» Family & Relationships » And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Chalen D.

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can be friends?"
I took the ring off and handed it to him.
"No keep it. It's a beautiful ring, and no one ever sees it."
"Who's ring is it?"
"Don't worry about it." he smiled, kissing my cheek.
"It's a good thing we're staying friends. The quickest way to ruin a relationship, is to have one."
"Your really against love, aren't you?"
"Can't be against something you don't know."
"True." He said, taking a drink of his soda.
Martie coughed as he passed me the pipe. We where sitting behind the schools dumpsters. It was lunch so no one would notice us being gone. I took a deep hit, and passed it to Calvin. He passed it to Drew. Drew took a hit then gave it to Mikey. Once Mikey was done he gave it to Rosalynn. Once we finished we went to our lunch table.
"Why don't you two hook up?" Martie asked, as Mikey put his arm around me.
"Just friends." Mikey said.
"uh-huh." Calvin said.
"We are," I said, smacking his arm.
"I believe you Lola." He said, hands up.
Clover passed with Becky. As she saw me she lifted her hand excitedly, then dropped it, when she saw who I was with. I gave her a smile, and a finger wave. Her grin was huge as she hurried after Becky to get lunch.
"Who's that?" Drew asked.
"Clover. she's like a puppy." i said.
"So she's like your step sister?" Martie asked.
"Something like that. Her Mom is getting married to my brother. It's just easier to call her my step sister."
"Doesn't she have a twin?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, his name is Crimson."
"Crimson and clover." Rosalynn said.
"Nancy Had a thing for Joan Jett."
They all nodded at if this made scene. i made a mental note to go home and look her up.
"Guess marriage runs in the family." Drew said, pointing at my hand.
"Oh no. I'm not getting married."
"Are you a virgin then?" Calvin asked.
"of course not."
"Then what up with the ring Yo?" Martie asked.
"It's mine." Mikey said.
"It's a friendship ring." I added quickly.
"Whatever floats your boat." Drew said, taking a drink of his lemonade.
"Wait, isn't that your Mom's engagement ring?" Rosalynn asked, taking my hand.
"Rosalynn." Mikey said, shoulders sagging.
I took the ring off, slammed it on the table, and got up.
I ran across the court yard, and into the lunch room. I walked up to Becky, and Clover.
"Can I bum a soda?"
"Sure. what do you want?" Becky asked.
Becky put a Rootbeer on her tray, and they went to pay. I took the Rootbeer from Becky's tray.
"Where do you guys eat lunch?"
"We're eating in the drama room today."
"Okay I'll eat with you."
"Okay." Clover said, excited.
I followed them into the drama room, and everyone looked at me.
"What the fuck you looking at?"
"She's kidding." Clover said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to some steps.
"Where'd you go?" Rosalynn said, getting into my car.
"I had Lunch with Sasquatch."
"Very Funny." She said, holding her hands in front of the vent. "Sorry if I said something I wasn't supposed to."
"It's okay. look at him."
Mikey was talking with some girl, and she pushed his shoulder.
"Do you love him?"
"I don't love anyone."
"Shit, don't I know it."
"Shut up." I laughed, hitting her arm.
Mikey kissed the girls cheek and jogged over to the car crawling into the back seat. Before, he shut the door I had the car on, and radio turned up. The good thing about living here, is everything's less than five minuets from where I live. We walked in and Nathan sat at the table.
"We have to talk." Nathan said.
I grabbed Rosalynn and Mikey's jacket Sleeve as they tired to escape.
"I think it's time for us to move in with Nancy."
"Us? Why can't I just stay here?"
"Cause your 16."
"I'll be 17 on Christmas. Besides, I live here by myself anyway."
"You need a room mate."
"Rosalynn's very dependable."
Rosalynn nodded quickly.
"Alright fine."
"Whooo!" We screamed, high fiving.
"But. You have to keep up with all the bills, you have to keep the house clean, and you have to have all grades above a C, and Lola, you have to eat Christmas Eve dinner with us."
We both nodded as he talked.
"Alright then." He stood. "I already have my things moved out. Rosalynn, it's all yours."
He took my chin in his hand.
"Be careful, Lola."
When I nodded he kissed my forehead, and shut the door. Once Nathan's car stared, we screamed and hugged.
"Well looks like you have a lot to do. I'll see you later." Mikey said.
He rubbed his nose up and down on mine, gave Rosalynn a high five and left.
I held up my card. Rosalynn smiled, and tossed her bag onto the couch.
"Shall we shop?" She asked.
We took each others arms and went to the car. For such a small town, I was surprised it had a mall. The Mall didn't have any good stores, but it was still a mall. we got new clothes and stuff for the house. Once we got home, the house became Rosalynn and Lola-fied.
"I think it looks good."
"Me too." I said, looking around.
"So your birthday huh?"
"Alright." She said sitting on the couch picking up the remote.
I walked to the kitchen.
"You want a soda? Guess not."
When I looked back to the couch Rosalynn was gone. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I knew what she was up to.
As I was washing my hair, the bathroom door opened and there was a thump. I pulled back the curtain to the shower, to see Rosalynn sitting on the sink.
"Mikey's mad at me. He found out I'm the one who told you about Daniel." She wiped away a tear. "We never fight."
I turned off the water, slipped on my robe and stood of her, putting my hands on her knees.
"He just needs to cool off. Why don't you come to the Christmas Eve dinner with me?"
"okay." She sniffed. "Can you do me a favor?"
"Can you wash the soap out of you hair?"
"Sure." I laughed, kissing her cheek.
"No Crimson!" Clover yelled.
We ran up the stairs and pushed into Clover's bedroom.
"Are you PMS-ing or something."
"Oh no you did not just say that!" We said at the same time.
"Out Crimson." I said.
Crimson through his hands in the air and left the room.
"What's wrong?" Rosalynn asked.
"Do you have to ask? This dress makes me look like I'm 5, My hair is fucking up, and I can't do my make-up for the life of me."
"Here open this."
"You got me a Christmas present?" She smiled, taking the gift from me.
"I got you one to." She said, giving me a gift.
"Put those on, and make sure the bows on the side. they're tights. Rosalynn?"
"I already have the curler on. Start on her make-up."
As Clover put on the tights I picked out the make-up. As I did her make-up Rosalynn started on her hair.
"Bam! That's how you rock!" Rosalynn said, high fiving me.
"I don't even look like myself."
"Girls? People will start to arrive any second come down!" Nancy called.
We all went down.
"Oh you look lovely." She said, giving us each a hug.
"I like her." Rosalynn said, as Nancy went to the door.
"Sorry, you can't have her."
Rosalynn laughed, and pulled me to the back yard, to the long table of food. As she draged me along, I slipped my arm through Clovers. We got a plate of food and sat by the pool.
"Man, this pool is epic. Why don't you just move here too?"
"Cause you'd be out of a house." I said.
"Oh yeah." Rosalynn said, looking at her plate.
"I wouldn't mind if you moved on me."
"Well I would, if I where you. I'd be pissed if you left me behind."
"Okay, maybe I'd be a little mad."
"See?" I laughed.
"So how is it, Living like a Princess?"
"Me?" Clover asked, almost choking on her food.
"Well she ain't damn talking to me."
Clover smiled.
"It has it's perks. But then you have to pretend to be the perfect family, and we both know, we're far from the perfect family."
"Shit even I know that." Rosalynn said.
"How?" Clover asked, as Rosalynn took a drink, of soda.
"Rosalynn's good at reading people."
"With the exception of you of course."
"Okay Edward." I said, tossing my balled up napkin at her.
Rosalynn hit the napkin, and it flew to Clover, landing in her dress.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry. Let me get that." Rosalynn laughed.
I laughed, almost choking on my soda.
"Thanks." Clover laughed, as Rosalynn dug in her dress, and pulled out the napkin.
Rosalynn tossed the napkin at me, and I caught it, placing it on my plate.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" i asked.
Clover and Rosalynn turned to see Becky walk through the door with Mikey. Becky waved, and grabbed Mikey's wrist, then walked over.
"What is she doing with Mikey?" Rosalynn asked.
"Mikey wanted to come too." Becky said.
"How do you know if Mikey wanted to come?" Rosalynn asked.
"Mikey gave me his number."
"Did he now?" Rosalynn said, looking at Mikey.
"I'm gonna throw this away, and go to the bathroom."
"I'll show you where it is." Clover said, standing.
"Okay the bathrooms there, I'm going to find Becky."
"Thanks Clover."
I turned and bumped into Mikey.
"Can we go up stairs?"
"No." I said, walking away.
He grabbed my wrist, "Come up stairs with me, Or I'll pick you up."
I followed him up stairs.
"Okay, whats up?"
"I don't want your ring."
"Well I gave it to you."
"Well, it's your Mom's and she must have been special if you kept it."
"She died."
"Exactly, see it's special."
"My Mom wanted me to give it to the girl I'll marry."
"Then give it to her." I reached for the door and Mikey grabbed my wrist.
"Hold onto it."
"Hold on to it."
"Cause I'm going to marry you."
"Yeah right."
"What makes you so sure?"
"I'm not getting married."
"So if I really wanted to marry you, you'd say no?"
"I'd say find someone that can love you." I said, pulling open the door.
"Lola," He said, trying to follow me, but I was swallowed by the crowd.
"Tough night?"
"Yeah." I said, looking over at Crimson.
"I'm a good listener."
"To bad I'm no good with my words."
He nodded, and began to walk away. I grabbed his arm, and he looked back at me.
"Thanks." i whispered.
"Sure." He smiled, walking away.
I took a deep breath, and walked to the front yard.
I turned to see Rosalynn running to me.
"You okay?"
"I'm good. You ready to go home?"
"yeah, come on sweety." She said, pulling me in for a hug.
"I'm gonna be okay." I said, clinging onto her.
"I know you are. Sometimes even people like you need to know you have people that will be there for you." She said, holding me tightly.
"Thank you."
"Wouldn't miss it."
Martie, and Calvin blew noise makers and Rosalynn, and Drew tossed confetti at me.
"What are you doing?" I asked, a smile spreading over my face.
The living room and kitchen was decorated for a party. Balloons where all over the walls, and floor.
Everyone burst into an off key version of 'Happy Birthday', as Clover and Crimson, brought the cake out of the kitchen.
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