» Family & Relationships » And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Chalen D.

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home. As I walked to the parking lot, it was empty. The guy who coughed sat on a bench, with his arms wrapped around him. He rocked to keep warm. I walked to him.
"Can you drive in the snow?"
"Yeah." He said, slowly looking up at me.
"Can you drive me home?" I asked, holding out the keys.
"Sure." He said, taking the keys slowly.
"Can we hurry this up? I'm cold."
He picked up his bag and we walked to the car. he unlocked the car, and opened my door.
"Yep." he said, shutting the door.
We drove in science.
He tossed me the keys.
"Thanks for the ride." He said, jogging to his apartment.
"Oh, uh, sure." i said, as I watched him disappear behind the buildings.
Rosalynn was standing by my door arms crossed looking pissed. How Did she know where I Lived? Her shoulders sagged when she saw me. She ran froward and pulled me into a hug.
"Your my best friend right?"
"What do you want?"
"Okay. So there's this guy that lives near Mikey."
"Get to the point."
"So I was walking to Mikey's cause I couldn't find him at the end of the day, and I passed this guys house. He jacked my back pack and threw it into his house, I think he was trying to be funny."
"Where do I come in?" I asked, Opening my door, tossing in my bag, and re-locking it.
"Glad you asked. I want it back. What your going to do is knock on his door and pretend your selling something, then when he's hooked I'll blast him with this." She said, holding up pepper spray. "Now we have to run fast, cause he's pretty big, so Leave your door unlocked."
"I don't know."
"Come on."
I looked around and made sure know one was looking.
"What am I going to be selling?" I asked, Putting my hands in my pockets and following her.
"Make something up, your the smart one."
I crossed my self.
"Oh no your catholic."
"no I'm not."
"The why'd you cross yourself?"
"Do you want help or not?"
"There it it." She pointed to the worst apartment i'd ever seen.
I took a deep breath and walked forward. Rosalynn plastered herself against the wall and I knocked. When the door was opened I almost pissed my pants, there stood Sasquatch, hair and all.
"Good morning sir,"
"Whatever your selling I don't want any."
"You sure?" I asked, unzipping my jacket and lifting my shirt.
Rosalynn's eyes widened and she bit into her lip.
"Right this way miss." He said, opening the door wider.
Rosalynn jumped in front of me and blasted him with the spray. Sasquatch dug his hands into his eyes, and backed away from the door yelling.
"I got it run!"
"You ain't gotta tell me twice!" I said, making a run for it.
After a couple of houses we high five.
We looked to see Sasquatch running full speed.
"Fuck!" Rosalynn yelled, But i was already running.
I slipped on some ice and fell to my knees. I looked up to black ripped jeans and converse. Two hands yanked me up, and Mikey was yanking me to my house, Rosalynn, already a mile away. Once inside, Rosalynn collapsed on the couch, and Mikey locked the door.
"Fuck. you. Rosalynn." i said, sitting on her thighs breathing hard. "You ever want help again, don't come to me."
"Get up, I have to pee."
I got up and made my way to the kitchen.
"You want something to drink?" I asked.
Mikey pressed me against the wall.
"What are you doing?" I asked, looking out the back door, where Mikey's eyes where glued.
Sasquatch was looking through the french doors.
"Ohmigod. This is it. We're all going to die. He's going to find us and rip off or limbs-"
"Would you shut up?" Mikey whispered.
"- and then, he's going to rip off our head, and BBq us, and feed us to his little Sasquatch babies-"
"I will kiss the fuck out of you If you don't shut up."
"-then, he'll use our bones as tooth picks-"
Mikey bent low, and pressed his mouth to mine, and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He knew how to use his tongue.
"Okay he's gone." He said, looking at the door.
He still kept me against the wall, and smiled down at me.
"Your not a very good Kisser, Lola."
"well considering I'm a virgin-"
"Your a virgin?" He asked, pushing away from me.
"Oh so what."
"Oh no, it's not so what. You'll be eaten alive by Rosalynn's crew. Get out now."
"I'll be fine, and how do you know?"
"Cause they're my crew to." He said, pushing open the back door.
"Dude, you have a major small bathroom-where's Mikey?"
"He left."
She picked up her bag, "I'll back I'm going to smoke some shit with him."
"Here." I said, giving her a house key.
She opened the back door.
"Aye, Rosalynn, I hear Sasquatch is on the lose."
She looked around and bolted to Mikey's back door. I laughed, and locked my door. I looked around, but no sign of Sasquatch. I grabbed a soda and layed on the sofa. Ten minuets later the door flew open, and Mikey ran in. I opened my mouth to ask, if Sasquatch got Rosalynn, but he grabbed my head, covered my mouth with his, and blew into my mouth. I sat on my knees coughing, and wiping my tongue on my shirt.
"Your an Ass." i said, wiping my eyes.
"Still think you can hang? They'll do worse things than that Lola." He said.
"How did you get in here?"
He held up my house key, "Rosalynn left it on my counter before she passed out."
I took the key from him and ran my fingers over it's smooth surface.
"Why are you hanging out with Rosalynn?"
"I just want to fit in okay?" I asked, looking down, at the key.
Mikey put his finger under my chin, and lifted my face.
"The last person who tried to keep up with us, got really hurt. I don't want you to get hurt, Lola."
"Why do you care?"
"You seem like a good person."
I took my chin away from him.
"You don't know shit."
"Your right I don't." he shrugged, "Can I get a ride to school tomorrow?"
Mikey kissed my cheek, and was gone.
Mikey and Rosalynn weren't waiting for me by my car, so I got in and turned on the heat. I heard yelling, and looked out the passenger side window. Rosalynn and Mikey where running to my car, as if there life depended on it. I rolled down the window, and that's when I saw Sasquatch round the corner, pumping the air with his fist. My eyes got wide as I rolled up the window. In Sasquatch's fist was a drum stick. His arm was shaking so hard, that his arm fat was flying everywere. He was dressed in striped boxers, a white taktop gone yellow and no shoes. When Mikey and Rosalynn came close, I unlocked the doors. Mikey dove into the back seat, and Rosalynn got into the front hitting the lock button over and over again.
"Go, Go, Go!" she yelled.
I threw the car in reverse and took off. There was a thump on my back windshield. When I looked in my mirror, Sasqautches drum stick was sliding down the window, and he was waving both arms wildly over his head.
"Holy fucking shit!" Mikey said, clutching his chest.
Rosalynn applied a thick layer of gloss, and I bit my lip trying not to laugh. I was scared shitless sure, but if you saw Sasquatch, you'd be laughing right along with me.
When we got to school, Rosalynn clutched my hand as we followed Mikey to where Drew and another guy was.
"Aye look it's Avril lavigne and Adam Lambert, and they brought KreayShawn." Drew said.
"I didn't know you where that way." The other guy told Rosalynn.
"Come on man." Mikey said.
"Calvin's just fuckin' Mikey."
"Aw that's sweet." I said.
"What's sweet?" a guy with dread locks asked, coming to stand next to me.
"Drew's standing up for his boyfriend, isn't that sweet?" I asked.
"Oh shit!" The guy said, bumping my fist.
"Alright, Alright, New girl got jokes. what's your name KreayShawn?"
"Aye Martie!" A guy called, throwing his hands in the air.
Martie threw his hands in the air, back.
"Let's roll Ya'll." Martie said.
Him, Drew, Calvin, and Rosalynn took off. I watched them walk to the guy, and turned to Mikey.
"What are they doing?"
"Drug deal." He said, fixing my scarf.
"What kind of drug deal?"
Mikey's eyes flashed to the guy, then back to me.
"How do you know? You barely even looked."
"Your cheeks are red." He smirked.
I touched my cheek, "They're frozen."
"Here." He said, covering my cheeks, with his gloved hands.
"How do you know?"
"See the guy they're talking to?"
I looked over.
"Don't look Lola shit."
"Well you said, see the guy they're talking to."
"That doesn't mean look."
"Well how was I supposed to know?"
"Your right, you'll be just fine hanging with us."
"Don't be mean Mikey."
"Mean? You know what screw it. The guys name is Gabe. He only deals in weed."
"Why didn't you go over?"
"I have my own dealer."
"Cause he gives me really good shit, for less."
"Is he a friend?"
"You ask a lot of questions." He smiled.
"Well If I'm going to hang out with you guys, I need to have my story straight."
"Don't worry, no one knows where I get my shit."
"Why not?"
"Cause I like to keep my life private."
"Remember when I kissed you?"
"If you don't stop asking questions, I'm going to fuck you." He said, pulling me in for a hug.
He held me against him, with his forehead resting on my neck.
I peaked over his arm, and looked over at them. Martie did a hand shake and they all left. I made eye contact with Gabe, and quickly shut my eyes. They all made their way back over.
"Oh, Rose your girls cheating on you. Better get on that shit." Calvin said.
Mikey bit my neck and pulled back. When I looked up at him he grinned down at me. I smiled back, and shook my head.
At lunch, Rosalynn dropped me off at the soda machines where Mikey was getting a soda.
"Oh hey." he said, reaching over to kiss my cheek.
"Okay, I see where your coming from."
"Good." He said, bending to get his soda.
"So I think it's a good idea if you teach me."
"Teach you what?" he asked, opening his soda.
"To smoke weed."
"I can do that." He said taking a drink.
"And I need you to have sex with me."
Mikey spit his soda out, and i jumped out of the line of fire.
"What?" he asked, wiping his mouth.
"You heard me. come on Mikey, I saw a girl going down on you the first day I got here."
"I gave her weed, she was paying me back."
"Well I saved your ass with Sasquatch."
"I saved you from Sasquatch first!" He said, making a couple of people turn.
"I gave you a ride to school today."
"It doesn't count, it has to be a big deal, for payback."
"Would you just fucking sleep with me please?"
"No." He said, eyebrows pulling together.
"Why not?" I demanded.
"Your cute when your mad." He said Putting a lock of hair behind my hair.
"Then sleep with me."
"What's it going
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