» Short Story » Feathers That Protect by Aurora Kryan (the best ebook reader for android txt) 📕

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cover pic from Google everything else is an origonal idea from me

Mom pushed me again telling me to wake up the last pie was finished and it was time to eat. I felt her lightly push me again and breathe my name against my ear. I pulled the covers closer around me wanting to sleep some more, she would save me some food if I didn’t make it to diner on time. But when I pulled on the cover she said ow and she sounded like a man. My grip tightened on the blanket,

who was that?

“Mom.” I complained weakly in my sleep.

I felt the covers tighten around me and she said my name again but her voice sounded wrong. I finally opened my eyes to see her crying I tried to ask what was wrong but suddenly I was miles away and she was running after me crying my name franticly. Trying to get to me before the white ball of light got to her, but she never made it.

“Jasmine! Jasmine!”

“Mom hurry you’ll be safe with Cory hurry Mom!”

I couldn’t run to her I could only stand and watch as the light caught up to her and burned her alive in the blink of an eye. But to me it seemed like an eternity. My eyes flew open and I gasped for air. I still clutched what I thought was a blanket in my dream. I looked down and saw a hand full of black feathers startled and worried I might have pulled some out I scooted away from him glancing around to see that we were save and of course we were.

“I’m sorry Cory I didn’t mean to hurt you I was having a bad dream.”

The very thought of it scared me and I wrapped my arms around myself. Shivering in the little room a little I didn’t actually remember. The last thing I remembered was running to his house on the outside of town. He said it would be safe for the first day but after that we would have to keep moving unless we found another two story house.

So could this be his house?

I looked around the room it was kind of small and empty. It had a mirror on the wall. Two chairs and a table in one corner and a mini kitchen in the one next to that, the corner closest to us had a small TV on a stand and what looked like a Ps2 controller on the floor in front of it. There was a door in the corner in front of the bed we were on and I guessed it lead to the bathroom.

The bed, that was what I was sitting on that made me weirdly aware that Cory was sitting there with me in all of his Goth guardian angel hotness. Its funny how you can throw a sweet guy into a girl’s English class and their friends and she won’t notice him but as soon as he goes all badass angel he’s hot and she does. I’m so terrible. I hung my head feeling ashamed of the things I thought of him. He of course had no idea why I was so glum.

“Jasmine its ok I’ll get you through this I promise. I’m sorry about your mom I should have come sooner if only I had she would have still been alive. We would be at your house eating her pies waiting the whole thing out there. But I was foolish and argued with Alex I was so foolish.”

His attempt to sooth me started to sound more and more like he was trying to make me hate him and hate himself for something he didn’t have control over. I shook my head scooted closer to him on the bed because he wasn’t stopping. But he still wouldn’t stop. He was so silly. I had finally had enough of his self loathing ramble and placed my hand on his face.

Looking into his hazel eyes I could see he really did blame himself for my mother’s death. He finally stopped talking and looked at me. I almost couldn’t remember what I was going to tell him his eye had changed so drastically when he looked at me.

“Cory, don’t do that. Don’t hate yourself for something you can’t control you did wh-”

“But I failed to-”

“Shhhhh-” I cut him off

“Jasmine your mothers dead I made a deal with God to succeed from the Holey army to protect both you and your mother. I failed.” He said cutting me off again.

I was at a loss for words. Cory took this as a chance to go on. I didn’t hear him because my brain was going ninety miles an hour.

He asked GOD if he could QUIT the HOLY ARMY. Can you even do that? Was Alex part of the holey army? What position was Cory? How did he even become an angel anyway? Would he be punished?

That idea scarred me so badly I started to shake. I think he noticed and he grabbed my forearm.

Concern on his face maybe because he was rambling about my mother but that didn’t worry me, although it probably should have I must be a bad daughter not grieving over my mother’s death but being around Cory it was hard to. I couldn’t explain it but when I was with him I was just so calm and happy, content. Like the whole end of the world thing the only time I was scared was when he was in trouble like now.

“Will they punish you?”


“Cory will they punish you for protecting me, one silly little human instead of obeying God. Isn’t that what an angel is supposed to do?”

He looked hurt because I was saying I wasn’t a good enough reason for him to be here. He let out a long low breathe. He seemed antsy about something,

but what?

I was still so worried about him. I want him to be ok. If this was all for nothing and humans were to die anyway let him go free. He was an angel after all.

Which reminded me to ask him about that, later. I yawned and looked out the window it was getting dark. The first day of the end was well almost at an end. But I had to know if he was going to be safe. I turned back to him grabbing his arm to make him focus on me again because he had looked away at the TV.

“Cory please tell me will they punish you. Will God punish you for leaving?”

My voice sounded strange slowed from the needed sleep and the hysteria that was building inside of me. I felt like I was going to cry. If he didn’t tell me something soon I was going to think he was going to be punished and it was my fault. But I refused to cry in front of someone, even him.

After my father died in 9h grade I told him I would never cry again no matter what, only I had cried when I thought Cory had died back in town so I wasn’t about to do it again. So if that meant playing dirty to make him tell me I would.

“Cory.” My voice cracked and was really quite.

I guess he knew something was wrong I mean why wouldn’t it be right. He Looked surprised and his wings pulled back away from his body showing my angel friend sitting Indian style still shirtless. I kind of looked him over; yeah he was hot with or without wings. He pulled one of his wings back over half of him and my eyes shot back to his face. I was sure my face was red but my eyes still burned threatening to betray me. I sucked in air and tried again.

“Cory do you remember when we had English in ninth grade.”

“Yeah we got paired for a project and I had to come to your house.”

“Right and it was also the same night my dad died. Remember when I swore I would never cry over a man again.”

He wouldn’t say a word to me and I wasn’t sure if he knew where I was going or if he was totally lost. But I knew he didn’t know I was about to cry even if I didn’t want to I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. He would tell me the truth once I started crying, he hated to see my cry even if the last time I cried was seven years ago. He still told me he hated it when I acted like I was going to cry and he meant it.

“I couldn’t keep that promise to myself today. When you were passed out I was crying and I won’t cry over the same man again so tell me Cory will they punish you!” I had to raise my voice by the end because at some point in the middle the tear works began.

I just wanted to go to my room burnt or not and cry there alone where no one would see me let alone him. The one person I told I would never cry again and the one person I’ve cried twice over in one day. My Gothic angel wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap cradling me to him as I cried on his bare chest, stroking my hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and comforting me as I soaked him like a water hose. After I quieted down he slowly pulled me away from him and looked me in the face.

“Jasmine, I. The reason, Alex” He struggled for the right answer, “ no God wont punish me he lets us choose our path. A few others choose to protect loved ones here on earth and others who didn’t want harm to come to humans by their hands asked if he would allow them to stay in heaven and help the souls that come up"

He paused then continued, "I. I asked him if he would grant me leave from the Holy army to be by your side. He said yes the choice to bring about the end of something he wishes is up to me. If there was someone, someone dear to my heart on earth I didn’t want harmed then I was free to protect them without fear of his anger or my brother’s attacks.”

Stray tears began to fall down my cheeks as I listen to him struggle for words and to tell me how he felt. I didn’t deserve it. Only now was I noticing him when he had wings when he was an angel not when he was just my Cory. I think that dried up my tears finally or maybe I only had so much to give in one day.

Either way the tears ran dry and I felt bad again. The way he was holding me was so loving I just couldn’t let him keep doing this it was wrong. I got off the bed and stood there looking at him eyes red n puffy.


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