» Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Soccerluv4 *

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him to sit on.
“Okay,” he stated, settling down next to me, “so you know how I was gone all day?”
I nodded my head, lying down on the bed, my feet still hanging off the side. Ethan mirrored my move.
“Well, I went to check on Olivia, and guess what, she’s pregnant!” I shot upright, looking at Ethan for any sign that admitted he was joking. His face was serious and his grin stretched to either side of his face.
“Ethan I’m so happy for you guys! I can’t believe I’m gonna be an aunt!” I smiled at him. He stood up, grabbing my hands and circling them around his waist. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my forehead.
This was one of the reasons why I was glad my brother didn’t treat me badly like the rest of my pack. Sam and Ethan were all I had left. I hugged him back, inhaling his masculine smell with a mix of light cologne and Olivia’s perfume.
“Hey you two,” a soft feminine voice interrupted us.
I looked towards the door. There stood Olivia with her arms outstretched. I ran towards her, greedily accepting the hug.
“Congratulations, Olivia. I’m so happy for you two,” I told her. She smiled back at me and kissed my forehead.
“Thanks Ari. You look tired. Ethan and I are just going to head up to our apartment. Goodnight sweetie,” she said kissing my forehead lightly and hugging me.
“Night,” I whispered as they headed out the door.
Walking back towards my bed, I snuggled into the thin sheets. I just lay there, thinking about life.
How could Ethan and I be remotely related? Here he was, total jock, handsome, smart, caring, funny, protective and most of all, he had a mate that he loved. They were going to be a family soon and live happily ever after. Me, well...I guess fate has never sided with me.
I began to drift off to sleep when I heard the door open a crack. A blonde head of hair stuck in.
“Ari,” Sam’s blubbery voice said.
I rushed over to the door and held him. I let him cry on my shoulder, wetting the t-shirt I was wearing.
“Shhh, it’s okay Sammy. I’m right here. Shhh, it’s alright. Do you wanna sleep here tonight?” I murmured into his ear.
He nodded, gripping his teddy bear tightly. I picked him up and carried him over to my bed. Laying him down softly, I planted a kiss on his cheek before snuggling in myself. Wrapping a protective arm around him, I snuggled him closer to me. I knew it was one of Sammy’s bad dreams about mom and dad. He always had them. I’m surprised he still remembers the death all these years, considering he was only 2 when mom died.
I drew in a breath, inhaling Sam’s scent. It immediately calmed me, helping me fall into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 4

Walking aimlessly to my locker, I was side tackled by none other than, Melanie. Melanie was my only friend. We both had been social outcasts. However, I could never understand why Melanie was one. She had light blonde hair that fit her perfectly shaped face. Beautiful blue eyes and a toned slim figure were striking aspects about her. If Melanie had grown up normally, she probably would have been quite popular. The thought saddened me. I’m glad she was the way she was. I felt kind of guilty for being glad that Melanie was a shy orphan, but without her, I don’t know how long I could have survived my depression.
“So guess what?!” she giggled in my ear.
“What?” I smiled at her. Leave it to Melanie to make my usual depressing day into a bright one.
“Well, since it’s my birthday on Friday, I thought we could go to our favorite spot and hang out?” she asked, biting her lip.
“Of course Mel! It’s your birthday. We’ll go, I promise,” Her face morphed from nervous to happy. Soon I was smiling; her smile was too contagious. She squealed before linking arms with me and pulling me to class. I sighed. Best friends, can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.
The day was going endlessly slow. I was walking over to English when I saw Mel. She smiled at me and stepped beside me. Walking in sync with each other, we chatted about nothing before reaching our class. Melanie seemed slightly agitated, which confused me.
We got in and sat at our usual seats, but Melanie kept glancing around, trying to spot something. I looked at her confused, until I saw Jake walk into the doorway. He was looking handsome as ever, with a grey long sleeve shirt- highlighting his abs I must add-and some casual black skinny jeans. This hair was messy like before, but it looked sexy on him, not as sexy as Drew though-wait woah? Drew again? What is wrong with me?!?
Melanie must have noticed me looking up, because when she did, she just stared at Jake. He was looking right at her with the same look on his face. Both of them seemed to be in some trance. I was about to tap Mel when the teacher walked in, silencing the class. The girls began giggling flirtatiously at Jake, which seemed to anger Mel. I had an idea about what was going on, but I wasn’t exactly sure. I’m guessing they were...
“Mate” both Jake and Mel said, when Jake walked towards them and sat in the seat next to Mel. I smiled, happy for them. Jake grinned, ear to ear, while looking at Mel lovingly. I couldn’t help but giggle quietly at the two lovebirds.
“Erhm,” I said, clearing my throat, “Mel, this is Jake, Jake, this is Melanie, my best friend,”
“You two know each other?” Mel asked me.
“Yeah, I kinda bumped into him yesterday-literally,” I laughed.
“Melanie, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he said to Mel, making heat rise quickly to her cheeks. I smiled at them before looking away at their intimate moment. I longed for that so much.
Just as I looked up, I met the familiar eyes of Drew, standing at the doorway. Oh shit, I just looked him in the eyes! I was never supposed to do that! He’s probably going to beat me after school! I shivered at the thought, but somehow didn’t feel scared that he would hurt me.
I looked back up to see him still standing there, staring at me with a loving look in his eyes. Wait, loving!? No that can’t possibly be it. Just as soon as it was there, it was gone, the familiar grey blue eyes staring at me with disgust. I looked away, tears brimming at my eyes. Why was he making me feel so heartbroken? I’d never acted this way before, why now?
“Hey Ari, you okay?” Mel said quietly, her hand on my arm as she looked at me with concern.
“I'm fine,” I whispered, knowing clear and well that she heard me. We were werewolves after all.
She nodded hesitantly, yet giving me a knowing look that meant ‘we’ll talk later’. I nodded back before staring at the teacher, trying to drown myself in class and avoid the unnecessary thoughts that plagued my mind.
English had gone by extremely long and uncomfortable. I could feel Drew watching me the entire time, but I never looked his way. It was nerve wrecking. Trudging my way to lunch, I spotted Drew leaning against Dana in the hall. They were doing some x-rated kissing. Normally, I would’ve looked disgusted and walked away, but today, I stood there watching them. My anger was boiling and all I could do was stare. Before they noticed, I shook my head and walked into the cafeteria, ignoring the tugging pull at my heart for leaving Drew behind with that skank.
I spotted Mel sitting on Jake’s lap. They were eating and Mel was blushing, while Jake smirked at her. I stifled a laugh. They were too cute of a couple.
Jake noticed me first and waved. I waved back before walking towards them and sitting across from them. Mel noticed me and grinned mischievously. My eyes widened. Mel was planning something, and it wasn’t going to be good. Before she could say anything though, I was roughly pushed into the table, the edge digging into my already hurt ribs. I bit my lip, holding in a scream. Jake seemed to reach out towards me, while Mel growled lowly at the guy that pushed me. I gave them a small smile, although it was hard to considering I was still biting my lip, but I managed to show them that I was alright. Jake and Mel were still a bit skeptical, so I just shrugged at them.
“It’s okay guys, not like it hasn’t happened before. I’m just gonna go to the bathroom okay?” I stated, getting up to go check on my bruises.
“I’ll come with you!” Mel said, abruptly standing up. She wobbled a bit, before Jake grabbed her waist, steadying her.
“N-no, it’s fine. I’ll be back in a bit,” I said in a rush. I walked towards the cafeteria doors and stepped into the hallway.
Letting a breath out, I closed my eyes, steadying myself before walking to the bathroom.
The mirror greeted me to a small girl, whose eyes were glistening with tears. I shook my head at my reflection. Sighing, I pulled my shirt up a bit, checking on the bruises. I was glad nobody else was in the bathroom. Evidently, I spoke too soon.
Slam! The door banged. I turned around trying to spot who it was. Before I could, I was slammed against the wall, a muscled body pressed right up against me. Tingles and sparks lit my skin like a lick of fire. I was mesmerized, until I remembered the compromising position I was in with some stranger. I looked up, gasping in shock at who it was.

Chapter 5

Drew’s eyes bore into mine, making me shiver and look down. I finally realized we were against the bathroom wall. The door was closed again, and by the looks of it, seemed locked. Damn, my escape plans just went down the toilet. I laughed inwardly at how ironic that thought was, after all, we were in a bathroom.
“W-what are y-you d-d-doing?” I stammered, mentally cursing myself.
His gaze softened as he looked at me. Before I could comprehend, he had his face buried in my neck, inhaling my scent. I bit back a moan.

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