» Religion » The second coming of Jesus Christ - Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan by Lord Jesus (lightest ebook reader txt) 📕

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The second coming of Jesus Christ - Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan


«But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.» (Luke:17/25.)


«Therefore, I was displeased with that generation and said, ‘They always go astray in their heart, they did not know my ways;’

As I swore in my wrath, ‘They will not enter into my rest.’» (Hebrews:3/10-11.)


«What shall I do any more to my vineyard, that I have not done to it? Whereas I expected it to bring forth grapes, but it has brought forth thorns.

And now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge and it shall be for a spoil; and I will pull down its walls and it shall be left to be trodden down.» (Isaias:5/4-5.)


«Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Zion: for, behold, I come and will dwell in the midst of you, says the Lord.

And many nations shall flee for refuge to the Lord in that day and they shall be for a people to him and they shall dwell in the midst of you: and you shall know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.

The Lord shall inherit Juda his portion in the holy land, He will yet choose Jerusalem.(“and shall choose Jerusalem again.”- The New King James Version)

Let all flesh fear before the Lord: for he has risen up from his holy clouds.» (Zacarias / Zechariah:2/10-13.)


«Even as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness,”

know, (Or “recognize /acknowledge”) therefore, that those who are of faith are likewise Abraham’s children.» (Galatians:3/6-7.)


«That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are considered as descendants.» (Romans:9/8.)


«As he says also in Hosea:

I will call them ‘my people,’ which were not my people;

and her (country)‘beloved,’ who was not beloved.

It will be that in the place where it was said to them,

‘You are not my people,’

There they will be called ‘children of the living God.’» (Romans:9/25-26.)


«But I ask, did not Israel know? First Moses says:

I will provoke you to jealousy with what is no nation,

With a nation void of understanding I will make you angry.» (Romans:10/19.)


«Therefore, I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and it will be given to a people bringing forth its fruit.» (Matthew:21/43.)


«Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, that person is someone who loves me. Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him.”» (John:14/21.)


«It is the same with Christ: having been offered once to bear the sins of manyc, he will appear a second time, apart from sin-offering, to those who are eagerly waiting for him for salvation (Or “deliverance”).» (Hebrews:9/28.)


«In that day, they shall sing this song in the land of Judea; Behold a strong city; He shall make salvation its wall and bulwark.

Open you the gates, let the nation enter that keeps righteousness and keeps truth, supporting truth and keeping peace:» (Isaias:26/1-3.)


«As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelationd of God’s children.» (Romans:8/19.)


«Beware therefore, for fear that what is spoken in the prophets may come on you:

‘Behold, you scoffers, be amazed, and perish!

For in your days, I [shall] accomplish a work,

which you will not believe, even if one would proclaim it to you.’» (Acts:13/40-41.)


«Anyone who desires to do God’s will recognize (Or “know about”) the teaching, whether it is from God, or if I am speaking from myself. ( Or “on my own”)» (John:7/17.)


«I heard a loud voice out of heaven saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with people! He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God!» (Apocalypse:21/3.)



Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan


God’s Word in and for Romania

Selection of texts from God’s Word from The Holy City New Jerusalem

(Translated by V.B.)


“Oh, My beloved and tired children! Do you like these fields? Do you like these mountains? Oh, they look like the Sion mountains! Oh, little but beautiful country, oppressed country. My Mother has chosen you to be Her garden, and that is why I will remove all your dandruff from you. Oh, Romania, Romania, which are full of wealth, I will shake you and I will clean you up, because I have many relics of saints in your hearth.“

Extract from God’s Word, from 15-08-1956


“Blessed is the country and blessed is the people and all the immortals who live through the Romanian people, as they will all benefit from the mercy of God for the Romanian people, whom good God wanted to choose among the nations, the most humiliated people, who bitterly suffered because of the powerful ones, who was exploited, threatened, invaded, tortured, sold and bought in every war, and still, a good example of a hospitable people whom almost every nation could join and live, showing a pleasant greatness and being made to be an example of universal fusion into one nation, with a straight and holy belief, being the highest nation in the world in order to offer accomodation to all the nations around the world.


… Like the Saviour chose His beloved apostles from Galateea, the most important province at the time with the firmest belief that is still shining today, so He has chosen The Romanian country and the Romanian people to be the shrine of exemplary life, at everyone’ salvation service.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 24-04-1957



“The bodies of the saints are on the Romanian hearth, otherwise Romania would have been divided long ago, but because their bodies are on the Romanian hearth, My mother asked Me to protect you, because, if she hadn’t asked, I would have left you alone long ago.


… My Father dressed himself in Son, in a filthy and ugly coat and he went to a rich man asking for mercy, and that one told him: ”Go to work and work! Why are you lazy?“ And here is what God did: He dressed Himself in a luxurious coat and He went to the rich man again. When he saw Him, he invited Him at his table. Whom did this rich man receive? Oh, If there weren’t poor men on Earth, there would be no one in heaven.“

Extract from God’s Word, from 14-05-1957



“… Oh, come closer to Me, Romanian country, because if you do not listen to Me, a sign from Me will remain into you as it had remained as a memory from the emperors’ monasteries. Approach Me, Romanian army, as the children who are coming are not from Me, they are not with Me, because God will break down the earthly school and will rise church if there is obedience. God will spoil conception of the infants, if there is obedience among the Romanian army, as I have taken grafting for you and I put grafting from the beginning, so that the unborn remain risen. If I succeed in it, it will be all right, as it is written in the prayer «on earth as it is in heaven», without sin. Keep your faith , as a lot of it is spoiled. The world believes in God, but sins a lot.


If I succeed in doing this with you, I will make this land a heaven for you; the eternal life will be on it; you will be the sons of heavenly Eden. Subject yourselves to the heavenly will, My sons. Oh, hear Me, you, New Jerusalem! What say you, will you go without sin? Make no mistakes, My son, in order to be able to succed with you, to give you the Orthodox-christian country in use.


Oh, today nobody is called Romanian, except the christian one. He may be a German, an Indian, but if he is a christian, he is a Romanian. Peace to the Romanian people! Peace to you, My people!


… Tell, Verginica, to the christians, that God says so: whoever wants to enter this tent, let him wash his sins first. Verginica, Verginica, as the non-baptized christians could not enter into the heavenly kingdom long ago, today the man who is not penitent cannot enter this tent too, the tent which is the church of The New Jerusalem. (See “The Apocalyptic Trumpets”, r.n.)


… Tell, Verginica, you, My daughter, to this people to whom I spoke, that God asked them: why you do not listen to My advice? I named them the sons of The New Jerusalem, the girls of The New Jerusalem, people of the Holy Tent, people of The New Jerusalem, but they are full of dirt even now, after such a long time of prophecy. I, The Lord, I have made great miracles with people, and not for the purpose of body, but for the purpose of The Holy Spirit, as the body is ground and dust, and the spirit is immortal. Everything is God’s mystery, since the creation of man until now, but nowadays the things have not yet been revealed.


… Oh, Romanian people, Romanian people, it is for you that God has come from heavenly skies, to do with you what is left to be done. Why, My people, are you late to believe? Why are you late in repenting? Is My arrival from now not written? Aren’t you written in the law about this holy work? Why are you late to believe? Why are you late in coming to Me? I tell you this, Romanian people, many strangers will come from far away, and you, a small piece, are too lazy to come. Don’t you think that other christians, from abroad, left their rest and their homes, their women and their sons and they travelled in a foreign country, searching for Jesus Christ? But you are not able to leave anything. Behold! I left heaven and I came to your villages, where it is written, but the price of My arrival will be high. What else should I do, except this work of turning away the man from his sins? What work should I do except this one? Who cannot hear this and wonder not? Who did not hear and did not wonder? Who is able to think about it without being terrified? God has come again on earth, Holy Spirit has come. How can you not be afraid? Heart of stone, how can you be so senseless? as even the dead ones groan of horror into their graves.


… Romanian people, wake up! What are you waiting for? For it is daylight, not night. Why are you sleeping? It is late. Come on, Romanian people, what are you waiting for? Are you not part of My plan?


… It is for this reason that I got in touch with this child, to make you daughters and sons of The New Jerusalem. Is this not a mystery?


… Verginica, I finish My words and I bless with Holy blessing this letter, and you shall give it in front of My people who shares with everyone else My things. Amen, amen, amen.

Extract from God’s Word, from 07-01-1966



… Oh, My sons, My sons, here I tell you this word. I have come to you, as I have always told you that I have come to you and you do not believe Me, that I am God and I came long time ago. At the beginning, when I came with this word, you heard it naming you My People. And I did not come to go into the world, but I want to stay with you, and to end the century with you, as you are written to be the key with which I will end this final century. My People, you were not loved by

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