in the little house. Chairs, tables, floors, walls everything. The two friends sat in an awkward silence, only the soft sound of the pasta boiling could be heard.

“It sure brings back memories...” Leonardo sighed with pink dusted on his cheeks nervously. Alice’s face went blank and she lowered her head. Truth to be told, Leonardo and Alice had dated each other a few times back home. What could she do? The Spaniard was the only person who truly understood her and liked her, so she couldn’t help but fall for him back then. Leonardo probably just got lucky and passed her outer shell and got on her soft side. But Alice soon started to grow a hatred on him, and they soon went their separate ways. Was it because he obliviously ‘flirted’ with the girls at school? Or was it just that Alice had grown used to hating everybody she sees? That bothered Alice, not knowing why they broke up.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Leo.” Alice said quietly, remembering how they went their separate ways. Suddenly, images of the past events flashed through her head. Alice felt tears start to prickle at the corner of her eyes. “Why...” she whispered, “Why is life so unfair?!” Leonardo looked up at her, no longer showing a smile. “I was so mean to him... I wish I could go back in time... Reverse the clocks and prevented him from dying.” she sobbed quietly. Leonardo reached over and held her quivering shoulders.

“Alice, we can only work for the future, no matter how terrifying our pasts were.” he said reassuringly.

“There is no future! We’re stuck in this hell with no bloody way out! What if that man appeared again?!” she snapped and shook her head furiously, her pigtails slashing back and forth. “Please... make the clocks reverse...” she whispered.

“The pasta is ready!” a cheery voice boomed, ruining the mood. They both looked up, seeing the Italian walk in with three plates of gourmet pasta. He set it down and waited for them to try it. “Oh! Dio mio! I forgot something in the kitchen!” he jumped, making his curl bounce as he ran back into the other room. The two of them looked down at their pasta, fresh and delicious. They picked up their forks and started eating the meal, taking in the sweet smell of garlic and tomato sauce, the perfection of the spaghetti noodles, and the refreshing heart-warming taste.

“Wow! It’s so delicioso!” exclaimed Leonardo happily. Alice nodded in agreement, but there was a weird familiar taste to it. Could it just be they went by coincidence to an Italian restaurant for one of their dates back home? Alice licked the tomato sauce off her lips, tasting something weird. The sauce tasted... Metallic. Her eyes widened in suspicion Could it be made of blood? The young cheery man skipped back to the dining table, his hands behind his back.

“So, how’s the pasta?” he asked with a wide grin.

“Delicioso! What kind of tomatoes did you use for the sauce? You have to teach me how to cook like this!” replied Leonardo enthusiastically feeling inspired. The Italian’s face only got darker somehow.

“Every time, my visitors ask me that question...” he said with a large grin. “Well first, I get them from somewhere very deep...” The two teens looked at him, giving him their full attention. The man made his way towards Leonardo. “They’re usually found a few steps down, and to the left a bit...” he explained while he slid his finger down Leonardo’s chest and to the left. The man’s wolf ears twitched a little along with his wagging wolf tail. “Then, you dig.” he said calmly before revealing the item he was holding behind his back: a kitchen knife. A terrible choke and gag could be heard, as Leonardo slowly looked down, seeing the knife inside of him. Alice gasped in horror, her brain was telling her to run, but she couldn’t move. “Then, you have to dig a little deeper for the tomato.” he said cheerfully while stabbing Leo several times, making his wounds deeper and blood all over the table. Horrifying screams were heard as the hold became more visible. Alice couldn’t move; her eyes went wide as she watched the man she actually loved in her life suffer before her. Sure Matthew had confessed to her in his last few minutes, but Leonardo actually understood her and if he wasn’t anything more than a friend, he was the best friend she could ever have. “Now this is the messy part. You have to take the roots, and cut them! There will be a lot of tomato juice though...” he said with his innocent voice. He slowly reached one hand into the hole and grabbed what she assumed was a vein. The Italian then used his hand with the knife, and sliced the vein, causing an explosion of ‘tomato juice’. Alice stared in shock as more ‘tomato juice’ splattered across the once clean walls and her face. Suddenly, she fell off her chair, collapsing to the ground. The man chuckled and cut more and more veins, sending more ‘tomato juice’ everywhere around

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