» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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she sped to him. After that the only thing Brandon, Sarah, and Drew could see were two blurs punching, kicking, and clawing at each other. He heard a soft musical sigh, one he wasn’t used to and looked around. Suddenly the two children were held apart by what seemed to be a wall. They stopped, both of them breathing hard, their clothes showed the signs they were in a fight. Brandon had a bloody nose, it was probably broken, and Luna had a split lip.
“Really, children, you have to learn to get along.” He heard a voice say, a voice that made him completely aware of her presence. She slowly came to his vision, her hands were braced apart and she smiled lovingly down at the kids. She was floating… in the middle of the room… right near the chandelier.
“Let the wall down, fey.” Rosa growled, her green eyes flickering to amber, showing just how close she was to going wolf.
“Do no such thing, Valerie. LunaRosa Greene, if you don’t come up here this instant I swear to Mother Moon I will-“
“I’m coming mother.” Luna said sadly, then looked to Ander one last time.
“This isn’t over, don’t think that just because your little friend helped you out that I’m not going to attack you again. Because I will, when you least fucking expect it, I’m going to jump on your ass and make you wish you were never fucking born.” She spat at him, ignoring her fathers growl each time she cursed.
“You’ll grow tired by then, you’ll have to get used to me.” Ander said snidely, knowing it was true.
“Like all hell I do-“
“Hush, pup.” Valerie said then flicked her wrist at Luna; her mouth shut closed and she looked to the fey with narrowed eyes.
“Listen to your mother’s orders, go upstairs and straight to bed.” Valerie said calmly, never raising her voice or looking thrown off. Luna growled but complied and did as she was told. Molly watched as her daughter passed by her with an angry scowl on her face. She looked at Valerie, then down the hall to where her daughter was quickly retreating then back to Valerie.
“That is some Nanny McPhee stuff right there.” She said, then looked to her other two children who stood there, growling and wordlessly snarling at the fey.
“Jesse, Cara. It’s time for you to go to bed too.” They would listen to her, the only one that didn’t was Rosa. They, grudgingly, walked up the stairs stopping to hug their parents. Thomas put his hand on his son’s shoulder to stop and leaned down so they were eye to eye.
“I know that they’re against you right now, but you did good. Us Greene’s have a way with our mouth. It tends to get us into a whole bunch of shit, but we also stick by what we say. If what you said is what you actually think then no one can hold that against you.” He told him, Jesse’s eyes watered and he hugged his father tightly. Jesse wasn’t afraid to show emotion around his parents, they would never hurt him. Thomas hugged his only son tightly to him, knowing that if he didn’t the child wouldn’t think he was loved. Thomas ruffled his messy red hair and kissed his forehead.
“Go on to bed, we’ll be by to say goodnight later.” He told Jesse, who merely nodded and did as he was told. He looked up to see Molly eyeing him with shining eyes.
“What Alpha mom?” He asked softly, moving closer to her and wrapping her in his arms.
“You did great Alpha dad.” She said softly, wiggling her bottom against him. He immediately stirred to life, his wolf coming to the surface.
“Well, pet, I do that sometimes.” He growled in her ear, enjoying the way she stiffened at the nickname.
“C’mon, babydoll, we’ve got something else we need to do.” She said huskily, letting her wolf come out as she walked away from him. And, just like that, the chase was on. Chapter 6

Valerie floated down, her hands twinkling as the spell diminished from her body. She resisted looking at her mate and focused on the parents of the kids she was babysitting.
“I take it they’re ready to go home.” She asked, wiping the spell off her hand by clapping them together. She threw a pointed look to Ander and shook her head. The boy was so much like his father it was hilarious.
“I thought we spoke about the temper.” She chided softly, smirking as he rolled his eyes.
“You talked, I mostly just nodded occasionally. Just like dad taught me to.” Drew made an urgent noise and she looked up to see him making a line motion across his throat. It was too late though, his mate had heard.
“Just like dad taught, hmm?” Sarah asked, raising a brow to her mate. Valerie had grown to love Sarah. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind or tell somebody off. She had ben trying, though, and that had to count for something.
“Well, when he says dad he really means some boy he met in school. Isn’t that right son?” Drew said nervously, Valerie could see the faint blush on his caramel cheeks.
“No dad, I remember you saying loud and clear ‘Just nod and smile, son, I do it with your mum all the time-“ Drew made a stressed sound and Valerie walked to the boy. She put her hand over his mouth and smiled slightly at Sarah.
“He’s had too much excitement. Isn’t that right Ander?” She asked him, making the boys head go up and down. She felt something sticky and looked down.
“Oh, shoot. I’ll fix that right up for you Ok?” She told him, and quickly snapped his nose back in place, but sucked in his pain for her own. She’d grown very good at doing that. She’d been doing for eight years and she’d keep on doing it. He smiled his Ander smile up at her and thanked her.
“Would you like me to call you a cab to the house, or do you guys have it?” She asked, looking back up at the couple, only to find they weren’t there. They were holding Brandon down in the black couch.
“Calm down, man.” Drew growled out, struggling to keep his wolf at bay.
“I-I can’t. H-he sense her n-now. He w-wants to m-mate her, to make h-her his o-own.” Brandon growled out his voice fluctuating in anger.
“Valerie, babe, your gonna have to help us out here.” Sarah growled out, trying to keep her friend from jumping up. Summoning on her power she thrust her hands forward, letting the magick flow from her hands and into his body. He stopped fighting for the shortest time and shook his head, his eyes glowing bright amber. He sneezed then looked up to her with dazed eyes, maddened eyes.
“Doesn’t work like that doll, your spells have no pull on me.” He growled, then fought again, this time harder and more feral. A flustered look appeared on Valerie’s face as she geared more magick up. She pulled from the tips of her toes, all the way to the ends of her hair and threw it at him like a cannonball. The force made him stop and close his eyes, a pained expression passing on his face. His eyes snapped open again and he roared, his eyes burning into his soul. He thrust his arms out, making Sarah and Drew fly across the floor. Ander growled and went to his mother, making sure she was fine. Brandon didn’t care, though, he was on a straight bee line towards her and nothing could stop him. Or so she though. A blur flew from the downstairs and landed in front of Valerie. Luna stood there, her hands fisted at her sides and a furious scowl on her face.
“Stand. Down!” She growled lowly, making each word a furious sentence, as she stomped on the ground. A wave seemed to flow under the floorboard of the house that flew him back into the couch; making it fly back.
“My family is up there sleeping, dickweed, so calm your wolf down and shut the hell up!!” She growled out, her red curly hair flying back a little as loose magick wound around her body. She turned to look at Valerie.
“I don’t have a use for it, want it?” She asked, offering Valerie her palm. Valerie took it eagerly, knowing it would help her keep the pain at bay better.
“I expect you’ll be taking the brat and her ass home with their parents?” She asked, raising a brow. Valerie gave a quick nod and smile.
“Thanks for that.”
“No problem, just don’t let me save you too much, might have to kill you myself after a while.” Rosa joked dryly then walked back up the stairs. Anna flew eagerly down the stairs, bumping into Luan’s shoulder and ignoring the warning growl she gave off.
“We’re leaving, aren’t we?” She asked, her blue eyes holding hope and excitement. Valerie, again, nodded and made circular motions with her hands. The Mascot’s slowly vanished with golden sparkles. She’d sent them to the house that they’d bought, just past Thomas’ land. She looked to her mate, who still seemed to be in shock from Luna’s attack. She walked to him and felt her body come to life from his nearness. He looked up at her drowsily. He wouldn’t remember most of this night, probably. She sat on her haunches next to him.
“Why couldn’t you just accept me as I am, you big dummy. Look what you’ve done to yourself.” She allowed herself a small taste as she put her hand on his cheek. He whimpered at the feel of her skin on his and tears pricked her eyes.
“I miss you, I’ve missed you every night for eight years. Because this is your choice, and your choice only, I will continue to miss you. Sooner or later, though, I’m going to grow tired of missing you, and I am going to move on,” he growled weakly at that and she smiled weakly “I’m telling you this so that you know. Either your choice changes, or who my heart belongs to does.” With that she kissed his forehead, letting one tear fall, and disappeared.

Chapter 7

He woke up with one hell of a hangover. Which was strange, he couldn’t remember drinking anything. He sat up and looked around to see he was on the couch, which was on the floor. What the fuck happened last night, he grumbled in

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