» Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Soccerluv4 *

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looking Drew pressed against me. Our sudden position reminded me of this morning at school and I blushed involuntarily.
“Don’t ever say that,” his voice hissed, cutting through the air like a knife.
“B-but you said-“I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine. The sparks that ignited were breathtaking. Little bursts of flames that burned between us as our lips collided. My stomach was doing summersaults inside at the close proximity, yet I felt so complete, so whole, so loved, that I forgot everything around me and delved myself further into the kiss. That was, until I finally came back to my senses. I broke the kiss first, pushing myself away from him.
“A-alpha!?” I whispered.
He growled lowly before attacking me with his lips once more. He bit my bottom lip, making me gasp and pushed his tongue further, prodding around my mouth. He tasted like sweet honey and vanilla making me ache for more. All too soon, the kiss ended.
“Don’t call me alpha! I’m your mate!” he growled grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. I gulped before looking back at his eyes, which were a darker blue-grey and staring at me with lust and love. I was completely confused with his bipolar emotions. On one side he treated me like shit; on the other, he loved me like a true mate would.
“S-sorry, D-drew,” I whispered again, looking back down and away from his hypnotizing eyes.
He lifted my chin up and planted a soft kiss on my lips. It wasn’t like the other one, hungry and possessive. This one was sweet and inviting, like a normal boyfriend would give to his girlfriend.
“I’m sleeping in your room tonight. Everyone from the pack is gone tonight. I sent them all away,” he ordered.
“W-what about Sam?” I asked.
“All the kids are with the older wolves, I told them it was important that they stayed there tonight,” he answered nonchalantly, like it was the most normal thing to do.
I sighed, knowing there was no way I could defy the alpha.
“A-are you sure you want to s-sleep h-here? M-my b-bed is kinda s-small and u-uncomfortable,” I knew I had to tell him the truth about my bed, and I was kinda hoping he wouldn’t want to stay. Yet the last part did send a pang through my heart. I repeat, stupid mate bond.
He smirked before grabbing my hips and pressing me closer to him.
“This isn’t some way of getting rid of me, now is it?” I was seriously tempted to wipe that smirk off his face.
He grabbed me, pulling me over his shoulder and walked over to my bed. Dropping me to the bed, he climbed on top of me and leant down, kissing my lips yet again.
He pulled back, his infamous smirk plastered onto his handsome face as he rolled over to the side and propped himself up with an elbow. I got up and turned off the lights, knowing that he was watching my every move the entire time. I got into my bed, and pulled up the covers.
I gasped when an arm shot out and wrapped around my waist, pulling me to a muscled chest-a naked muscled chest at that! I tried squirming away but he just pulled me back and blew hot breath in my ear.
“Now, now, kitten, I don’t think you should do that,” he smirked against my neck. I shivered at the touch. Damn him and his effect on me!
Sighing, I gave up the fight and let sleep succumb to me.
I woke up to the sound of rustling. Turning my head slightly, I realized I was alone in my room yet again. I sighed, content, yet somehow felt upset that he left me.
Looking at the clock, I realized it was 5 am. Just my luck. I got out of bed, fully awake now and ventured into the bathroom.
I opened the door to find a wet looking Drew with a towel wrapped dangerously low around his hips and wet beads of water trickling down his sculpted body. I found myself staring until I heard a chuckle. I blushed crimson before turning around and running the hell outta there.
He walked out again, still wrapped only in a towel and smirked at me.
“Like what you see, babe?”
I scoffed at him, but soon realized what I did and prepared for a slap, but nothing came. I opened my eyes, one at a time, to find Drew looking at me with sadness and guilt. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.
“Did you think I was gonna hurt you?” he asked so softly that I almost doubted myself for hearing it.
“N-no,” I said quietly, looking away to the ground. Again, my lack of lying skills was so evident that I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t believe me.
“Ari, stop lying, you were scared that I would hit you. I’m so sorry for whatever I’ve done. Please forgive me. I feel like a jerk for what I’ve done to you. Please, please forgive me baby,” he whispered, coming closer and eventually wrapping me in his arms. I forgot the fact that he was half naked, but instead, enjoyed the warmth of his body on my arms, how I molded into his body perfectly. I was enjoying his embrace until he pressed us closer together. I fought the urge to scream as he pressed tightly against my bruises on my stomach and ribs. Sadly, I still let out a muffled yelp, which Drew had heard.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry!” he rushed out, inspecting me for any signs of hurt. I just shook my head no, but I was already too late. He pulled up my shirt and stood staring at my bruises. His face contorted to one of rage and he dropped my shirt before charging out of the room. I stood there confused at his actions yet again. This boy was clearly deranged.
School was yet again, boring. I listened animatedly to Melanie go on and on about how her date with Jake was absolutely wonderful. I felt like the worst friend at the moment, but my thoughts were too preoccupied with Drew. Why on earth would he outright make fun of me and hurt me like usual, then act like nothing happened and we were the loving mates that everyone admired? What was his deal?
I tried to avoid him like the plague. Hallways, class, even the lunchroom were spent finding escape routes so he wouldn’t see or hear me.
I was walking out the school doors, preparing myself for a walk home when Drew’s sleek Lamborghini Gallardo ran by me. The window slid down, revealing a smirking Drew and an evil looking Dana. I sighed, rolling my eyes, before continuing my walk quietly on the sidewalk.
“Hey freak! Make sure you walk a little extra today! You could lose the extra weight!” Dana shrieked at me, laughing along with Drew. The thought of him laughing at me sent my heart reeling in pain, but I said nothing. If I did, I’d probably get beaten yet again. Drew leaned over on Dana’s side and looked at me with an amused expression.
“Oh and don’t get wet!” he laughed, before speeding off his Lamborghini, effectively getting me wet by the water that splashed off his tires. I grimaced at my wet clothes, and decided a little shifting wouldn’t hurt.
I snuck into the woods, stripped off my nasty, wet clothes and shifted. The open feeling felt wonderful on my caged in wolf.
Before I knew it, the time had flown by, and I was facing the packhouse yet again. I let out a long, exasperated sigh before walking in.
Sadly, I wished I didn’t.

Chapter 7

There, sprawled out on the lavishing couch was a heavenly sight.
Drew was hovering over Dana, spreading kisses on her neck, while she moaned and rubbed herself all over Drew’s lower body. I grimaced, before tears pooled my eyes and I wished they would retract. I wouldn’t let Drew see me so weak. He’d enjoy making me suffer. The damn bipolar jerk. His behavior wasn’t even close to what was appropriate of an alpha, but I guess it was reasonable. He was a guy, a werewolf guy nonetheless. Of course they were going to be horny dogs. But the fact that here he was, screwing over the slut of the pack, when he’d already found a mate, made my wolf howl in agony.
I just walked away from them-barely acknowledging the dry humping they were doing-and headed off towards the kitchen.
After making a quick snack for the others, I retreated to Sammy’s room to check on him. He was, as expected, playing with his toys.
“Aribear!” he yelled, throwing his arms around me.
“Hey little man,” I chuckled, running my hand through his soft honey colored locks.
“Aribear why you crying?” he whispered, pointing at my face that was still drenched in tears.
“Oh nothing sweetheart. Now tell me, what did you do at school today?”
His eyes gleamed with happiness.
“Ari, today a girl was being picked on, and I helped her and told everyone to leave her alone!” he huffed proudly. I ruffled his hair again before smiling at him.
“That’s my little hero,” I laughed.
The sound of deep chuckling flooded my ears as I shot up straight. I turned around, finding Drew standing there. I stood in front of Sam protectively, shielding him from any abuse he might see.
Drew looked pained and hurt for a moment before he covered it off with his usual smirk. I frowned, backing up slowly, while making Sammy follow closely behind me. We walked backwards, bit by bit, till I made sure he was a safe distance from Drew.
“Hey Sam, I bought you a cool new bike! Want me to show it to you?” Drew crouched down, outstretching his hand. I gripped Sam’s arm firmly yet soft. I didn’t trust my voice at the moment to say no, so I just went with holding Sam back.
Drew studied me a moment before sighing.
“Your sister can come too,” he smiled at Sammy.
“Come on, Ari can we go, pretty please?” Sam whined, making me smile.
“Okay, but you have to finish your homework too buddy!” I playfully scolded him. He nodded before running past Drew. I looked at Drew again, almost getting caught up in his icy blue grey eyes. I shook my head of those thoughts and followed after Sam.
We walked towards the garage, with Sammy running in front of me, while I took quick and quiet steps behind him. I felt Drew’s presence right behind me. So close, in fact, that I could feel his body heat sparking with my own, making me shiver.
I scowled, clenching my fists at my side. I didn’t like his effect on me. I didn’t want this. Any of this. It was all a mistake by the Gods! Why on earth would I be compatible with this walking, talking human devil?
My wolf growled softly, probably upset that I insulted our mate. But too bad, he didn’t deserve any of my kind words.
Arriving to the garage, I opened it up to find a brand new bike. It was a shiny blue with silver and

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