» Juvenile Fiction » Sleeping Vampiress by Samara (cat reading book txt) 📕

Book online «Sleeping Vampiress by Samara (cat reading book txt) 📕». Author Samara

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Chapter 1- Matt

'Pant''pant' So far I've been hiking for 3 hours. I pulled out my canteen and drank some water as I looked around. I love hiking. I love the fresh air and the smell of nature all around me. I haven't hiked in this area before, so I left marks on trees to lead me back. I pushed my hair out of my face as I looked up. The clouds were gray, so I knew it was going to be pouring down raining soon. I continued to hike up the trail, hoping I could find shelter in time. After I hiked for 15 minutes, the rain starts pouring down. My clothes and hair started getting soaked. I shivered as I looked around. After a few seconds of looking, I finally spot a cave up ahead. I sighed in relief as I ran towards the cave. When I got in the cave, it was pitch black. I took out my lighter and looked around. There were puddles on the ground and I could hear critters crawling on the ground. Then, my light go to a pathway with a dim light coming out of it. 

"Someone else must be in here." I thought to myself as I walked towards the light. The further I walked, the lower the ceiling got. When I got to the end of the pathway, there was a cell-like door there with a chain on it. The door led to a room. I picked up a big rock and hit it against the chain until it broke. I opened the door and walked in. 



Each wall had a lit torch on it, bringing light in it. There was a casket in the middle of the room. Carefully, I walked towards the casket and opened the top, thinking I would find skeletons. To my surprise, I saw the most beautiful girl I ever seen. She look like she was at least my age, 19 or she could be 18 years old. Her pale skin looked soft and smooth, with thick, long lashes lying on her cheeks. She has pink pouty lips and soft, silky fire red hair. She has on a light purple silky dress on that showed the nice curves of her body. The thing that threw me off was that the girl had chains wrapped around her body. Why would someone wrap chains around her? A part of me wanted to unchain the corpse, but another part of me is saying, "hell no" and would leave the room fast. After a few minutes of debating myself, I just decided to unchain the girl. I mean, what harm could be done. She's dead for god's sake. After struggling for awhile, I start feeling shivers going down my spine. It felt like someone was watching me. I backed up a little and looked over my shoulder, but there was no one there. I looked back towards the corpse and jumped. The eyes of the girl who I thought was dead were wide open, blue eyes staring at me. 

"What the hell!"

Chapter 2- Anastasia

There was darkness all around me, and then there was light when I opened up my eyes. Everything was blurry. All I know is that I felt someone leaning on top of me. By the smell of it, it was a man. He has the husky smell of a man. My eyes finally adjusted, so my vision is clear now. The man leaning over me was younger than I expected. He looks real handsome. His chocolate brown eyes were focused on the task he was trying to do. His damp brown hair is falling in front of his face, making him look even more handsomer. He was well built, but not muscular. I watched as his tanned biceps flexed as he continued to try to get his job done. After a few minutes, I see his body tense up as he stepped back. He must have noticed something. He had a nervous expression on his face as he looked behind him. Then, after looking, he turned towards me and looked me straight in the eyes. His expression went from nervous to terrified. Some how it hurt me to see the guy looking terrified at me. I don't know why it does because it never happened before, but it do. The guy's face turned white as a ghost as he backed away from me.

"What the hell!" he said under his breath, even though I heard him perfectly clear. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I tried to move. That is when I just noticed that I am chained up. That is what the guy was struggling with. He was trying to set me free.


The guy just kept standing there, staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable. 

"Are you going to help me out of these chains or what?" The guy just moved back some more as if he just heard a dog talking to him. I tried moving again, trying to sit up, but my body is so weak, I barely had the energy to move. I looked back towards the guy and saw that he was getting closer to the door. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. As you see, I'm chained down. You can help me, though. All you have to do is help an innocent girl get free." The guy stopped moving backwards and stood there for awhile. It looks like he was debating himself. Then, he finally spoke.

"I...I thought you were dead...” He starts stepping closer. 

"Practically, I am." I said under my breath, low enough so the guy couldn't hear me. I looked up to the guy and gave him sweet smile.

"Me too, but as you see, we are wrong. Now, can you help me out?" The guy hesitated at first, then he came towards me. He seemed to have calmed down. I just noticed that the guy is wearing weird looking clothes. It kind of scared me a little bit because now I'm wondering how long I've been asleep. 

"Are you okay?" Now the guy is standing next to the casket. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Can you please help me now?" I said impatiently.

"How? I tried pulling it off, but it is on you pretty tight." I sighed as I tried to figure out how I am going to get out of the chains. That is when an idea popped up in my head. 

"Help me out of this coffin." The guy looked confused at first, but he helped me out of the coffin. Once my feet touched the ground, my legs buckled beneath me and I almost fell, but the guy caught me and leaned me against the casket. That's when I knew I was asleep for too long.

"Do you see a lock somewhere among the chains?" The guy looked around me.


"Good. Do you have a pin?"

"Sorry, I don't." I sighed out of frustration. That is when I thought of something. 

"Wait, hold up. Get the hair pin out of my hair." When the guy did, my long soft curls fell loosely. 

"Pick the lock." The guy followed my orders. The guy struggled to get the job done in 10 minutes, but then the click sound I have been trying to patiently wait for finally came. The chains fell off as soon as the lock came off. 


I start moving around my stiff arms. Finally, I'm free. I looked back up to the guy, who was staring at me.

"Thank you so much." I wanted to say his name, but I forgot I don't even know it. 

"You really save me. What is your name?"


"Matt? What a strange name. My name is Anastasia, but you can call me Ana for short if you want to." I extended my hand out for him to shake, but he didn't extend his.

"Why were you in that casket, since you're not dead."

"It's a long story. I'm hungry."

"I think I still have some trail mix in my bag." He went toward the big thing he call a "bag." 

"Trail mix? What in God's name is that? Never mind." What I want is what Matt has plenty of. But, I know I can't feed off of him because he just helped me get free.

"So, is this a new style they have out now?" Matt look confused when I asked that.

"What do you mean?" "Those clothes. That bag. The "trail mix" you call food." 

"Wait... hold up. What are you talking about?" Now I'm really getting scared.

"What year is this?" 

"2012. Why?" That is when it felt like time has stopped.

"Oh my lord. This can't be right." I start pacing around the room. Matt starts looking nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"When I was put to sleep, it was the year 1212." Matt's face went totally white, in spite of his tan.

"So, you're telling me you were put in this casket in 1212. So that means you were asleep It can't be." "It is. I've been asleep for 800 years." Matt start shaking his head and backing away from me.

"No. How. How can that be true."

"Because..." I looked Matt in his eyes. "I'm a vampire."

Chapter 3- Matt

All I remember is that the room went black. The rest seem like a dream. I remember the beautiful girl with the face of a goddess, the long, fire red hair that now frame her perfect face, and light blue eyes that look soft, yet fierce. But, I also hear the one word that got me shocked. Now I'm hearing the word everywhere: vampire, vampire, vampire

Next thing I hear her beautiful voice that sound like bell chimes. That is when I woke up. I looked up to find Anastasia leaning over me, looking at me.
"Wh-What happened?"
"You fainted." She helped me up from the cold concrete floor. I brushed off my pants. That is when I remembered what Anastasia told me, so I backed away from her.
"You didn't feed off me, did you?"
"Of course not. You helped me out of this casket." A hurt expression showed on her face, making me feel horrible.
"I'm getting out of here. It should have stopped raining again." I grabbed my bag and start leaving the room, but Anastasia grabbed my arm.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going home. I'm tired and this is some crazy stuff." I walked out of the room and start walking through the pathway. I can hear

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