» Fantasy » mlp my dream world by joe bresina (bill gates books recommendations txt) 📕

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before hand we entered slipspace and i had to wait untill we approached the destination. the station of the heretics

 after 5 days we finally arrived at the destination "by the gods...." the arbiter said when i got a look "what it's just a space station." "not just any space station it is the station of the heretics. all of the heretics that disbannded from the covanant came here but i thought it was a myth." "well i guess it is time to restore the faith of the covanant then." he nodded and we began to figure a way to destroy it safely "ok i got an idea but bear with me. do we still have that phantom that was used to escape them?" "yes but why?" "that is the important part of getting in now the plan is


we don't have any neccesarily safe way in so heres the plan we use the phantom your troops stole and we dusguise it as a garbage phantom when the real one arrives we get aboard and take the data drive then we use that to sneak aboard when their guard is down we sneak over to the hangar force feild controls and we disable it then the plan from there is to get the big spikey covanant bomb to the core now we could just put the bomb in the garbage area but that wouldnt destroy just a portion so it needs to go the the core to destroy the whole thing when we place it we need to hurry to the phantoms and get the hell out of there."


"that sounds like a crazy plan but if it works but we don't make it it has been an honor serving with you......joseph." when i heard the arbiter say my name i swear i almost feinted "alright i need a cloaked phantom out there ready to board the garbage phantom." and so the plan began

and so it begins

 joseph david bresina reporting in as i may or may not die when i attack the station tonight wish me luck and as for you desktop vinyl scratch.......i love you

a little story of what vinyl did

 ok so i am doing something different today i am going to write a little vinyl pov and octavia pov before i come home won't be done immidietly so don't be too mad.


vinyl pov 

it was a whole day after joseph had left and i had been thinking 'joseph is gone and i have octi and the house to myself....i guess i can relax for a while' so i sat down and started some of the songs he gave me they are indeed very energetic i liked them a lot they remind me of the first time i met joseph the time he really loved me and.... "arrrgh i need to get my mind off him while he's gone." so i went to our game room and started playing some cod world at war but then i got bored of that and started thinking of joseph again "AAAARRRGHH i cant stop thinking about him." "then perhaps you are eager for him to come back." i recognized that voice " long-" "long enough." "*sigh*yeah i kinda am i guess a part of me really loves him and not hates him." i said as i sat back "well we all have that speacial someone and it looks like you two are made for eachother." i looked around "yeah maybe you are right i need to go walk." and i walked out the door


octavia pov


ever since joseph left vinyl has been acting strange i tried to help her get her mind off him but i found myself thinking for him myself "hm maybe i myself am also aching for his safe return..." i got back to my usual chello practice but as i got further i slowed down as i started thinking about him again "i really do hope he returns safe."


vinyls pov


as i entered the house i heard the video chat come up and i couldn't beleive what it was JOE


i pressed answer and his face came up "OH MY CELESTIA JOE." "hey vinyl i am glad to see you too how have you been?" "alright but everyone has been hoping for your safe return." "i can see from the happiness on your face." "yeah i havent been able to stop thinking about you." "well i will be landing momentarily-" VIDEO DISCONNECTED i waited a few moments KABAM "holy-" "sorry we just came out of slipspace." "oh i guess thats what's what the big bang was." "yeah i will trust you to get me in my military uniform i will be busy doing homework for school untill 7:00 which is when the ceremony is." "ok thanks." "yep bye." VIDEO CHAT ENDED

it was so nice to know that joe was home and i got to get him in his uniform so i get to kinda see him soon.


ok so tell me if i should do more vinyl pov with octavia ocassionally or no much appreciated

arriving in equestria

 finally i have arrived in equestria and things couldn't be better i was getting ready for my- i mean our ceremony as we just did something even the arbiter couldn't do.well that's half right vinyl was getting me in my military suit as i was doing homework that night but when i arrived i was welcomed with a big hug from you know who "OH MY CELESTIA JOSEPH I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE." "yes i am very well enough alive." and so they called me into the room to get my medal and all



"ahem today we have accomplished something we- more specifically the arbiter have been trying to do for a long time.we have finally destroyed the station of the i am sure none of us not even myself understand how they take care of these heretics but i did what the arbiter told us to do but were it not for a spartan in our army we wouldn't have completed this daunting task." i got ready for what i was about to get "the spartan that made this possible goes by the name joseph." they all cheered as i walked up to the podium "joseph david bresina you this day have completed a task that we would've found impossible and for this reason and for protecting the lands of equestria me and the princess would like to give you the medal of courage." he turned to celestia "and the medal of equestrian honor." they handed me the medals and i walked up to the podium "thank you general and celestia this has been a few terrifying months but with the help of the support of all my freinds i completed this task i was never alone i have a few elites to thank for the help as well as the arbiter." the arbiter and the 2 elites that provided the phantom walked up "i would like to personally thank the arbiter for all of the supplies that he gave me to finish this daunting task." i handed him a medal "and i would like to provide you two elites for staying with us this whole way fighting with us providing the phantom that you took from these heretics and such i give you two the best medals you could ever get thank you for the help." they took their medals "and now i would like to say a few words.i am very grateful that you all stayed in faith of me even when times looked bleak but what kept me going was knowing that i had a wife to return to thank you vinyl for never stopping to think of anything else aside from me and as for you my unsc soldiers you have fought well but i beleive it is time for us to part again." and with such said they departed on the exodus and i prepared to relax for now...

new ideas

 as usual i need ideas give me hints as to what to do with vinyl

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