» Family & Relationships » And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕

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slide slowly down his face. He took in a jagged breath, and wiped his face. He looked up at me with Haunted eyes.
"Don't leave me." He whispered.
"Where the hell am I gonna go?"
He reached across the table, hand turned upward. I looked at it, and slowly put my hand in his. He closed his long fingers over my hand. When I looked at him he was looking at our hands.
"I'm sorry, If I scared you." He whispered.
"I'm not going to let you go." I whispered.
He nodded, still looking at our hands.
"I hope you don't. Everyone goes away." He mumbled.
"Promise." I said, holding onto his hand.
"Will you sleep with me?"
We stretched out on the couch and fell asleep.
The next morning My arm was poked. I opened my eyes, to see Calvin sitting on the ground in front of us. He smiled and waved.
"What time is it?" I whispered.
"Nine. I'm hungry."
"Go wake everyone up. We have to keep moving."
"Okay." He nodded jumping up, and going to a room.
I shook Mikey awake and we all got ready.
"Toss all your clothes in." I said, holding the trunk open.
"No." Rosalynn said.
"Why not?"
"Cause you gotta dead body in your car yo." Martie said.
"What the fuck!" I yelled, jumping away from the car.
"What do we do?" Drew asked.
"Ah fuck we're screwed." Calvin said.
"No we aren't." I said.
They all looked at me.
"We're in Jersey. We wait til the local butcher chop closes up for the night and then we break in and use the meat grinder, then we burn the trash bag." I said.
"What about the alarm?" Mikey asked.
"It has a 10 to 15 window, until someone responds, If at all. Calvin, you'll drive the car. Rosalynn, and Mikey, we'll grind up the body, while Martie and Drew, burn the bag. Deal?"
"I don't know." Drew said.
"What happened to being together? Besides, we don't know who killed the person, so we're all going down, fuckers." I said.
"I vote we find a butcher shop." Rosalynn said.
"Sounds good." Martie said.
they added their yeahs, and good for me's. I shut the trunk and we all pilled in and and found a butcher shop. We all got black clothes, and a screw driver.
"What's the screw diver for?" Calvin asked, once we got to a new hotel and we where about to go.
Everyone stood around him, in black, watching me.
"I have to take the plates off, in case we're seen. Got your bandit hats?"
They all put their hats on.
"Alright. Let's rock." I said, pulling down mine.
We all got Into the car.
"Calvin, cut the lights." I said, as we where a block away.
He cut the lights and inched the car forward.
"I think we're good." Mikey said.
"Rosalynn you got the snips?" I asked, taking off my seat belt.
"Yeah, Pop the trunk Calvin." She said, Sniping the clippers.
We all took one more look around and got out of the car. Drew and Martie grabbed the body, Rosalynn carried the snips, Mikey kept watch and I picked the lock. I pushed the door open and we heard a faint buzzing sound.
"Lets move." I said.
We hurried to the grinder. They set the body down, and Rosalynn snipped the bag away, as Mikey and I put on gloves. We picked the body up, and shoved it into the grinder. Martie and Drew took the bag out back. Rosalynn pushed the big GO button, and we watched as the body turned to burger. We put the meat into a bag, and tossed it into the meat locker.
"It's done." Martie said, coming over, with Drew.
"Two minutes guys, Hurry the fuck up." Calvin said through the walky-talky.
We ran from the butcher shop. I locked the door and we all piled in. Calvin hit the gas, as we heard sirens start up.
"Calvin, pull into that car wash, I want to clean the trunk." I said.
Calvin pulled up to the car wash.
"Everyone put your hats in the bag."
Once the hats where in the bag I tossed the bag into the empty dumpster.
"You three go get some drinks from that 7-eleven. Keep a low profile." I said.
"I'll go with them." Rosalynn said.
Once they where gone I lit a match and dropped it on the hat bag. I did two more, and shut the lid. Mikey and I cleaned the trunk, and then burned the gloves. The four of them came bag holding bags. Calvin handed over the keys and I drove us back to the hotel. I put the plates back on and we all took showers, and ate the subs they got from 7-Eleven.
"Get some sleep guys." I said.
Everyone took off to their rooms.
"How do you know so much about crime stuff?" Rosalynn asked.
"My brother is a Cop you know." I said, turning the sheets down.
"No, you know about the bad stuff."
"I used to read a lot Rosalynn." i said, getting into bed.
"Yeah but-"
" Good Night Rosalynn." I said.
She turned off her lamp, as I rolled over, away from her.
As soon as I put the key in the door the phone began to ring. I pushed open the door and ran to get it, while the five of them raided my fridge and cupboards.
"I've been calling you for an hour."
"Sorry I was at Mikey's."
"I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Nancy's for dinner."
"No thanks Nate."
"Okay, I called to tell you to come have dinner at Nancy's."
"I have everyone over here."
"Bring them all." The line went dead.
"Stop eating."
Everyone paused, their food to their mouth.
"We're going to Nancy's for dinner." I said, shrugging into my coat.
We all got back into the car and drove over to Nancy's house.
"Did you all hear about the body in the Meat grinder over in Jersey?" Crimson asked.
We all paused, and looked at each other.
"How do you know about this?" Nathan asked.
"Well, it wasn't a real body." Crimson said, as we all blew out some air. "It was meat, rapped in paper, with a wig and make-up. The wonder of art, I'm telling you. A couple of drunk kids took it as a joke, from the movie set. The black kid took a bag full of money."
We all looked at Martie.
"He didn't want to though, some chick with black hair, pointed her gun at him." He continued.
Everyone looked at me.
"And her chick friend that had brownish hair, ended up taking the bag, cause he didn't want to take it."
We all looked at Rosalynn.
"She took it cause a guy with black hair told her to."
We all looked at Mikey.
"So she didn't want to be seen with the bag, so a dude with light brown hair took it."
We all looked at Calvin.
"Finally, the kid with dark brown hair, called everyone pussy's grabbed the bag, and they all left."
We all looked at Drew.
"The money was borrowed from a bank of course. It's long gone, I mean I wouldn't return the money."
"Yeah, I'd keep it. I'd be scared shitless." Clover said.
"You guys okay?" Nancy asked.
We all nodded.
"How do they know the hair color?" Nathan asked, grabbing a bowl of mashed potatoes.
We all had the same look on our faces. Fuck, we're screwed.
"There was someone there, but they where hiding in the closet, so they only saw them from the back, and a little from the side. Not enough to go on."
We all relaxed a little.
"Yeah, the money's long gone. No cop in their right mind would touch that case." Nathan said. "Unless-"
"Whoops!" Rosalynn said, knocking her glass of soda over.
Everyone jumped up to clean it.
"Sorry guys!" Rosalynn said, standing. "Lola, come help me get this off will ya?"
"Right behind you." i said, tossing my napkin on my plate.
We went to the hallway bathroom.
"You know I love you right?" I asked, getting a rag.
"I know." She smiled.
"We're always going to be friends right?"
"Of course we are. Bitches til the end Promise." She said, holding up her Pinky.
"Promise." I said, taking her pinky in mine and giving it a shake.
She stood up and hugged me.
"Whoops! I think I got some soda on you."
"It's okay." i laughed.
"You shaved your head!" I said, Running a hand across Martie's head.
It was Monday morning and we where standing at our normal spot freezing.
"Yeah." He said, wiping his hand across his head.
"Why?!" Rosalynn asked.
"time for a change." He said.
"Martie without braids is like-"
"Mikey without Lola." Mikey finished, putting an arms around me, and kissing my temple.
"Exactly." Calvin said.
"Come on guys I'm still me."
"Without your swag."I said.
"Oh I have swag." He said, hitting my fist.
I rapped my arms around Mikey's waist.
"You guys are good together." Drew said.
I stood on my tip toes, so I could Reach Mikey's ear. "They don't know the half of it."
Mikey Laughed as He hugged me too him.
"What?" Rosalynn wanted to know.
"Nothing." I said, as Mikey kissed my forehead.
"I want to know." She said, pulling my hair.
"Your sounding like Pink puff ball." I told her.
"Ew." she said, drinking some of Calvin's Monster.
I looked up to see Mikey watching me.
"Hi." I said.
He gave a half smile and Kissed my nose.
"Beat it you fools!" Drew yelled as the bell rang.
We all hugged and left to class.
"Can I tell you something without you freaking out?" Rosalynn asked.
"Sure. Hey Clover, Hi P-Becky!"
Rosalynn grabbed my arm, and pulled my away while we laughed.
"Your gonna blow my cover!" She laughed.
"I'm sorry. What do you want to tell me?"
"I think Mikey's falling for you."
"Don't tell me that."
"I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you, Lola."
"He said, he loves me. That's it."
"There's something there Lola." She said, kissing my cheek and Going into her class.
I tossed my head back, and walked to class.

Mr. Kalen was going on about the civil war, as the back door was tapped on. Being the nosy person I am I looked over, and Mikey waved with a smile. My eyes flashed to Mr. Kalen, and then I waved and smiled back. He waved me forward. I shook my head, and looked ahead. He knocked again and I looked. I held up a piece of paper. I had To squint to read it.
'You won't regret it Lola. Live.'
I looked away from him and nodded. Mr. Kalen turned, to look through his desk. I grabbed my bag, and got up. People looked up at me as I slipped out the door. As the class room door closed Mikey spun me around.
"That's what I'm talking about. What do you want to do?"
"I have school."
"So do I. Come on Babe."
"You'd skip school for me?"
We were walking to the front door, me under his arm.
"Sure I would. I love you, remember?" He said, touching my nose on you.
"I don't know Mikey."
He sighed, stopped and took my arms in his hands. He smiled down at me.
"I told you, that you couldn't hang."
"I can hang!" i said, stepping away from him, and leading the charge to the parking lot.
I paused.
"Ooooh. What if we get caught?" I turned to Mikey Face scrunched up.
"Come on." He said, hand held out.
I shook my head, but
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