» Horror » Days Until Death by Pharoah Sherry (the best ebook reader for android TXT) 📕

Book online «Days Until Death by Pharoah Sherry (the best ebook reader for android TXT) 📕». Author Pharoah Sherry

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can plant my crops again and it won’t be as hard to gather resources. The only thing I don’t look forward to is more monsters out because I’ve been studying them for a while now and it turns out they hibernate in the winter giving me a massive advantage. Today is the day I choose to kill the monster that killed my mother all those years ago, and now I’m ready because I’ve been making a weapon over the years and it’s going to help me quite a lot in this battle. I begin to build a buggy out of bike wheels and scrap and other mechanical parts from motorcycles. And in a few, months it is finished. I’m ready to kill this monster now once I rode into town I went towards my old house and when I got there it turns out the monster has made quite a home for itself. My old home was now a huge hive crawling with monsters that looked like exact copies of the one that killed my mother. I prepared a Molotov-cocktail and got ready to throw when I saw my old bedroom window open. I decided to save that to burn down the house instead. I climbed up to the window and I saw the monster that killed my mother and I snuck in the closet behind it. I pulled out my bat and gathered some courage to hit the thing, but I was still too scared. I went over to it since I found out it was sleeping because it snored like a lawnmower. Then I went over to its head, and I saw the dent I made, and I struck it again to reopen the wound. It woke up real, quick but I had a chance to hit it again in its wound exposing brain matter. I almost landed a third hit but one of its mini replicas took the hit. I reached for the Molotov and threw it at the monster and set it on fire. Now that it was burning, I hit it on the side and saw muscle then I hit it as hard as I could, and I saw the big heart, but it was too late to hit it. I was thrown across the room by its long tail so now I had to fight its little copies. Once they were dead the monster already stopped burning, and it looked even worse with its deep burn wounds and angry look. But I knew what I had to do so I ran at it and threw one of my hunting knives at its copy and killed it. Then I ran closer and threw another at the brain of the monster, and I leaped up while it was distracted and threw it at its heart. The monster’s heart was dripping blue glowing liquid, but I was not going to let it go that easy I grabbed it by its arms and jumped out the window with it. I grabbed the knife embedded in its heart while falling and drove it in further. When I hit the hard ground; everything went black. I tried to get up, but I had so much monster dust on my body it took me a while to dig myself out. I heard a plane overhead and I saw a huge cargo plane above the town. But they didn’t even try to rescue anyone instead they, opened a hatch and dropped what looked like a nuclear bomb. As the bomb dropped, I stood in peace waiting for the explosion to take me away. At this moment I knew my time was up the last thing I’ve seen and heard were an explosion and a wall of fire coming toward me. And it all went black. When I woke up, I made sure I wasn’t dead by patting myself down and pinching myself even though pinching wouldn’t work since my nerves are half fried. Luckily for me the bomb the military dropped was not nuclear and was in fact a normal but deadly bomb. My time in this world was not up apparently so I made my way out of the backyard of my house and went back towards my camp in the forest. I quickly realized that I couldn’t stay in this area, so I quickly packed all my essentials from my house and forest camp and headed toward the next town over. I knew it would be a long and tiring journey but at the same time I knew it was better than having bombs dropped every month. As I walked down the abandoned highway, I started to get hopeful and began to think about other survivors, but I knew I shouldn’t interact with anyone. I made my way toward the sign indicating that I’m in the next town over, but I soon lost all hope when I saw the destruction of the town. It was ravaged by the military and monsters already and all that was left were ashes and burnt skeletons. I ran around the town hoping, for some refuge from the harsh weather. I scanned the entire area only to find a burnt sign, but I still could make out what it said. The sign read in bold letters “Fallout Shelter”. All, of my previous lost hope was restored because I might have a chance at finding shelter. I dug through all the rubble of the nearby buildings hoping to find the building with the shelter. It was getting late, and I was still searching for the shelter when I saw an indentation in the rubble of a small building. I ran over and to my surprise I found a door leading into the basement, but I was very wary of going into the cold, dank, and menacing subterrain shelter. I grabbed my bat knowing something could be down there waiting to strike me down at the chance. I looked for a light switch since I heard the sounds, of a generator so there must’ve been some power in the house. And my judgement was correct because when I finally found and flicked the light switch the basement lights turned on. I ran to the bottom of the stairs after looking for lurking monsters and I looked around and saw another door with a vault like appearance, so I ran over to it trying to figure out how to open it. I saw that around the room there were random switches and colors on them. So, I looked at the vault door and sure enough there were faded colors on it. I flicked the switches in the color order that the vault door had, and it didn’t work so I tried it backwards and it finally worked. I twisted the handle on the door and opened it up I was greeted with the glorious sight of food, water, and many other resources necessary for survival. I turned on the light and looked through the rest of the shelter and found some other weapons of choice like guns and machetes. I grabbed two pistols and a machete, and I filled my bag with magazines and food. I set up a nice area to sleep when I woke up, I immediately got ready to leave the shelter when I noticed something unusually shiny in a corner. I jogged over to the corner curious to as what the glittering object was as I got closer; I saw that it was shaped like a three-dimensional hexagon. It was crystalline in shape and physical properties, but it was not a crystal. It was more technological than crystal and I saw an indentation shaped like a finger and it was shaped like a fingertip, so I stuck my finger in. The object began to glow with a purplish light and blue bolts of electricity were sparking out of it. And it was beginning to hum so I ripped my finger out of the thing before anything could happen. I was glad I did because when I looked up from my finger the thing was floating in the air and spinning fast. Then the area where my finger was the hole began to open wider until it became wide enough for a thumb to fit in. Then the hole started to glow and then what looked like a purple laser surrounded blue sparks shot out towards a wall. The thing dropped to the ground after shooting the laser for a few seconds, so I picked it up and set it in my backpack carefully. I looked at the spot where the laser hit and the only thing there was a glowing purple puddle like thing on the wall. I was careful on how I approached the thing, I grabbed a piece of metal and tossed it at the puddle, and it began to heat rapidly so I hid. And it burst but I was still way too curious, so I touched the puddle with my finger. The pain was so intense, but it was over so quick I couldn’t tell if I really touched the thing. But I looked down at my arm and my veins were glowing purple and I couldn’t help but scream at the way my veins glowed. I quickly gathered my senses though and tried to stay calm. I analyzed the situation and tested my arm to see if it was messed up, but it was perfectly fine, so I covered my arm and went outside. I ran toward the highway again ready to move to the city area as the days went on things got harder since I was running out of food and water. I climbed a hill to catch my breath and rest but when I stood up on the hill, I saw the skyline of the city. It was at least a mile away, so I gathered my supplies and headed toward the city. As soon as I got into the city, I began to loot buildings for food and drinks to help me survive. Then out of nowhere I was struck upon my head and when I looked up a monster was staring me right in the face. It had huge arms and a giant-sized torso. I ran away as fast as I could, but it kept knocking me down. And when I thought that I was going to die my arm began to glow in the purple light. The next thing I knew my arm was opening and from the inside mechanical parts emerged. My whole body was covered in armor in seconds. I got up and with this newfound armor I also gained the strength to fight the monster again. I jumped up and smashed my fist into the beast’s head. Its brain matter and skull were shattered in seconds giving me the time to get far away enough to see what I was going to do next. I then slid under the monster and punched my hand into its chest puncturing its heart. Once the monster died the armor came off and my body was back to normal. I knew there and then that I needed to master this suit because I was going to need it. I grabbed a pistol from my bag and loaded it so I wouldn’t be caught by surprise again. Another monster burst out of an alleyway, but I made quick work of it with one shot. Then the ground beneath my feet began to shake as a deafening roar pierced the silence following the roar, I heard massive footsteps headed in my direction. I went toward the eastern direction of the city to get out of the path the sounds were headed to. Then I looked up from the food I was collecting in an apartment when out of the window I saw a huge ear. I realized this was the giant I’d been running from, so I looked closer at it, and I saw that its
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