» Religion » 2020.11.21- The Word of God at the Synod of the Holy Archangels, Michael and Gabriel by Lord Jesus (best memoirs of all time .txt) 📕

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2020.11.21- The Word of God at the Synod of the Holy Archangels, Michael and Gabriel

The Word of God[1] at the Synod of the Holy Archangels, Michael and Gabriel



The heavens are opening[2], (Apoc: 19/11) the glorious way is being made and the angelic hosts are sounding for the feast and the whole heaven is coming together, and it is an angelic feast in the citadel of My word; peace to you, sons from the citadel!


The whole heaven is with you here, sons, and I, the Lord, am breathing over you and over the citadel and I am bringing the revival. The heavenly hosts are sitting down and bringing glory to the Lord, and they are sharing it in heaven and on earth; they are sharing the comfort of the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit, the Counselor[3], gives and shares Himself, sons. (John: 16/13,14)


Oh, dear children, you do not have time for a quiet and peaceful life, because there are many things to carry and wear, and all these do not let you have peace and all have to be carried, and I have always breathed over you and given you hope; I have always strengthened you with peace and especially with love, oh, for only love can do everything, and those who can and love God dedicate themselves with love, and behold, I have set you to prepare a bedding of angelic feast and We are rejoicing the heaven of saints and angels, and their joy is coming back and out of it We are giving and comforting, sons.


Oh, I have always exhorted and taught you to take great care of the child in you, dear sons, for the little ones have support, they have the Lord as their Father, Who takes care of them, and they love to stay within My fatherly hand and to listen as some children, carried and cared within love.


Oh, you should not behave as do those who think they are something and not cared children because they are little. Those who look for Me need help and support, sons, and those who do not seek Me, think that they are capable to do things by themselves and for others; however, you should be like children and ask from the Father, for the Father loves the little ones and gives them His kingdom, as I promised[4] two thousand years ago when I said that My kingdom was prepared for the children who come to Me. (Matt: 19/14; Mark: 10/14; Luke: 18:16.)


You have seen from My teaching how the prodigal son left his father, how he asked from his share of inheritance and then went with it away, and who did no longer love to be a child near his father, oh, and then he suffered very much until he came back, painful and humble, asking his father to give him the job of a hired man in his household; (See Luke: 15/11-24) however, his father saw his repentance and gave him a new birth and gave him back the joy of a child, oh, and that is why I am exhorting you now to take care of the little child in you so that the Father may take care of you, sons.


Oh, seek all the time to take after Me, for I was a child before My Father and Father could work in Me and through Me, dear sons. Always examine your condition and conduct to always be able to see if you take after Me in your conduct, sons. Receive the lesson of love and its living, and in everything measure yourselves in the lesson of love, oh, and in this way a man is able to have mercy on Me, for I want to live in man with My stature so that he may take after Me in all things and always, and this means what I said that I want mercy, not sacrifice but mercy[5], sons, (Matt: 9:13) so that I may be able to find shelter in man, for that is why I built the man, and I wanted him to be a child in My hand. However, he was not able to be thankful and obedient, oh, and he deserted Me, and that is why I have been crying so much after man and I have wanted to tell him that I expect mercy from him.


Yes, man, I expect mercy, that is, do no longer sin, do no longer cast Me out of your heart and out of your living, do no longer hurt Me, for the wounds from you hurt Me, and have mercy on the One Who has come down from heaven to you to take you back home and to keep you in Him so that you may not lose your adoption and the conduct of a child. Oh, love to stay within Me, love Me to be able to remain in Me and that the devil may see your love of Me and to grow weak.


Oh, take care of the humility, man, for I loved and worked humility and I was a child through it, and here it is how I am teaching you the angelic life, through which you cannot lose the Lord upon you, for it was and is a painful experience the fall of the angels who did not listen and lost their greatness near God, oh, and that is why I am telling you, and I am telling you this because of mercy, for I want mercy, I want to have shelter in you, dear man. Oh, if you want to do away the devil and to get healed from sin, then love God from all your heart and you will have the eternal life with Him, and if, on the contrary, you want to sin and to keep on doing it, then you will love the devil and receive his allotment, oh, but do not let the taste of sin control you against God’s love in your heart, for life is eternal and each one receives the wages of his life, good or evil, according to how each one has lived, loved and chosen for their eternal life.


Oh, how great is the spirit of God’s teaching, sons! The man needs to have the teaching of love from God, not from himself, not from the earth. When you love a being from the whole heart of your love for it, but, on the other hand, you have a bad conduct towards those around you, with others, and with the one you do not like you behave badly, coldly, boldly, scornfully and with judgment by the words of your tongue with which you comfort the being you say that you love unspeakably, oh, then what kind of love is your love, your loving heart for your beloved being? Oh, your love is not true, and you are up to your tricks with it again and against your beloved being when you expect least and when she does not expect it either, for the dough of love is with self-denial, as God’s love is, for God is love, and He is always only love and all over, and even His rebuke comes out of love, too, when He rebukes the man.


Oh, behold, what mercy and its work are, sons! I, the Lord, forgive the one who mourns because of the sin he has committed and then he does no longer sins, for that one mourns for God, and I forgive him and have mercy on him, too, and he receives Me in him, after the bitter taste of his life far from Me for such a long time, sons, and that one repairs the wounds of his love and he suffers because he has wounded someone, that he has stricken love and its peace, and he cries with remorse and then loves much, for the grace increases, as it is written.


Oh, it is a day of comfort now for those who have passed away from their earthly body, for they have been remembered and called here, at their table of memorial and they stand before Me in prayer for you to strengthen your powers and My work with you for them and for those who wait, and you have brought them to the table according to the Christian ordinance, and they have come and taken from the table, and they have received much comfort, sons. May their table of memorial be blessed, and may all take from it, all those who have gone to their sleep, all from Adam and up to this time, all of them, sons. And, as for you, be loving and strengthen yourselves in My love for your resemblance to Me, the Merciful One, sons.


Oh, sons, look at a king that has got a battle army how he sends his army to die in battle to defend him from his enemies. Look at Me too, for here is what I, the Lord, did; because I had mercy, I gave Myself in battle for My army to defend its life, not My life, and I bore its blame, only to protect its life. And as for you, sons, catch holy power from My example and learn never to exculpate yourselves, and get used to come under the blame to take after Me, sons, and do this out of love, out of you love for God and people, because if a man does otherwise, then he blames his neighbor, and the one who does such a thing does no longer take after Me.


Sons, sons, faith is needed for this great love, and I, the Lord, am able to move the mountains by the faith of the one who is strong in love, sons, and this is what I want to do with you on earth, and I also want to put to shame the lack of faith and to show great signs in the eyes of the unfaithful ones so that they may be terrified and put away the unbelief from them.


Sons, the whole heaven is with you. Make those in heaven see that you work with faith and that you rely on those around. Those who take from the world for themselves do not stay with those in heaven but keep on looking back, as Lot’s wife did, and those who look to take from the world are very weak and are afraid; they do not have any support for them, they do not have a father, for those who have a father obey; they do not come out and do not make a feast of lie, because the lie is man, sons.


Behold the country and its rulers who seek after their own well-being, and you, My today’s country, My Romania, you do not have merciful rulers, oh, you do not have because they are slaves, they are not free to take care of you through God, not through the people, and you are brought low by those who are unfaithful, by those without God, who have ascended high, and behold, they do not comfort their people, they do not watch with mercy, the rulers over you do not cry out to Me for you, My today’s country.


Oh, watch, Romanian people, and cry out to the Father for yourself! The angelic powers are standing with their protection over you, for you are the country of My coming now, in the end of the time, and you have great protection, but you should also call out in prayer to God into your midst, oh, Romanian people.


I am rebuking the antichrist man and satan with his entire opposing work in the name

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