» Family & Relationships » And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕

Book online «And so it Goes by Chalen D. (recommended ebook reader .txt) 📕». Author Chalen D.

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I took the turn.
"See ya Sucker!" She yelled, flipping off Pink puff ball, with both hands.
"Get in the car!" i laughed.
She sat back down. We where rocking out to teenagers, when I saw Mikey walking head down, on the side of the road. I looked over at Rosalynn who was watching me. She sighed.
"Pull over." she waved to the side of the road. "Get your dumb ass in the car."
Mikey looked over and Got into the car. We pulled up and parked.
"Oooh, Nathan's home, Stay with me, bitch."
"Uh-ah! He's a cop."
"Your brothers a cop?" Mikey asked, sitting forward, and grabbing our head rests.
"thanks for the help. I hope Sasquatch eats you on the way to Mikey's."
Rosalynn gasped, and her mouth fell open as I got out.
When I came in Nathan was on the phone leaning against the counter. He pointed to the table and I sat Down. He hung up the phone and sat across from me, and wiped a hand down his face. He sat back and looked me over.
"Hi." I said.
He sat forward, folding his arms on the table.
"I got a raise."
"Good for you." I said, smacking the table.
"My girlfriend wants us to come over for dinner."
"What Girlfriend why do I gotta go?"
"Cause your apart of my family and I've been dating Nancy for a while now."
I sighed.
"I have bad table manners."
Nathan threw his head back and laughed.
"nice try kid, Get your home work done, we leave at Five."
I went to my room, put on music, and climbed through my window. When I landed on the floor I looked for Sasquatch and Ran to Mikey's. Rosalynn opened the back door, and waved me over.
"Hurry, Hurry!" She said, bouncing up and down.
I went in and she shut the door. I told her everything.
"So you think you can stay with Mikey til I get back, then I'll text you and I can Sneak you through my window."
"Yeah sure."
"Where is he anyway?"
"Taking a shower. Cheetos?" She said, tipping her bag to me.
We pulled up to a large house.
"Nice place." i muttered pushing open my door.
A Guy in a suit opened the door and led us to the kitchen.
"Stop it." The woman said, taking a shredded napkin from a boy, wearing black nail polish. I looked to the girl, and I swear, I saw Pink Puff ball's twin, Only this blonde had her hair pulled into one pony tail, with a ribbon.
"Nathan!" The woman smiled, standing.
She hugged him, and kissed his cheek. Her smile grew when she stood in front of me, and held out her hand. I liked her right away.
"You must me Lola."
"That's me." I said, with a smile, shaking her hand.
"Well these are my kids, Crimson, and Clover." Then lower she said. "I had a thing for Joan Jett."
I nodded looking around the room.
"Well have a seat, we're having roast, mashed Potatoes and biscuits. For desert We're having a cheese cake." She said Making her way back to her chair.
I looked up at Nathan.
"Can I say I'm a vegetarian?"
"No." He said, giving me a sharp look.
"humph." I muttered, sitting down in the chair he pulled out for me.
"Do you go to Broken gates high?" Clover asked.
I had to force myself to not lean away from her squeaky voice.
"Really Clover?" Crimson asked.
"What?" she asked, looking at her twin brother.
Crimson shook his head, and grabbed his napkin, continuing with his shredding.
"Crimson." Nancy said, firmly.
"What Mother? I'm an artist. We do weird things." He said, not looking at her. "Can I be excused? I have to put this in my art box, for later."
"Leave it on the table." She said, as a guy came out with the roast.
He was followed by there other guys holding a plate of mashed potatoes, biscuits and then the cheese cake. I pulled my phone out and texted Rosalynn, *kill me now.*
My phone buzzed and I looked at the text, *hang in there babe.*
I shot her a quick Hope Sasquatch eats you, and then put my phone in my pocket.
"Maybe you can all Hang out at school now." Nancy said once we were served.
My expression matched Crimson's and Clover beamed.
"I Hang out with bad scary people." i told Clover.
"She's kidding." Nathan said.
"She hangs out with Mikey And Rosalynn. She's not kidding." Crimson said.
I shot him a What-the-fuck look.
"There not bad, but sometimes they can be scary." I said.
"Well maybe you shouldn't hang out with them." Nathan said.
"We get along, Nathan, I finally fit in some where."
"I saw you going behind the dumpsters, with Rosalynn and Martie. They smoke weed back there." Crimson said.
Nathan put down his fork. Cop mode.
"I only went to piss Mikey off, and Rosalynn doesn't do that stuff, she was being look out for Martie. If you want to shove your damn nose in someone's business, get the story strait yo."
"Lola Taeler!"
"What? He needs to mind his own fucking business. I'm full. Nancy, the food was awesome, thanks for having me. I hope your happy with my brother, I really do." i said, pushing my chair back.
I went out side, to the curb and Pulled out my phone.
"Drew I swear to god If you don't come and get me-"
"Where you at, Babe."
I gave him the address. Just as He pulled up Nathan called my name. I climbed into Drew's truck and he drove away.
"Don't want to talk about it, drop me off at Mikey's please."
"You want to smoke first?"
"No thanks."
I waved Drew goodbye and knocked on the door. Rosalynn Opened the door and I walked in.
"What's wrong?" She asked, following me into the kitchen.
"I swear to god I'm going to kick his ass."
"Crimson!" i said, dragging a hand through my hair.
"It's Nancy's kid, and he kept telling Nathan, how bad the people I hang out with are, and I'm like what the fuck, mind your own you know?" She nodded. "So i fuckin told him off, and then had Drew drove me here. God I can so pull a Sasquatch right now and rip off his limbs!"
We started laughing.
"I might be laughing right now, but I'm fucking pissed." I said, stopping with the laugh.
"And his fucking sister, is like Pink puff ball's twin, and now she thinks we're best friends, stop fucking laughing Rosalynn."
"I'm sorry!" She laughed, throwing her head back.
"Are you done?"
"Look at your face!" She laughed bending over.
"I'm going home."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said, grabbing my wrist.
"Where's your retarded cousin, he's next."
"In his room."
I walked to the hallway and pointed to a door. She nodded and I pushed the door open.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"What the fucks yours?" He asked, flipping the blankets off, and standing.
"Don't play innocent."
"What do you mean Lola?"
"Why are you being distant from me? We fucked, who gives a shit?"
"Lola What's wrong?" He asked, opening his side table.
"What do you men what's wrong!"
He shoved a rolly into my mouth and brang a lighter to my lips. I held on to it, and he flicked the lighter. I took a hit and dragged a hand through my hair.
"We both new things would be different if we slept together, so why can't you just get over it. You did me a favor." I took another hit, and gave it to him.
"It's yours, sit down." he said, taking my wrist and pulling me to the bed.
As I finished it off I told him what happened at dinner.
"Can I stay here for he night?"
"Sure." he got up and grabbed a T-shirt, and Pj pants.
"Can I have boxers instead?" i asked, taking off my shirt and pulling on his.
He handed me some dark blue boxers, and I kicked off my shoes. I pulled off my pants and put on the boxers.
"Your doing it."
"The distance thing."
He tackled me onto the mattress.
"Stop I'm still mad." i said, Scooting away from him.
"Rose, Don't come in the hallway!" he called out the door.
"What are you talking about?" i asked.
He came back and layed on top of me. He pinned my arms down, by my wrists, and kissed me, hard. When I stopped fighting him, he loosened his grip on my wrists. He moved off of me and yanked the boxers off of me.
"Is sex the answer to everything with you?"
"When it's stress."
"Men are all the same. they get their sex, then they sleep, and snore."
"That's not true."
"Yes it is."
"I didn't go right to sleep after we did it the first time."
"Your right you took off." i said, pushing away from him.
"We can have a thing going."
"No, that's a commitment."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is."
He sighed and rolled away from me. I pulled the boxers on and went to the living room.
"That was fast." Rosalynn said, lighter held over her pipe.
"We didn't do anything." i said, taking her Pipe and lighter.
"Rude." she said. "oh and what the fuck is up with you wanting Sasquatch to eat me. That's fucked."
I blew out some smoke and smiled.
"Can I have it back?"
I took another hit and handed it back to her.
"We have to sleep here tonight."
"I call the couch." She said.
"Where am I suposed to sleep?"
"Sleep in Mikey's bed."
"You sleep In Mikey's bed."
She took a hit.
"Why don't you sleep in his sisters bed?"
She shook her head, her eyes wide.
"Fine I'll sleep on the floor." I said, taking her blanket.
"You get the couch." I said, putting the blanket on the floor. I put down a pillow and lay down.
I sat up and looked around, wiping my mouth. Right, I'm at Mikey's. Rosalynn was sleeping on the couch her mouth opened. I smiled and shook my head. I tossed the blanket off, and pulled on my Converse. I put the blanket over Rosalynn, and put the pillow back on the couch and then snuck out the back door. Nathan was sitting at the table, hands around a cup of coffee. He didn't look up at me as I entered.
"Where were you?"
"Don't give me that line Lola. Where were you?" He demanded.
"I was at a friends house, shit." I said, taking my jacket off and putting it on a chair.
"I asked around about your friends." he said, as I got a soda, from the fridge.
"You what!"
"Lola are you doing drugs?"
"No, I'm not doing drugs." I said, sitting in the chair across him.
"What about weed?"
"No. Why?"
"Cause I found this." He said, putting a stub on the table.
I remained calm.
"Oh, that's probably Drew's. He drove me home last night. Where'd you find it? In my room?"
"Yep, that's Drew's. must of fell or something." My eyes Widened as I brang my soda to my lips. "You went through my room!" I screamed at him.
"I had to. I was worried."
"Can't you just trust me?!"
"Lola I think it's a good idea, for me to get you into therapy."
"Fuck Therapy!"
"You rather go, or move out."
I stared at him. I pushed my chair back and went to my room. I shoved my clothes into my back pack.
"What are you doing?"
"No your not."
"well, I'm not going to therapy." I said, walking
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