» Short Story » The brink of dawn by Lauren Colman (best novels to read for students txt) 📕

Book online «The brink of dawn by Lauren Colman (best novels to read for students txt) 📕». Author Lauren Colman

I stirred slightly, a woody scent was traceable in the air, they were here. The quileutes were here, my enemy.

I woke, I was still dressed in my old clothes, a long silver dress which puffed out, tight at the waist, it glimmered in the weak sunlight, adorned with jewellery. I wonder what year it is? Vaguely I remember the last time I awoke, it was about 1847, that was the best time of my life but now he is dead, all love and compassion and all left is my true nature. A blood thirsty beast, with a heart of black stone, uncaring and cruel.

The tall trees over towered me, the cool breeze wafted the scent, a citrusy woody smell, it had changed since the last time but it was more forestry. But they had always resided in the forest, it was their nature, they were very wary of the unknown.

I stumbled then ran as ran away from the scent, an unknown thing raced past me, in no way was it faster than me but it was faster than the transport from the last time. I carried on walking and caught the scent, a spicy perfumed smell, it was overpowering. They were alive? I came across a large house, it was isolated, furnished and there was a woman in there. I walked in, she looked at me with shock, as she did not know me. Using the "voice" I talked to her," Are you alone in this house? What year is it, date and time?" Her blank brown eyes replied," Yes, 2012, march 6th, quarter past three," I looked her directly in the eye then said," Walk out this door, keep walking and do not return, forget what happened, forget me," She simply turned and headed out the door. Being me, did have its uses. She was quite pretty, brown hair and brown eyes, about my height and clothes size so that would be ok. I looked nothing like her though, I had long shimmery white hair, it was a light blonde but was sometime white, pale grey eyes which unfortunately went really pale and animal like when my emotions weren't controlled, I was 5'2, a slim size, a size 2-4. I had pale skin, which never tanned and glimmered in bright sunlight. Wandering around the house, I looked at the foreign objects, a square box, had people inside. It was hard to take in everything but I slowly managed. Struggling to get up the narrow stairs, I wandered into the bedroom and a walk in closet, the shortness of the clothes were shameful but this was a different era. I grabbed a pair of shorts, a very revealing top and some flat shoes, my corset was hard to undo all the tangles but I slowly managed to get changed. It was nightfall before I thought I had learned just about all about these foreign object. I wandered down the cream carpet, opened the white glazed door and stepped outside into the chilling night. The breeze was cool and chilling, the heat didn't bother me that much.

I decided to have a wander into the forest, I could hear a slow voice talking, a male old voice.
" As time went on our enemies disappeared but one remained, the cold ones," I listened into their legends, it was so fascinating. Their ancestors transformed into the shape of the wolf and they could kill vampires. I was curious if it was true or if it was just a mere story. Their wasn't that many around the camp fire, all except one girl had golden russet coloured skin, the girl was pale and had the scent of spicy perfume, the same scent I smelt earlier. I walked closer, to hear the stories better when I accidentally stood on a twig which snapped loudly, heads turned to the sound and one saw me. He leaned to one of the men and whispered, I was unable to hear what he said but then they all quietly hushed words. A few men left the circle, they didn't head in my direction, but they returned after a few minutes but I could have sworn more left than the amount that returned.

I started to head back when I turned round to face a man, he had short cropped hair, was very tall and muscular, a light russet coloured skin, dark black hair and dark blackish eyes which looked very hostile. After a few moments, his eyes softened then he gazed upon me as if I was the greatest treasure on the world. I frowned then started to back away, why was this man staring at me like this?

I backed away slowly, nervously I looked at him, carefully watching his movements, just waiting from him to pounce but he didn't. I turned and ran, kicking dirt behind me, the wind whipped my hair in my face, stinging my skin, everything was a blur. I could hear growls, the racing patter of more creatures behind me, it was a dead end, I was at the rocky crumbling cliffs. Beneath me, the stormy gray sea smashed against the rocks, spraying water everywhere, I stood frozen and paralysed. I couldn't jump into the water. A vicious burst of memories knocked me back, the darkness that consumed me, unable to fight back, sinking lower and lower, the sea claiming me as its lost soul, swallowing me whole. I was brought back to reality by the deep snarls of a pack of wolves, they were in a diamond formation, the alpha male at the front, dark glossy black fur which twisted in the breeze. They all acted hostile to me, slowly edging closer, I took a step back, the cliff crumbled, small rocks splashed into the sea. A brown wolf edged closer but then stood... protectively infront of me. They began to back off, I frowned, it was a mere wolf, why would it protect me? Wolves only rely on instinct, it almost seemed human in someway.

They all slowly backed away and faded into the forest, I breathed out a sigh, one day and already some unknown creature has tried to kill me. I giggled to myself, a high pitched sound, walking out the forest, the man that stared at me, approached me. He was smiling, I just grumpily frowned at him, he was a lot taller than my mere 5'2, he was around six foot. He just smiled then said in his deep slightly accented voice," Hey, I'm Embry Call , you new to forks?"
"Umm, yeah, I'm rosabacatrin," He frowned at my name. " Hey rosa, so which school you enrolled in?"
I sighed then corrected him," My name is rosabacatrin, not rosa, it's all one word, believe me once upon a time the name was popular, um it's the one round here, can't think what it's called,"

He looked slightly shocked, his eyebrows raised slightly, his mouth slightly opened. I laughed at the way he was looking at me, then I realised he was half naked. What was it with this century and the shameful lack of clothing? He smiled a shy smile, a deep gust of wind blew, almost knocking me over, the air was chilled. I could slightly feel it but wouldn't he be feeling the cold?

I could feel tension rippling off him in waves, his emotions were slightly mixed, he was worried, in love, happy and just a weird mix.

" So...rosabacatrin, I didn't catch your last name, yeah I go to the school on the reservation, so you will at least know one person, that will be good won't it,"

I smiled then nodded, I started to walk away when he asked me for a phone number?

I looked in the pockets of the shorts then pulled out a thing called a blackberry and repeated the numbers, I still had to figure out how to use it.


Publication Date: 03-03-2012

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