» Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Soccerluv4 *

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smoothie for Dana before heading out the door after the pack. They all got into their expensive cars, leaving me to walk to school. Of course they would. They couldn’t be burdened with having me flaw their perfect reputation.
I was the freak at school, the loner. I was always like this, even before mom’s death. People thought it was weird that I barely talked, so they avoided me. To be honest, I was just a shy kid, but people were always quick to judge. Then, following the death of my mom gave them another reason to justify their stereotype of me. I almost never talked anymore. I just went through class like a mindless zombie.
The leaves stirred, flowing with the cool breeze. It was a cloudy morning, but not the kind that said it would rain any second. More like the calm clouds that were covering the sky while the breeze whipped around. I loved this kind of weather, it was calming. The clouds were just slightly grey, the breeze slightly cool, and the temperature slightly warm. It was a comforting autumn day. I breathed in the smell. The musk scent of woods, leaves, fresh dew, and human civilization floated up my nose. Before I knew it, the school came into view. I’d almost lost myself in the breathtaking scenery. Shaking my head, I entered the school hallways.
The school was quiet nice for a high school. The hallways weren’t too murky and bland. Looking down the hallway, I could already see the popular group sitting by the main stairs. They mostly consisted of my pack, and some humans. In the center of it stood Drew, with his arm draped around Dana, while she sat in his lap. She was wearing his varsity jacket.
‘At least it covered her scantily clad clothing,’ I thought, dropping my gaze and walking towards my locker. Grabbing my books, I walked off towards my calculus class. Fortunately, Dana or her so called “friends” weren’t in this class. Partly the reason why I took advanced classes, no Dana in any of my classes. Unfortunately, that meant all star quarterback, straight A student, Drew Blake had to be in all of my classes.

I was the first one in class. I walked towards the window, seating myself furthest away from the desks where Drew and his group sat. Mr. Gregory was busy writing on the board, barely acknowledging me as I walked in. Not that it mattered, this was my usual routine: get into class before the others to avoid any bullying they would do to me. Well, either way they were gonna bully me, but at least it wasn’t early in the morning.
Glancing at the clock, it read 7:25. 5 more minutes till class started.
Sighing, I got out my calculus book and started reading the chapter. Yes, I know, how nerdy to be reading the chapter before it’s even taught. But that’s me. I want to escape this hell hole I call my life, and if I was going to do that, I’d need to be smart enough to get into a top tier university. Then I could move thousands of miles away from this place. I’d take Sammy with me, and I’d visit Ethan and Olivia at their apartment every month. Just the thought of those ideas put a smile on my face. But just as quickly as it got there, it wiped off. The sounds of laughter and gossip grew louder as students filled their way into the classroom.
Turning back towards my book, I waited for the class to fill in. Mr. Gregory began his lesson, talking about formulas and graphs. I mindlessly took notes, trying to pay attention as my mind was having an internal battle with itself. The rational side wanted me to pay attention, but this other side-my teenage girl side?-was daydreaming about Drew. What the hell? Since when did I care about that jerk player? I took in a deep breath, trying to channel all my energy into paying attention to class. I looked back up to the board and began taking notes again. Today just didn’t seem to be my day.
Finally, the last bell rang for school to end. I waited till everyone ran out of class before gently picking up my belongings. My sides still hurt from getting kicked in the ribs a couple days ago. Thanks to my in-famous father dearest. Wincing slightly at the pain, I grabbed my things and shuffled out of class. I always stayed behind for 10 or so minutes. I didn’t want to arrive at the same time as the others in the pack.
Making sure the coast was clear; I walked out towards the main doors. I turned a corner, only to bump into a wall-a human wall to be exact. I braced myself to hit the ground, but it never came. Instead, warm arms encircled my petite waist. I looked up to my savior.
His aqua blue eyes shone with amusement, yet they felt warm and inviting. His beautiful face was angular and masculine. His luscious black hair was gelled up in a messy style. The large arms encircling me felt strong, and muscular. It was then, that I realized how we probably looked.
I blushed, stepping away from his grasp. He frowned, something that didn’t look right on his perfect face, before smiling sheepishly.
“I-I’m sorry,” I whispered, averting my eyes to the tiled floor beneath me. I hugged my books tightly to my chest, almost like a shield. I half expected this stranger to look at me disgustingly; to hurt me, but nothing came.
I looked back up to his face. His eyes held curiosity and a little bit of-confusion?
“It’s alright. I’m Jake, Jake Donovan. And what might a pretty lady like you be doing after school this late?” his strong, masculine voice replied.
Wait, did he say late? I thought it was only 3? He must have noticed my shocked expression because he chuckled.
“Yeah, it’s almost 4,” he laughed. My eyes widened in disbelief. Oh no! I know I get home later than the others, but not this late! They’re going to flip! I’m going to be their entertainment tonight, as their freaking human punching bag! Yet again, he noticed my agitated state. This guy was like some mind reader!
“I’m guessing you’re not supposed to be here too late. I can drop you off if you’d like? But for that, I would like to know your name...?” he chuckled.
“Um, yeah sorry. I’m Arianna Mitchell. And if you don’t mind...” I trailed off.
“Of course not! It’s not every day that you get to drop off such a beautiful looking girl. I’m sure all the guys would be jealous,” he grinned at me, guiding us towards the parking lot.
He was quite the character. Smart, funny, charming. But why would he be talking to me? Oh, he must be new. No wonder I don’t recognize him. Too bad I don’t have any classes with him.
“So, are you new?” I said, politely making small talk.
“Yeah, I’m starting tomorrow. I just registered. What about you? What grade you in?

“I’m a senior,”
“Wow, me too! Maybe I’ll have a few classes together with you! But I don’t know, I don’t want to distract you from class, with a sexy hunk like me sitting there,” he smirked, waggling his eyebrows at me suggestively.
I laughed. Wow, how long has it been since I’ve actually laughed. Today has seriously been a strange day.
“So, I was wondering, if you could take me to your alpha. I’m a new werewolf here, and I need to join the pack. So if you don’t mind...?” he questioned me.
Oh, I’m so stupid! How could I not smell his werewolf scent!? I smiled back, before replying.
“Sure. I live in the pack house. I’ll take you to him,”
“Great!” he replied.
And that’s how the ride went. Him and I talking easily back and forth, chit chatting about nothing. It was nice to talk to someone who didn’t judge me, or look at me with pity. Sooner than I wanted, we arrived at the pack house. I led him through the house, glad that nobody noticed that I was missing.
‘Why would they?’ I snorted.
‘I know, they’re just a bunch of stuck up losers. Don’t worry, we’re better than that!’ replied my wolf.
She was such a sweetheart to talk to. She helped me through my pain and suffering, yet still remained strong. Must be the beta blood, I always told myself.
We finally reached the large French doors of Drew’s room. I hesitated, before knocking the door. I could feel Jake behind me. He was standing awfully close, that it brought a slight tinge to my cheeks.
The doors opened, revealing a sexy looking Drew. Woah, sexy!? What the hell is going on with me! Since when did alpha Drew look sexy to me? I mean, yeah he was attractive, but nothing more.
‘It’s probably my teenage hormones. And the fact that I’m a werewolf enhances them,’ I told myself mentally.
“What?!” Alpha Drew spit out, teeth clenched.
“A-alpha D-Drew, this man w-wants to j-join our pack. H-he wants to talk to you,”
Drew’s eyes softened as he noticed Jake behind me. Jake’s eyes, however, seemed to harden.
“Thanks Arianna,” Jake smiled at me before walking into the room behind Drew.
Drew shot me a look once more, before slamming the door in my face. Tears pooled in my eyes, but I held them back. I was used to this lack of respect, but why was it affecting me now?
Sighing heavily, I retreated up to my room. At least here I was safe. After changing out of my clothes into a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt, I headed over to Sammy’s room.
Sam was playing with some of the other kids of the pack. They were all gathered around on the floor, playing with toy cars. I chuckled.
“Hey little guy, what’s up?”
“Ari!” Sam cried, before jumping up and wrapping his tiny arms around me. His head hit my stomach, while I rubbed his back. Bending down to his level, I chuckled before kissing him on his forehead.
“Glad to see you to buddy,” I smiled at him.
“Ari, can you play cars with me, Todd, and Chase! Please, please Ari??” my brother begged with his puppy dog eyes. Darn, I could never say no to those eyes.
“Alright Sammy, but only for a bit, okay? Ari needs to make dinner for you after,” I stated, tickling his tummy. He squirmed and giggled before grabbing my hand and leading me towards his friends.

Chapter 3

I flopped down onto my hard mattress. I was unbelievably exhausted. After playing with Sam for an hour, I had to cook and clean before doing my homework. I was hoping to let sleep overtake me, but I guess I was wrong.
Someone knocked on my door, making me jump up into position. I walked towards the door cautiously. When I opened it, Ethan was standing there smiling.
I arched an eyebrow at him, confused. Why was he all happy?
“Ari, I know how tired you are right now but I need to tell you something important,”
“Sure Ethan, what’s up?” I sat down on my bed, patting the side next to me for

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