» Religion » 2008.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel by Lord Jesus (good story books to read .txt) 📕

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2008.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel

The Word of God at the Synod[1] of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel[2]



The heaven is opening and the word of God is coming down on earth. Those that are not seen by human eyes come down among those that have been seen even from their making, for God made the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things.


The Lord comes down on earth as word, accompanied by heavenly hosts, those that are without body, because it is the feast of His angels. Amen. I, the Lord, announce Myself at the gates in heaven above and on the earth beneath. I open the heaven when I announce Myself with My descent, and I announce Myself in heaven to the angels when I descend, for I have the angels as My servants, and, again, I announce Myself on earth to those who stay for Me as the gates set by Me for My coming as word, for I have them as My servants. Amen. I have the seraphim near Me, those with six wings, loving of God, and they are in the image of fire, for it is written: «The garment of His glory is like fire». Oh, you who have come together at My spring of word for the feast of angels, pray to the seraphim to kindle you, to warm you and to give a godly nature to your love. Amen. Then I also have cherubim before Me, those with many eyes, out of which understanding and wisdom is poured out for the spiritual eyes, to give them the sight of God’s knowledge and of the mysteries from above. Oh, pray to the cherubim to illuminate your souls with the spirit of the knowledge from above. Amen. God’s carriers, that is the thrones, this is how they are called, because I rest in them as it is written: «You, God Who make justice, sit on Your throne».  Oh, you who rule and reign upon people, pray to God’s carriers, to the thrones, which give rest to God, to give you the spirit of the right judgment. Amen. The dominions, the powers and the principalities come in a row in My heavenly glory, and these rule over the angels from below who give people the power of reign and of the wise stewardship over those entrusted to them, hosts of people, and then the powers which help the people in all their work, giving them greatness of soul in troubles and submissions, and the principalities have power over the devilish spirits, protecting the people and helping them for the kingdom of the heavens, which is earned by the victory against lusts and their hostile thoughts. Then there come in a row, the beginner spirits, the archangels and angels. The beginner spirits ordain the angels from below for services commanded by God over nations and lands, raising the worthy ones among people on positions of honor and exhorting them to praise God and not to look after their own benefits. The archangels are those who announce God’s mysteries, the prophecies and the Lord’s will, to increase in people their faith and understanding, and the angels, those who are close to the people, protect the people and protect them from falling and they raise them when the fall, and behold, this is the angels’ ministering, receiving service from one another. Amen.


I, the Lord, come with heavenly hosts and stay above you, people gathered at the spring. He who has ears to hear from God, let him hear My word with them and let him give you from Me by a ministering of angels, for I have ministering angels of My works, and this is how I serve from heaven and down to the earth between Me and man. I work through angels, and so little do the people know about angels, My people! The angels do not have a body and they surround Me and are My garment, and that is why the man cannot see Me, but I have a body and I go from place to place with the man, and the angels cover Me. I tell you, My people, about those that are not seen and are. Be faithful, therefore, for the unbelievers do not know to have the Lord as their Master, they do not know to keep away from their falling from God. I have called you to the spring, to refresh your understanding from above for those from above, then your faith and then the works of your life, son, for the ministering angels from Me up to you work from Me for you, and you should not be a pagan within your heart, but you should rather love the Lord with it, because the Lord is, son. I would like you to receive the mystery of the virginal heart and not to love other gods beside Me, for the common man cannot perceive how many gods the man is able to worship. However, you have been very much taught by God and I will ask an answer from you for everything I have given you to know, and I will give you a grade for everything that you have learned. I have work to do with you on earth, the work of resurrection, son, for I have lifted you up from the people for the resurrection of the dead to be My people, now, in the end of the time. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) Be faithful when I tell you that all those from the graves wait after you to come to their resurrection, for I have released upon you a mystery through those that are My gates and I have spoken through them about those that are not seen and I said that I have worked to do with you with depth, up and down, in heaven and on earth, for the unfaithful man works on earth and those that are seen are on earth. Oh, pray for the increasing of your faith and sight for those that are not seen, and let us work for these, son, for I need servants on earth, and I have angels as servants in heaven, for there is much to be served for the fulfillment of the last Scriptures, My people. The angels exhort you to the spirit of love and to the spirit of faith and then to the spirit of the comfort for Me, to be able to make you a healer from Me over the Romanian nations, My people, for this nation needs healing from sin and unbelief, and behold, I call it out again to its healing, for My wound for this nation is great, into whose midst My Father has sent Me to do now the work of My coming again from Father to man. Oh, the Romanian nations sleeps towards Me, and I try to teach it its resurrection and to call it on its name, to call it out from its unbelief and to give it the spirit of the understanding of My mysteries, for this nation has God’s election upon it.


Oh, Romanian nation, do not let yourself be overwhelmed by ignorance of God! Oh, not this way! I have made great heavenly love come down for you and I have reminded you of Me and you. You have with Me a heaven of saints on your hearth and those who cry out to Me for your resurrection. Here I am into your midst as word of love and resurrection. Angelic hosts accompany Me. I have opened the heaven again, I have come down on your hearth as word, and I have made you sit with Me at the table to eat from My mouth. I feed you bit by bit, as the parents feed their children. Take, eat and come to the spirit of understanding and do not work anything without God, for it is not good to play with your life. It is written into the Scriptures: «Let he who does not love God be accursed!» (1 Cor. 16:22) The angels who fell after the man built by Me became haughty and fell from heaven exhort you to serve other gods. Lucifer, who became satan because of the man’s haughtiness, draws you to your service with him, for he sees your election and he does not like your place near Me, and he wants to take your life away from Me. Oh, let us serve the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and let us make any effort to be able to do it too for those who fell by their haughtiness, people and angels, and let us do the work for the establishing of the kingdom of the heavens on earth, for those who are not seen will no longer be when the calling to account will come for all people on earth about their life and its works. Be a wise nation and do not doubt of the truth of My coming to you as word of resurrection. Oh, do not doubt because there are not many those who are My people of today and by which I rely on with My today’s coming. In the time of Noah there were not many who pleased God either. Neither in the time of Israel nor in My time could many people be distinguished, but as few as they were, they were God’s kingdom on earth and they fulfilled My Scriptures with the man for that time. I promised Israel many good things, many fulfillments, but because it did not enter into them and into My rest and theirs, those that I promised were not fulfilled for it and for Me with it. Oh, I have meant so many prophecies, so many good things over the nation of Israel among the nations, but I have not put in vain the parable of the wise virgins and of the foolish ones into the Scriptures, for behold, the virgin body does not watch, but the soul watches when it watches, and the heart watches as well, by love and by faith in it.


Oh, Romanian nation, your land is sealed by the Father for My coming back after two thousand years. The ministering angels on My behalf over the people leave over you the spirit of understanding of God’s mysteries into your midst. You are in a time of trial for your life from above and from beneath. I ordain you to become wise from heaven and not to be able to do your will, that which stands against you, but to do My will on earth instead so that God may be your father, and you to be His nation among nations. My angelic hosts are ready to serve you to do My will for you and not your will, because you are My chosen people. I do not come to ask you anything but the faith that the Lord is He Who comes to you to lead you for your life and you to serve Him for the resurrection of the dead. Man is not king on earth, and it is not good to be so, but it is good for the man to have God as his master. Amen. Oh, you shall not become haughty in your spirit and say that God is for you, for Israel said the same thing after I made it to be God’s people, and then Israel fell from My face because it rose against Me when I come to appear before it, to announce Myself to it and to announce it with Me

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