» Short Story » Feathers That Heal by Aurora Kryan (phonics reading books TXT) 📕

Book online «Feathers That Heal by Aurora Kryan (phonics reading books TXT) 📕». Author Aurora Kryan

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“Cory are you ok?”

I asked touching the singed skin on his chest where Alex struck him. I thought it was just a black mark but it was a lot worse. He took my hand in his holding me close.

“I’m fine as long as you are”

“Um yeah then you’re not fine”

I laughed but he tensed up taking in my arm for the first time. Dry blood coated my forearm as fresh blood leaked from the bite marks. Gently Cory touched it pulling back when I flinched at his feather light touch. He frowned pulling out his black feather and knife. He cut a line down his palm and held the feather above my arm. Slowly it glowed white and then red flakes of something floated down on my arm. It felt hot not as bad as the hellhounds bite but it was so warm and soothing. I let out a sigh as the pain ceased. Opening my eyes I found the bite marks gone replaced by six shinny half moons. They looked almost like nail marks and they were barely noticeable. I ran my hand across the marks shivering because they still held warmth from Cory’s feather. I chuckled quietly to myself catching Cory’s curious gaze.

“It reminds me of twilight but smaller then a vampire bite”

When I explained to him he laughed along with me flinching when his chest protested. I frowned at him when he tried to brush it off. He was seriously hurt and needed medical attention now. I pulled his arm over my shoulders and hoisted him up walking away from Alex’s motionless body. Selena took Cory from me when he went slack and started dragging me down with him. She cradled him like he was weightless and took off to heaven. I watched them go with a falling heart, Cory was seriously hurt because of me. Alex might have dealt the blow but I was the reason he was fighting Cory. I clenched my fists, I had to get stronger so we can prevent things like this from happening again. I looked back to where Alex’s body laid and felt nausea build in me. Alex was standing with half a wing and a scolded left body.

“So the little mouse is left without a protector”

He sneered at me. I suddenly felt cold as ice looking at his dead blue eyes. He took a staggering step toward me but Henry was in front of me black wings spread out blocking me from Alex. A blue bubble went up around us as fireballs shot out again and again. All that bravery I built up suddenly came back stronger than before. I put my hand on Henry’s shoulder and looked right at Alex. He stopped firing long enough to hear me out.

“Why are you doing this Alex?”

“Why? Because a love affair with a mortal is only a useless distraction Cory should be in Heaven with the rest of the army waiting of the next wave of attack. Instead he tainted his wings like his father and fell for you”

“What do you mean tainted his wings?”

“Angels have white wings unless you kill a human, choose to become mortal again, or leave the army”

I looked at Henry his black wings folded back. Selena had black wings too so what had they done? And was loving me and falling from the army Cory’s only offence? I pushed the thoughts aside it didn’t matter. Alex had a smirk on his face like he just won a prize of some kind.

“And just what is it that you did?”

“Killed a human”

He lost his smirk and sounded almost sorry. What is with him? One minute he’s determined to kill us and then next he’s all sulky. I bet any minute now he’ll be death on wings again.

“And I’m about to make it three”

He regained his composure and lunged after us. He has to be bipolar or something I thought as I stepped back. Henry saw him coming and dodged at the last second pushing him down in a head lock. I backed away not wanting to be any closer to him then I had to. But I had the urge to kick him a few times for killing my mom and hurting Cory. He clawed at Henry’s arms trying to pry him off in a furious waving of his arms. I was so focused on his scrunched up face I didn’t realize I was within grapping distance till he pulled my ankle. I tried to throw it off but he got the leverage he needed. Henry reached over to pull Alex off me and went flying back. I shrieked as Alex stood up pulling me down by my ankle and holding me upside down. I screamed again as he started taking off for the sky, I punched him below the belt.
Instantly he dropped me from half a foot above the ground. I managed to throw out my hands before I landed on my head and broke my neck.

“Good job let’s go”

“How did he ever become an angel?”

“He was born one”

Henry said as he scooped me up and took off for the clouds. A furious Alex followed close behind growling like he was a rabid dog. He was gaining on us faster than I thought he would. I was weighing down Henry I realized that’s why we were so slow. Red hellhounds from either side ran next to us on black fire like an escort service. I looked up to see Selena standing on the clouds glaring at Alex she raised her hand slicking the air with it. The hounds growled slowing down their pace before they turned on Alex. But he was expecting this and beat them off before they even had a chance to turn around fully. I felt Henry tense as Alex reached for his wing and then he bounced of an invisible barrier not far from the clouds edge. He roared so loud and hard his face turned red as he beat on the barrier. If I wasn’t scarred of him before I was now he looked so menacing I flinched away into Henry’s side even thou he couldn’t get to me.

“What’s going on Selena?”

“God heard Alex confess killing Jasmine’s mother and the threat he was going to kill her and Cory. Basically he’s being thrown out of heaven for betraying his brothers”

“Hum it’s about time he was never cut out to be up here anyway. But then what about?”

Henry turned his hazel eyes on me they were full of worry. I looked at Selena she was worried too. My eyes bugged out thinking something were wrong with Cory. He has to be ok after all this he has to be just one more day, just one more day. I gripped a hand full of Henry’s black feather’s releasing my death grip some when he flinched. I gave him an I’m-sorry look.

“Is Cory ok? I want to see him please”

“He’s fine dear healing as we speak but the main concern right now is what to do with you”

“No making sure Cory is ok is the main priority”

I told Selena when she tried to comfort me. I let go of Henry’s wing and shrugged of Selena’s hand stalking off in a direction to find Cory. I heard Selena sigh from behind me or maybe it was Henry I don’t know but I wanted to find Cory. I felt so small and insignificant when I looked around at the vast space of heaven. Angels with black and white wings walked or floated around going into houses, talking to friends, and playing by the trees. I stopped dead in my tracks as a pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist and the same person sighed in my ear.

“Where are you going off to in such a hurry?”

I sunk back against him laying my hands over his on my waist. I closed my eyes turning slightly to him smiling.

“Anywhere I’m looking for someone”


“Oh this hot angel I know”

“Hot angel, hum what’s he look like maybe I know him?”

“Well he’s tall with raven black hair and fiery hazel eyes. And his wings are softer than sink and the darkest black I’ve ever seen. He’s my hot Goth guardian angel”

“Hot Goth guardian angel with black wings? Nope I don’t think I’ve seen him before sorry”

“Shame I’ll just have to steal you”

I laughed turning around opening my eyes to look at his hazel ones. Cory smiled at me before he kissed me sweetly. I ran my fingers through his hair as he wrapped his arms tighter around me pulling me closer. He broke the kiss first smiling mischievously.

“I can live with that feel sorry for the other guy thou”

“Why is that?”

“He’s missing out on a wonderful girl”

He chuckled kissing me again. Someone cleared there throat and I jumped away from Cory feeling embarrassed. Selena was the one who cleared her throat but I was focused on the man standing in front of her. God. He smiled at us nodding once to Cory before approaching me. I felt nervous again maybe kissing like that was wrong in heaven. I was about to apologize when he hugged me. I was shell shocked God was hugging me? Why? As if answering my question he pulled away saying.

“I’m glad you’re safe Jasmine and that you returned to heaven. I’m sure Selena told you Alex is banished from heaven so it is reasonable that you stay here where it’s safe. But”

“I can’t I’m still alive and heaven is for the dead. Sorry”

I apologized for cutting him off yet again. He was so nice he didn’t even give me a mad look just kept on talking.

“Yes that’s the basic reason. The air here is different far below what it is on earth. And maximum time a human can stay is four hours. I’m sure Alex will still be around waiting for the time to end so he could find you. That’s why I’m leaving the choice up to you Jasmine. Stay here in heaven or return to earth after your four hours are up?”

So that’s what happened before when I was suffocation and no one seemed too noticed except Selena. It was a huge dilemma mega huge. Die in heaven from suffocation but be in this wonderful place with Cory or die on earth from Alex and maybe have Cory killed too. I shivered either way I was going to die that much was certain. I looked at Cory’s distorted face he was grimacing and trying to smile at the same time again. I squeezed his hand and looked to Selena and Henry’s faces they were equally troubled. Finally my gaze rested on God ready to tell him I would stay here. But when I looked at him his eyes slightly squinted, he was trying to tell me something silently. I didn’t know what he wanted me to see until Cory wrapped his wing around me and I remembered. My head snapped up looking right at God as he smiled. My future! I was an angel, will be an angel in the future! That‘s why he showed me he knew I would choose to stay and

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