» Fantasy » mlp my dream world by joe bresina (bill gates books recommendations txt) 📕

Book online «mlp my dream world by joe bresina (bill gates books recommendations txt) 📕». Author joe bresina

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 so i did some talking with my freind and he said i should go for vinyl give her one last i rode over on my harley davidson and parked in the garage i walked in to here some awkward sounds ".....da fuc?" i got closer to vinyls door and it stopped.i opened it to find that vinyl was *EXPLICIT MOMENT CUT* i ran for my life to the garage and rode back to the farm the last thing i heard from vinyl as i rode off was "joseph wait!" i got to the barn and immidietly hit the hay literaly i sat there thinking about what happened "*pant*oh my go-celestia.......i am SO gonna have questions tomarrow.

operation repropose.try 2

i went to vinyls house to try again.walked up to the door and rang the answer ring........."hello?" that was vinyl but after yesterday she probably thought i didn't want to see her so she had the door ball locked (i don't know what it's called so give me a hint.) "hey vinyl can we talk?" "WHY you probably don't want to see me after yesterday." "hey iif you can give me a valid reason for.....****ing someone when you knew i was still thinking about you i am willing to listen." she let me in and we sat down "so about yesterday.....that was one of octavia's freinds but after she heard you running she found us but then she gave us heck because of that so......i am so sorry if i hurt you." "it's ok if he pulled you into it fine bt you pulling him i can learn to accept that i guess." she pulled me into a tight hug "oh thank you joseph." "it is not so easy to breathe." i said as my lungs started dying " oh sorry so what did you want to ask me?" " well i thought about the multiple different mares i could marry but i decided." "*gasp* yes?" "i want to give you one more chance but this is you'r last chance." "oh thank you the way what were the other mares?" "well i thought about lyra heartstrings because she is obcessed with humans then i thought about trixie then i thought about zecora because i don't remember why and thats it i think." "well i am glad you chose me cause now we can get remarried on hearts and hooves day." "yes we can."

not good

 twilight asked me to talk to vinyl with her so we alked over and i knocked "WHO DA **** IS IT I AM BUSY!" "whoa um hey vinyl it's just me." "oh hey come on in." we walked in and she was looking stressed "uh you ok vinyl?" she was looking all around "uh yeah i am fine." "well you look.........jumpy." "*sigh* i'm just a lttle afraid something will happen." "that's understandable." "hey twilight is it ok if i talk to joseph....alone?" "huh? oh yeah sure." she walked out "ok joseph look into my eye's and please tell me everything will be alright." she took her glasses off to reveil her red eyes "um yeah" i fell flat on my back and the last thing i remember was her saying faintly "perfect part 3 complete."

the wedding of me and vinyl.....AGAIN

 so the dayhas come for me to remarry vinyl.Fair warning though it is pretty much just like a canterlot wedding so instead look that up and pretend the bride and groom are me untill i get unlazy and write the chapter

the negotiations

 ok this is going to sound odd but i was sitting in my room and i decided and remembered "oh **** if spring is arriving soon that means that....the rainbow factory." but just then i remembered that vinyl invited me to a concert and she was using the song awoken the same song that h-8 seed used when he escaped the rainbow factory so i went to work rehearsing the song and memerizing it and after like 10 tries i was ready "hey vinyl!" i yelled in my head "yeah?" "i was wondering can i sing in the concert tonight i have been trainin." "oh my celestia yes this would be perfect to rebuild or relationship." "afterwards i am going to talk to bronydanceparty about shutting that monstrosity of a factory down." she agreed and i had the idea "ok so the plan is you will wheel a coffin out i will be in it and when my time comes i will awake so the song says and we will begin." again she agreed and we began after a few words from me (i will be talking in between verses)


hey we are protest........the RAINBOW FACTORY


What cause have I to feel glad?I've built my life on judgement and causing pain.I don't know those eyes I see in the bloodstained chrome.Now everything that I've had and everything I've known have been thrown away.And with time I've come to find this isn't my home.


I've stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.I try my best to block out the screams,but they're haunting me in my dreams.Please break my shackles,I want it to stop.


i am not the only one that has gone through the torture h-8 seed is also here today (he sings the next verse) he worked there but then he found the pony in himself and decided to quit explain your feelings h-8 seed


I man these wretched machines.Day in, day out, the grinding wears on my brain.Undermining my sanity, making me question my reality.


But life is not as it seems.Should I take a chance of freedom and throw it all down the drain?I've been imprisoned, please burn my transgressions away.


I've stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.I try my best to block out the screams,but they're haunting me in my dreams.Please break my shackles,I want it to stop. (stop stop)


and now we know the pains that have haunted us together we WILL BRING DOWN THE RAINBOW FACTORY (me and h-8 seed sing this now)


I've stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.


I'm sick of hurting, sick of thinking it's all I do.I break those around me, those spared are very few.But the bright sun is burning, and my sky shines ever blue.Friendships surround me, I'm becoming a part of you.I try my best to block out the screams,but they're haunting me in my dreams.Please break my shackles,I want it to stop




as the song ended they all rushed with passes to see me i gave out many autographs and then we heard "ATTENTION THE NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOW BEGGINING EVERYONE MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE NEGOTIATION ROOM." we made our way there and i saw brony sitting at the end of the felt like the day the unicorns pegesus and earth ponis fought about the windigos that they did not know about."the negotiations may now commence." "let me start with one thing, my offer i am offering you a few choices if you choose niether of the first two i will find you and hunt you down secondly if there is any violence in the room from spectaters i will ask them to leave now i am giving you the first 3 choices

1. tear down the rainbow factory

2. leave equestria

3.allow us to execute you

i am sorry but theses are the only choices we could think of so choose quickly or my forth rule will come into play.if you choose none of the choices you will be executed on the spot."

he thought for a few moments "*sigh* ok i see well i guess i can't really leave so i will tear down the rainbow factory.and so the negotiations were over this ends the rainbow factory and anything involved with it

winter wrap up:FINALLY
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