» Short Story » Wolf Mother by Aurora Kryan (top 10 most read books in the world .txt) 📕

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I watched my beautiful daughter run around the wild flower field with her friend Spirit. I was an old wolf getting close to the end. But I still had enough life in me to raise Indura till she was old enough to awaken the blood of Sheiesh in her.

I must keep her safe till then even if it cost me my life.

I moved my ears forward to catch the end of the conversation she was having with Spirit.

“I said I love you Mitch!” She shouted at him.

I suppressed a laugh as six year old Spirit fumbled with his steps and face planted into a dandelion. I grinned at them they both knew about the Legacy and about the promise. Indura was more against it because Spirit was just her friend but looking at them now I could tell she would grow to love him as he does her.

I closed my eyes thinking that they look five and six as humans but really there fifty and sixty year old Royal wolves. I opened my eyes to find Spirit had changed back to his human form was blushing madly. His little hand was out holding the dandelion he had fell on out to Indura. She grabbed it smelling it and giggling.

“I, I uh love you Indura…a lot.” He mumbled.

This time Indura fumbled, I don’t think she expected that from him.

If only she knew the truth about his feelings.

I emerged from the shadow of the tree hanging over the den. Indura heard me and ran after me with her dandelion clutched to her chest. Spirit ran behind her in his fluffy little white wolf form.

I bowed my giant head so she could hug my nose and Spirit could lick my muzzle. Even thou he was Maka’s child I felt like he was my own son. In the future he might very well be but for now he is just a boy enjoying play time.
“Look Mom! Spirit gave it to me you like it?”
“It’s pretty Indura, and kind of you Spirit what brought this on?” I asked him teasingly.

Hours later I heard a grumbled from outside the den. From the entrance I could see the white coat of a Royal wolf. The scent told me it was Maka come for Spirit late. I looked back to see Indura sleeping in her werewolf form on spirits human chest, their fingers laced together. Often when Spirit stayed the night they would somehow find that position while they slept.

I smiled and managed to maneuver Spirit out from under Indura with a paw as I lifted him by the shirt. He never woke nor did she as I carried him out into the night to his mother. When I was closer to her she shifted back to her human form taking him in her arms. She, unlike many Royal wolves, still lived by Halos ways. She lived in the cave five miles on the other side of the river with her mate Seth and her son Spirit.

She nodded her head as blonde hair fell in her face. When she looked up she looked wild with glimmering wide eyes. Her hair was tousled and had a few strand braded with sinew. Maka turned and walked off into the woods toward home. I watched her diaper before I returned to Indura still sound asleep.


I watched as blonde hair popped up and down along the fallen log as he stalked his mother trying to scare her.

He is a silly little one,

I looked over at my own cub pulling Seth’s ears as she sat on his massive head,

just like her.

Seth had decided to come along for once when they dropped off Spirit for a hunt. I think he started regretting it twenty minutes ago when Indura climbed on him.

“My lady Rima.” Seth pleaded to me.

“Indura why don’t you go find Spirit and play with him while we talk.”

“Mmmm ok ma.” She said.

I laughed when Seth jumped as she spring board off his face.

She is quite the athlete.

I turned my golden eyes on the two human formed Royal wolves before me. Seth looked like a male version of Maka with wild eyes and blonde hair. They bowed to me and I returned it.

“About the promise alpha.” Maka said.

“Is there a change?”

“Well originally Spirit was promised to Indura for when she awoke as the alpha. I think we should change that.”

“To?” I inquired.

Seth took a step forward bowing his head slightly. I nodded to him so speak.

“We’d like to change it to for whenever they fall in love or reach the age of eighteen.” He said.
“Why eighteen? I agree to the first part but I wish to know why the age.”

“Because by then she will have to awaken on her own or be forced into it.” Maka said.

I looked down pondering. She was right alphas awaken before eighteen and for ones who don’t it is painful when they reach nineteen. Then I remembered the issue of my sister Kina. She was on a hunt for Royal wolves that’s why we live in the mountains. I scratched at the ground thinking about Indura and Spirit. It was obvious she was stronger with him and in the future would love him intensely.

I looked back to Maka and Seth nodding my head with approval. The promise was made so Indura would be stronger from the lack of full Royal wolf blood. And Spirit being the descendent of Halo’s father, Karus, and a Royal wolf he had strong blood in him. Plus their souls resonate well together whenever they hunt as a pack.

Soul and Soul Made For One Another

I ran down a fallen tree leaping off it as my paws extended to grab the thigh of the buck I was running down. It had been a week since I hunted and we were low on food. I threw the buck off balance and locked my jaws around its neck breaking it.

This should last us another week,

I thought as I trotted back home with my kill. I saw a flash of white from the corner of my eye and stopped.

Indura was running after something and Spirit was right behind her. I followed them quietly as they chased something. There run took us farther from the den then I would have liked it to but I couldn’t ruin their hunt. I changed my eyes to look at their souls, Indura’s white with black flecks and Spirits blue with white flecks. What I saw amazed me.

They didn’t use signals or sounds to communicate, they used their souls. It was something I never seen before only heard of. My mother Nyx told us about soul resonance between two soul mates. ‘If they are truly met for each other their souls will flicker and create an arc to the other one, the colors of both souls blending into one another in harmony.

If they achieve that then even the simplest gesture normally needed to communicate is unneeded. There resonance link will tell them what sounds would have. ‘I watched as the link made its self known as they closed in on a mountain lion. Normally I would have jumped in by now, hunting a mountain lion of all things.

But I simple wasn’t needed. Indura’s white soul zapped through the arc of their resonance link into Spirit. The link harmonized again turning a pale blue with grey edging, almost like the colors had been mixed. I watched as Spirit flank the cougar nipping at its heel’s almost like that zap of Indura’s soul had told him to. A line of blue ran through the link and Indura jumped onto the cats back clawing at the neck.

The cat let out a roar rearing on it back legs and shaking its head to get Indura off. The link flashed white again just before Spirit lunged at the throat of the lion to take it down. The big cat fell to the ground dead as the two pups backed away. Indura had her stuffed wolf in her hand that wasn’t there before. I rushed out then to make sure they were ok.

“Indura, Spirit!” I shouted.

"Mom! it took my wolfy.” She pouted.

“Are you ok? Both of you?”

“Yes aunty.” Spirit said.

“Why did you go after that cougar alone?” I asked.

“I wasn’t alone I have Spirit. He always has my back no matter what.”

“I promise no one and nothing will hurt her aunty.” He chimed in.

I looked over to him as he changed back into the blonde haired boy. His hazel eyes sparkled when he put his hand on my daughters arm.

Soul mates indeed mother soul mates indeed.

Closing In

The pain was horrible consuming my entire body from my chest to my hands. My eyes were weak and I shook if I tried to stand. I lay on my side struggling for breath as my ashen colored hand reached for the picture in front of me. I gripped it with a weak hand and it dropped. I shifted catching it in my teeth gently then placed it back on the rock ledge looking at it.

A tall curvy woman with long flowing brown hair held a baby in her arms. It was safely wrapped in a pink blanket. A tall man had his arm around the woman’s waist as he looked down at the baby gripping his finger. He was much tanner then the woman and his hair was raven black cut short enough to show off a scare, but he was so handsome.

“Kevin.” I whispered to the picture as I pressed my nose to it.

I fogged it over when I breathed out so I pulled back. I still looked at my human husband and five month old daughter.

I can’t become human again it will kill me. I am nearly 458, long past the life a human could survive. But I want to hold Indura one last time,

I looked down at my paws,

I can’t like this.

A whine escaped my lips and I bolted out the den entrance running to clear my mind as I felt tears fall down my face.

I knew my life was closing in on me, even as a Royal wolf I was getting to old. The wind whipped through my fur as I raced over the mossy forest floor. The birds fled in fear and called out when I ran past them. Sliding to a stop at the river I lapped up some water. I looked at the reflection of a white wolf with golden eyes stare at me.

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