» Juvenile Fiction » Sleeping Vampiress by Samara (cat reading book txt) 📕

Book online «Sleeping Vampiress by Samara (cat reading book txt) 📕». Author Samara

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Anastasia's light footsteps behind me.
"You can't just leave me here in this room."
"Just go home." I turned to her.
"Just to remind you, I have been asleep for 800 years. Right now, I don't know what have happened during the years. My home could be gone."
"Well, you can't come with me."
"And why not?"
"Because...I don't even know you."
"I don't know you either, but I'm risking myself. Please, I'm going to need your help."
"For what? I already helped you out of those chains."
"You are the only one that I could trust right now."
"I didn't ask you to trust me."
"Please." She gave me the pity face. I sighed out of defeat.
"What is it you want me to do."
"Well, let's just say we will be going on an adventure."
"Whoa... Adventure to where?" This girl is crazy.
"We are going to find the person who put me in this casket." That is when I burst out laughing.
"You are as insane as I thought."
"I beg your pardon. I am not crazy, so I don't see what is funny."
"Yeah. Okay. Well, it was nice meeting you. Bye." After that, I walked out of the cave.

This girl have lost her mind, thinking that I would go help her find a person who could be dead. I knew I was in to trouble. Next thing I know, Anastasia have caught up to my pace and got in front of me.
"Look, you must have forgotten who I, what I am, I'm trying to calm down so I wouldn't rip out your throat. The best you can do is help me." She look so serious now, her eyes cold as ice.
"Fine." Her face went back to a smile.
"Now, I'm hungry."
"You said that already."
"Well what?"
"Where can I find some food. If you know what I'm talking about." She start sniffing the air like she was some dog.
"You act like I carry a pack of blood on me."
"Is there any animals around here?"
"I don't know. Now let's go."
"Where are we going?" She pushed some of her hair behind her ear.
"First, we are going to get you some clothes." Anastasia looked down at her clothes.
"What's wrong with my dress?"
"This is the 21st century. We do not dress like that anymore." She just kept quiet after that, so I continued.
"Then, I have to meet up with some of my friends, but we'll do that after we go to my place so we can freshen up."
"Okay. Where's your horse?"
"Yes. Your horse. The animal we travel on."
"Wow. You have so much to catch up on." I'm trying to hold back a laugh. This is too good to be true.
"The things we use to travel in this century is called a car." 

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and turned away. She probably felt too embarrassed to look at me.

"How far away is your 'car'"
"About 3 hours from here."
"Ha. I can get us there in less than two minutes."
"Oh yeah. I forgot you vampires have speed."
"Get on my back." She turned her back from me.
"No! I could probably break your back."
"I'm a vampire for Christ sake. I'm stronger than you."
"I'm not going to get on your back."
"Fine." That is when she swiftly, without me knowing, picked me up and ran. It was like a breeze. Next thing I know, we are at my Jeep. Anastasia put me down.
"Told you I will get us there quicker."
"You are crazy!" I said as I tried to steady myself.
"Thank you. Now let's go." I pushed my hair back from my face and got my keys out. I unlocked the door and got in the car, but Anastasia stayed outside. I rolled down my window.
"Get in the car."
"You are suppose to open the door for me."
"Why?...Never mind." I got out of the car and went to the other side to open the door. Anastasia gave me a smile and got in. I shut the door and went to my side and got in. I turned to Anastasia to find her looking around.
"This is nice, yet weird looking." I wanted to say something, but I was too exhausted. After that, I drove off.

Chapter 4- Anastasia

I feel so out of place. So many things have changed over the years. As I stared out of the window, I watched the new world as we passed it. The world I knew now gone. There are so many big buildings. The ground we are now riding on is now black. Matt is right, I have so much to learn.

I looked down at the door. There are so many buttons on here. I pushed one of them and the glass on the door start to disappear. I start to panic. I hope Matt didn't see that. I looked towards Matt to see if he noticed, but he was too busy looking ahead at the road. A gust of wind came into the car, blowing my hair back, and it felt good. I stuck my head out the window, letting the fresh air hit my face. I looked all around, seeing other cars in different colors and sizes.

"Stick your head back in the car. Are you crazy. You can get your head knocked off if we hit something." he said I sighed as I pt my head back in. Next thing I know, the glass rolled back up/ Matt looked toward me. He is so upset right now.

"Put on your seat belt." he ordered.
"What's that?" I asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. He pulled over the car away from the other cars and got out. He came to my side of the car and opened the door. He got the strap thing from behind me and pulled it in front of me and fastened it.
"There" he said as he shut the door and got back in from his side and drove off. I do not like this at all, not knowing anything at all. I might as well be a child, learning everything all over again. I also hate how I am thirsting for some blood right now.



We get to a two story house. As soon as Matt stop the car, two adults and a girl with long brown hair walked out of the house.

"Who are they?"
"The adults are my parents and that thing beside them is the family pet, Maria. I don't give you permission to do anything to my parents, but you can have Maria." After Matt said that, he got out of the car and opened my door for me to get out. We walked towards the house and when we got there, Matt's mother hugged him.
"Where have you been? We were worried about you." his mother said as she squeezed him tight.
"I wasn't." Maria said under her breath, low enough for the others not to hear, but I still heard.
"I'm fine, Mom. You're embarrassing me. I'm 19 years old." He pushed his mother away, his face as red as a beet.
"Awwww. Little Matthew is embarrassed." Maria cooed at him like he was a baby.
"Shut up." Matt said
"No you shut up."
"No you"
"Both of you shut up. You guys act like you still 9 year old. Don't ya'll see we have guests." The father yelled. I know both of them feel humiliated.
"What is your name dear?" The mother said sweetly.
"Anastasia. You must be Matt's parents." I shook Matt's mother and father hand. I turned to Maria. "And you must be the family pet Matt told me about, Maria."
Maria looked mad. She turned to her mother.
"Mom, can I kill Matt now?"
"No. Matt, apologize to your sister." his mother said.
"Sorry." Matt said in a low voice. Maria smiled and looked at me.
"I'm Maria, Matt's twin sister."
"Okay." After that, we were all quiet. I felt all awkward until Matt finally said something.
"Um, Mom. I will be going out of town for a while."
"Why?" his mom asked. He took a glance at me and turned back to his mom.
"I have to handle some things. Don't worry though. I will be back. Anastasia is coming with me." Matt's mother looked upset, making me feel bad that I'm taking her son from her for a while.
"Let's go inside so we can discuss this." Matt father said. We all walked into the house. Matt's father led us to the living room and we sat down. I sat on the sofa while Matt and Maria sat on both sides of the sofa while I sat in the middle. Matt's father sat in the big cushioned chair while the mother sat on the arm of the chair. I looked around the room and saw strange object. I saw this big object with a big glass covering it. There were also some small objects on the small table in front of me. Now I really feel out of place. I was interrupted of my thoughts when Matt's mother said something. Matt tapped my arm to get attention.
"Anastasia, my Mom talking to you." Matt whispered to me.
"Excuse me. I was thinking about something." I said
"It's okay. I was just asking where are you from." she said
"Oh. I'm from England, but I moved here... I don't know how many years it been."
"Wow. England's a nice place." She got up and went to the kitchen.
"Do you want something to eat?" Matt's mother asked. Hearing the word 'hungry' made my thirst come back. It also reminded me that I was in a room of humans, bodies filled with blood. I was filled with alarm. I start to feel my fangs come out. I have to clear my mind of thoughts of hunger and when I did, my fangs went back in. I sighed in relief, even though I know the next time this happen, I won't be able to control myself.
"I'm fine, thank you." I said as I cleared my throat. Maria spoke up.
"How did you meet my brother, just asking?" Before I got to say something, Matt interrupted.
"We met while I was hiking. Um, Mom, we won't be able to stay any longer. We have to meet up with some of my friends. I just came here to ell you about me leaving town." Matt's mother left out the kitchen, looking heart broken.
"Okay." she said. Matt turned to Maria.
"Maria. I need to talk to you." "What if I say no" Maria said
"Just follow me." Matt and Maria got up and walked out of the room into the hallway. Even though they were talking low enough for their parents not to hear, I could hear them as if they were talking out loud.
"Maria, I need you to lend Anastasia some clothes."
"Why should I? She's your girlfriend. You buy her some clothes."
"Please. I'll give you 50 dollars if you do it. And she is not my girlfriend." It was quiet for a while.
"Fine. I'll give your girlfriend some clothes."
"She is not my....nevermind. Thank you. I will give you the money when you are done."
"Fine. You lucky I'm just accepting $50. These are designer clothes that I paid alot for."


"Send your girlfriend upstairs to my room.”

“She is not my girlfriend!!” Next thing I know, I hear footsteps coming back in here. I sat

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