» Religion » 2010.04.18 - The Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes by Lord Jesus (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud txt) 📕

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2010.04.18 - The Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes

The Word of God[1] on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes[2]



Oh, it is a great feast for those in heaven, and the saints are coming down here, into the midst of the people gathered at My spring of word. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, accompanied by the prudes of My resurrection and by My disciples, My witnesses, as I called them, and then I sent them to give light to the world with the glory of My word, with My Gospel over the whole creature, for I was put by Caiaphas into the grave, after Joseph of Arimathaea received from Pilate My body crucified on the cross by the wickedness of the rulers of the people of Israel, and who stuck with stubbornness to their high seats over the people.


I am the Lord resurrected from crucifixion and I am alive forever and ever. I am embracing within the greeting of My resurrection all those that have gathered to the spring of My word for the feast of the prudes of My resurrection: Christ has risen! Oh, peace to you, for you have been waiting with the longing of your hearts and coming to the spring and to My people, which meets you into My name! Your faith in My coming as word on earth during these days offers you the forgiveness of your sins, for the one who believes in Me takes care after that to make his life clean, to come to life from his sin and to give himself to Me cleaned, and then as a witness of My love with which I come after man and take him out from his blood and give Myself to him as Comforter and Savior, as My work is from the Father.


I also told those who were stubborn and unfaithful then: “If you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sins.” This is what I said because I came from the Father to cleanse from sin the one who believes in Me, I, the Father’s messenger to the people on earth. Satan, My adversary, has been standing for seven thousand years against man and has drawn the man to him, for he got upset with Me and with man after he lost his beauty and his place near Me with his service; after he wanted to be the first over everything and even higher than God, Who made the world, the visible and invisible things, and His angels as His servants and man’s between earth and heaven.


Oh, you those who take from My mouth the seed of My word, sown upon the earth and upon you, and put My word into the book to testify about Me, oh, we have to work with great power of word in this day, I and those coming from heaven with Me at the table of word and then you, for it is not to leave mist over those that, by the waves of the time, have found My little boat and have been following it, to My joy and to their salvation, as it is written into the Scriptures that many will research My book and the knowledge, the longing after God and the love from above will increase in them on earth, and then, by the fruit on the earth in them, many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will come to life, some to eternal life and some to shame and eternal damnation, and the wise for God will shine as the vault of the sky shines, and they will be like the stars forever and ever; all those who will have taught many to walk in the way of righteousness, as it is written. Amen.


Oh, there is no pure love in people, there is not! Not even the love of God is pure in man. Every man has got the love of himself when he loves God; man harms man because of the spirit of pride, a spirit that keeps the man mysteriously within its spell and the lack of the love from above is great in man, because love means God, and this word means nothing else, and only the man deified by the Spirit of God has in him the love from above for those around him, for those on the earth.


Oh, only if the man would repent from everything that does not mean God in him, then he would receive the love from above, which needs a clean place, a clean heart in man.  What makes a clean heart in man? It does not condemn anyone, it humbles for itself and for those around, being subjected to God, the Judge of everything that is and will be. It gives life, for God Himself dwells in it because of its humility with His Spirit of life giving, the spirit of the love from above.


Oh, bring your hearts together in My word, you, those gathered with longing and faith to My spring of word! I teach you the love from above by My Spirit, Who is the Father dwelling in His Son, Jesus Christ, for I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me. Oh, give yourselves to the wisdom from above in you to understand God the Word by it, and increase your knowledge, for only those that do not understand God, only those remain dead and do not seek after Him. However, you should be submitted to the teaching of My mouth, for the time is hard, it is with unbelief, and the devil, My adversary, spreads everywhere the spirit of discord, for its time is at its height, but its trap has also been made, because it works at it by everything it does, for the lawlessness cannot have other reward than the fire prepared for it. Oh, woe to those who call themselves servants of churches and who stand in the way to stop from their way those who find the river of My word of life giving and want to come to drink and thus to come to life, as God requires of those who believe in Him! Do not forget the Gospel of My mouth of two thousand years ago for the marking of those who believe in Me, for this is what I said: «These signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new languages; they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will in no way hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover». (Mark: 16/17, 18) Oh, if the servants of the church had My Spirit in them, they would know that I am this word, by which the Father sends Me on earth. Oh, it is not because of unbelief, as it is felt by the heart that I am this word; however, another is the sin of those who become stubborn. The people of Israel gave Me to crucifixion because of its lust for greatness and honor over the people on earth, for pride makes the man blind, and those who hid Me from before the people held on to their honor, but they lost their life, for it is written: «Whoever desires to save his life will lose it», (Luke: 9/24), and behold, this is how they lose their share with Me; those who stand in the middle of the roads to prevent the poor in their spirit from coming after Me, and about these it is written: «He lies in wait in secret as a lion in his den:he lies in wait to ravish the poor, … then he says in his heart, “God has forgotten. He hides His face. He will never see it». (Ps: 10/8, 11)[3]


Oh, I am giving you of the spirit and of the love from the above of the prudes of My resurrection, for I, the Lord, breathed over them the spirit which I am breathing upon you today, and they confessed My resurrection and remained in My love, and those who remain in My love, if they ask something in My name from My Father, He gives them; the Father gives to those who give Me, for their faith is great, and the same is their fruit too. Amen.


‒ On the first day of the week, we, resurrected Lord, we came to You, for we looked and saw where they put You after You were taken down from the cross of Your crucifixion. While the sun was rising, we came to You early in the morning, and we were thinking on the way what to do with the stone rolled on the tomb, as it was very big. However, Your angel went ahead of us and moved the stone away, and we, coming in, saw him on the right side clothed in a white dress and we were frightened at his sight, and we did not know where to find Your body to embalm it for the resurrection, oh, Lord, but the angel told us: «Do not amazed, do not be aggrieved! Jesus, Who has been crucified, is not here. He has risen. Behold the place where they laid Him! But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He goes before you in Galilee. They will see Him, as He said to you». (Mark: 1/6, 7) We were thrilled, and we were afraid to tell something to someone, and then You appeared resurrected to us, and You stayed with Your disciples, and before Your ascent in the Father, You gave the proof of Your resurrection, and within our sight, within everybody’s sight who saw You, You ascended then into the sky.


Then great enmity arose against Your resurrection, and the rulers of the people of Israel hid You again under the work of falsehood, blaming us, as if Your disciples stole You from the grave. The work of lie was big and much even after You were resurrected, as great as it was before You let Yourself into their hands in order to die for as, the very sinners, Lord. The devil taught Judas to believe that You did not love him, and in this way, Caiaphas and his people drew him on the side of Your adversaries, and Judas fell into the dizziness of the love of money, which he had in his blood, and he gave himself to those who wanted You and to those to whom he complained with the wound of his heart against You, Lord, and then he did not receive anything from them but only Your death and his. Oh, he who complaints in his discontentment receives nothing but his complaint and those to whom he gives himself to their perishing and his as well.


We breathe over Your people with the wisdom from above when we speak these into his midst, Lord, and we tell him to know that You are the Judge of everything and that those who get seats of judges do no good to themselves, and their ear gets wounded, like their heart, like their faith and like their life, for the devil is very skillful against those who are discontent and doubtful and You can no longer dwell in them, and they remain without faith after that, and You stay and wait for their repentance. Caiaphas is the man in whom all find themselves, that is those who serve in the churches for their rank and are not bowing their forehead before Your word of today which is calling the dead to their resurrection, (See the

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